Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Stanko Franković

If you are heading towards the church from the direction of the town of Drenovski, at the ‘Romano’ café on the left is Stanko Frankovića Street, which cuts down Ivana Žorža Street and extends all the way to Žminj. In this very busy street there is a kindergarten, a market "Brodokomerca", a furniture store and, interestingly, two hairdressing salons!

Stanko Franković, after whom this important street bears its name, was born on September 8, 1919 on Drena as the ninth of ten children of Ivan Franković and Marija born Štefan and the nephew of professor Fran Franković. Early in 1942, he joined the liberation movement, as did many young people from Drenovci.

In the "Zbornik Kastavština" No. 1 from 1978, Mr. Vilim Štefan, in the text "Young Kastav area in the People's Revolution", states, inter alia:

Skojevska grupa Drenova:

Vilim Štefan, Valter Francetić, Bruno Francetić, Stanko Franković, Vence Mihić and Stanko Hlača.

They all died except Vila Štefana.

According to Stanko's cousin and cousin who live on Lokva, he died on September 1, 1942 in Tuhobić when their group was surrounded by Italian soldiers.

From Kastav Collection No.1

In the online list of the origin of the name of the street Rijeka, it is stated that he died in the area of Pakleno below Obruč, and the dates coincide.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Sergio Turconi

Sergio Turconi, one of the most reliable and respectable names that the Italian community of Rijeka could boast in the field of literary criticism, was born in Caronno Petrusella near the town of Varese in 1928, and died on Drena in 2019. He arrived in Rijeka in the second half of 1946 to participate in the construction of socialism in society with Alessandro Damiani i Giacomo Scottie. All three came from Italy, at short intervals from each other and from different regions, and all three started working in EDIT publications, starting with “La Voce del Popolo“, where Turconi was the first editor, and later other publications. Turconi has always been involved in the cultural sector mainly as a literary and historical critic of literature.

La Battana Quarterly Promoter for Culture

He should also be remembered as a promoter, together with Luciano Giuricino, the two-week ‘Via Giovanili’ and the three-month period for culture ’La Battana“, of which he was editor-in-chief from 1964 to 1989, together with Eros Sequi and Lucifer Martini. He remained attached to the Italian Community even when he left Rijeka for Belgrade at the beginning of the 1960s, where he was a correspondent ’La Voce’ and where he graduated and obtained his doctorate with the dissertation “Italian Neorealist Poetry” (1970). Later, he was a lecturer at the Department of Italian Studies at the Faculty of Philology of the University in the capital of Yugoslavia, in that position until his retirement in 1997. For many years he travelled between Belgrade and Istria, making a valuable contribution to the creation of new pages of literature by Italians of these countries. In 2014, he returned from Belgrade to Rijeka on Drenovo, where he spent the last years of his life.

For decades he was engaged with “La Battana” in the organization of conferences of writers at the international level and during that time worked on the survival and growth of literature in the ranks of the Italian community of Istria and Kvarner. He was, along with Giacomo Scotti, the last survivor of the second generation of our writers. After Ramous, Sequi and Martini, three of Italian descent, Turconi was the first in the three that also included Damiani and Scotty.

Commitment to the affirmation of Italian literature (CNI)

There is no periodic publication of EDIT, from daily newspapers to journals that have entered its history, on whose pages Turconi's texts do not meet. We should not forget its important role at the international conferences of critics and historians of literature for the affirmation of literary creativity of the CNI.

Turconi has always preferred literary criticism and essayism over his artistic work. His main researches are the study of neorealist cinema (‘Neorealism’, Nolit, Belgrade, 1961) and literary criticism entitled ‘Italian neorealist poetry’ (Mursia, Milan, 1977). Only a few times he devoted literature to personal writings. Among his essays, it is worth noting the “Literature of Italians in Yugoslavia and its Emigrants”, in the “Literatures of Emigration” (prepared by Jean-Jacques Marchand, Issues of the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation, Turin, 1991). In this text, Sergio Turconi reaffirmed the fundamental historical role of the first generation of compatriot writers, passed on to those of the new generation.

Without Borders The history of Drenov

The Pants Brothers

The main street of Drenovski's new settlement is the street Brothers Hlača. It stretches from the junction with the Drenov Road near the Drenova Community Centre ("Granica" as it was called by the old Drenovčani) to the junction with the Ivana Žorža street at the Drenovska ambulance. In the continuation, it extends into the newly built so-called A road and thus became the traffic vessel of Drenova, because it took on the former role of the Drenova Road in connecting Drenova with the city center and the city with the central city cemetery.

Street Brothers Pants

I would like to meet the inhabitants of Drenova, especially the younger and newcomers (the older people of Drenova know this for the most part), who and what were the brothers of Hlača after whom the street was named.

Kablari, the house of Peršići. On the left, Libero Kukuljan, Franjo Peršić (accordion), Stanko Hlača, Josip Hlača and Bruno Francetić. Before the Second World War.

I will use this article Vila Štefana “Memories of the revolutionary workers and youth movement of Drenova” from the book “Drenova – education and historical development” (Rijeka, 1987).

Already before Hitler's attack on Yugoslavia on 6 April 1941, the Italian authorities began to prepare for war and in order to protect their citizens, residents of Lower Drenova, evacuated them by train and buses to northern Italy. Upper Drenova was soon, just a few days after the beginning of the war, occupied by the Italian army, so that after 17 years of such freedom, Drenova fell again under Italian occupation.

The Yugoslav army did not resist, the king fled abroad, Pavelic gave Italy half of Croatia by agreement with Mussolini, Hitler concluded a non-aggression pact with the USSR. In such conditions among the people of Drenova, and especially among the young, raised in the national and anti-fascist spirit, despondency and discontent arose. But not for long. Already at the beginning of July, the first Kosovo unit of young people from Drenovci was founded, from which the first fighters in partisan units are recruited.

One of them was the first of the brothers. Stanko Pants, who died on 15 September 1942 in Modruš in battle with the Ustashas. In retaliation for the increasing departure to the partisans, the occupier also punished innocent people, so on June 6, 1942, at Banovo Križ near Kastav, twelve young men were shot, including Josip Hlača, The other of the brothers. On January 1, 1945, Chetniks invaded Drenovo, arrested and handed over all suspicious people to the Germans. And so is the third and youngest of the brothers. Wenceslaus Pants, arrived in the camp Risiera (Rižarna) near Trieste where he ended up in the crematorium.

Vilim Štefan writes like this:

It was a terrible tragedy for this family, and for all the people of Drenovci. Poor Martin (father) had three baptized and mature sons. One (Pepeta) was shot by the Italians at Ban's Cross, the eldest son Stanko was killed in the battle with the Ustashas, and the youngest Vence, a councilor of Drenova, as a victim of the Chetniks.

Drenova and Drenovčani, preserving the memory of three young patriots, named one of the main streets in their place after them.

Without Borders The history of Drenov

Ružica Mihić

If from the direction of Škurinje from the crossroads at the school you go down the street Brothers Pants, the first street on the left is Ružica Mihić Street. It starts at the children's playground above the former shelter, and ends with stairs leading to a large parking lot near the Central City Cemetery. This quiet, tree-lined street rightfully bears the gentle female name of Drenovčanka Ružica Mihić.

Ružice Mihić Street


As we occasionally publish articles about our streets in our newspaper, I decided this time for this one, since I know Ružica's brother, Mr. Atilije Mihić. At my request, he gladly agreed to talk about his sister.

Tell me a few words about your family. Where did you live?

Rose is the oldest, and I am the youngest child of the seven of us that our parents had. She was born on October 18, 1921, and I was born in 1939, so there is a full 18 years difference between us.

We lived in our house in the hamlet of Tonići in today's Bruno Francetić Street.

Given the big age difference, I don't know much about her life in her youth. I know that she went to school on Donja Drenova, which had belonged to Italy since the Treaty of Rome in 1924, so the school, like all schools in Rijeka at the time, was Italian. Tonići belonged to former Yugoslavia, but at that time Gornja Drenova did not have schools. Later she finished her course for the spike. According to my parents, I know she should have gotten a job, but the war ended everything. And now I have her workbook, but without one day's work experience.

As you say, the war has begun. How and when did Rose get involved?

At the beginning of the war, Drenova had two men who were partisan fighters from the very beginning of the war: my brother Venceslav Vence Mihić, two years younger than Rose and Vilim Štefan who were the bearers and instigators of the resistance to the Drenos. Gradually, many men from Drenova went to the forest to partisans. Women remained and became the bearers of fieldwork.

In “the Kastav Compendium’ No. 1 of 1978 in art.  “Women of the Kastav area in the National Liberation Army 1941-1942.” by Milka Milenić-Nežić writes:

Ružica Mihić from Drenova is a member of the SKOJ, then a member of the CCP. Her activity is versatile. He brings and distributes the press, collects and carries food, brings new fighters to berth, goes across the border, works with young people and women. . . . She continued to do so until January 1945, when she was arrested by Chetniks, tortured and abused, and then surrendered to the Germans. She was taken to a concentration camp and never came back.

Rose became actively involved in the resistance very early in 1942, at the urging of her brother Vencet, and worked actively in the field, just as she writes in the aforementioned article. I have to say that she was First woman secretary of SKOJ.

Can you remember how it came about that she was arrested?

I know exactly and I remember every detail even though I was only five years old. In 1944, a young fighter, a partisan from Drenova, was wounded and came home for recovery. The Chetniks, who were already retreating westward, found him wounded, spoke in pain and said some names. In a large raid from Benashi to Kablara, they captured about twenty elderly people. Among them was a woman who denounced my sister. Rose, knowing she was in danger, slept at her aunt's house.

On the very day of William of God in 1944, she came home in the morning when a group of Chetniks appeared with whom was also the woman I mentioned and said: “This is the Ružica Mihić you are looking for.” They ordered her to get ready. Like I remember now: She went into the kamarin to get dressed, two Chetniks after her. One of them nakedly ordered her : “Hurry up, hurry up”, while the other said: “Let the woman get dressed because she goes into the unknown”. I mean, there were people among them.

The Chetniks handed her over to the Germans who took her to St. Matthew, then to Trsat and then to prison in Via Roma. At the beginning of February, she was transported to Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany. When the Americans liberated the camp in May 1945, she was still alive. When the Drenovci Marija Tomašić married Fućak, Christina, I don't know her last name even though I knew her husband and children and another woman, who were in the camp together with Ružica, returned to Drenova, they said that Ružica was too weak to withstand transportation home, she had only 38 kg.

The Americans kept her on recovery, but she did not endure it and died in August 1945, at the age of twenty-four, of which we received official notification. Marija Tomašić Fućak brought some small things, mirrors and makeup that Ružica sent to her younger sister, which is why we know that at the time they were going home she was still alive, but too weak to withstand the way to the house. My brother Milutin Milo Mihić He died as a partisan in the battle for the hospital on St. Peter's Mountain, so the war took two children to my parents, and to us, the children's brother and sister.


Subsequent research at the address Archives of Arolsen We found out that Ružica was staying and, unfortunately, died in the infamous congregation Bergen-Belsen. The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp is one of the most horrific sites of Nazi crimes during World War II. She was imprisoned and died in that camp. Anna Frank.

We do not know whether Ružica was imprisoned in Dachau and subsequently transferred to Bergen-Belsen, but according to the documents that they kindly submitted at our request from the aforementioned address, we learned that after the liberation of the camp on April 15, 1945. Rose was taken to a hospital near the camp and died on July 15, 1945. (See pictures). She was buried in the common tomb of No. I 3.

Ružica Mihić's final resting place - Common Tomb No.13
Archives of Arolsen – The International Centre for Nazi Persecution, formerly the International Search Service (ITS), is an internationally run centre for documentation, information and research on Nazi persecution, forced labour and the Holocaust in Nazi Germany and its occupied regions. The archive contains about 30 million documents from concentration camps, details of forced labor and files on exiled persons. The ITS preserves the original documents and sheds light on the fate of those persecuted by the Nazis. The archives have been available to researchers since 2007. May 2019 The Centre uploaded around 13 million documents and made them available to the public online. Archives are currently digitized and transcribed through the crowdsourcing platform Zooniverse. As of July 2020, around 27% The archive has been copied.

Without Borders The history of Drenov

Vilim Štefan – Drenovčan who indebted Drenova

Vilim Štefan was born on Drenova in 1920 and died in 2010. He is certainly on the list of our fellow citizens who are important for our Drenova, so we will remember him with the help of our archive and the conversation that was conducted with William a year before he left us, and was published in our Drenovski list.

The interview was conducted by Christian Grailach and was originally published in the Drenovski list no.16, from April 2009.

Writing in our journal about Drenova’s past, I often cited the book as a source of information “Drenova – education and historical development“ (Rijeka, 1987), which was published on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the Drenovska school and in which Vilim Štefan, my current interlocutor, wrote several articles.

These stories about Drenova's past remained to this day almost the only written testimony about the customs, cultural events and struggle of the Drenova people for the preservation of national identity in the times of imposed Hungarian, Italian and fascist rulers. And that's why I think the statement I made in the title is not exaggerated.

Mr. Štefan, who welcomed me in his house on Gornja Drenova, was introduced by Alberto Mihich, who also, in his own way of painting, preserves Drenova's past, so I had the great pleasure of being in company and talking to two, as I would call it, chroniclers of Drenova.

Mr. Štefan, for a start, tell me something about yourself, introduce yourself to our readers.

I was born on May 12, 1920, in this same house. I spent my childhood not so hard, and I can't even say it was easy. In fact, life was hard at the time, and my family was just like everyone else.

I started elementary school at Donja Drenova, which, as we know, in 1924 by the Treaty of Rome, together with Rijeka, belonged to Italy. When the Tunić school in Gornja Drenova was built in 1930, I continued my primary education in the Croatian language in our new Croatian school. From that time I gladly remember teacher Ribarić who, as well-read, cultured and extremely musically wrestled, passed on knowledge to us young Drenovci. After elementary school, I attended and completed 4 grades of Gymnasium in Sušak.

The political and cultural life of Drenova at that time was marked by the work of the Public Reading Room Drenova, in whose work I myself became involved, so at the end of the thirties I was also the secretary of the Reading Room.

I remember from that time Ivan Matetić Ronjgov who came to our house since we are a distant family and who wrote folk songs on the field. This is how he came to listen to Ivan Petrović - Rapinić, a well-known Drenov musician on sopele.

The previously mentioned violent division of Drenova greatly affected life. Many residents of Gornja Drenova were employed in Rijeka's companies, such as in the Tobacco Factory (Palt). As Rijeka was in the then Italian state, these employees were put before the decision to, if they want to keep their jobs and livelihoods, opt for

Italian affiliation (so-called citadinanza) or for the loss of a job that was difficult to find even at that time. Even today, I vividly remember my barba Stanko, who also worked in Rijeka and who was pressed by the decision to opt for Italian citizenship or lose his job crying, saying: ‘Hrvatska mat me j’ gave birth, and moran da san Italian’. And the nona said: "Enroll Stanko, ter you will remain vavek what you are vavek bil - Croat".

And then an even harder time came – the Second World War started!

That's right, war was the hardest and also the most active part of my life. I can say a little good about the war in which I ignored one ear when we were lying in the snow in Lika for fifteen days. The war took my brother Milivoj who died at the age of 18. I was not a hero, but I did not run away from the obligations and difficulties of war and I am proud of my contribution to freedom. After the war, I worked on Brioni as a manager and met Tito often. When I lost my job at Brioni, I got a job at Cleanliness in Rijeka as a worker and gradually progressed to the post of director of Parks and Plantations.

In the book “Drenova – Education and Historical Development”, you participated with your several contributions, which make up almost half of the book. How did you get so much data from Drenova's past?

Even as a student and later as a young man, I often sat next to the elderly, grandparents, father, mother and listened to their memories of the past. Some things I wrote down, some things I remembered. As I was interested in the past of our region, the initiative to publish the aforementioned book was very welcome. It was a unique opportunity to publish my writings and memories and thus enable younger people to get acquainted with the customs and turbulent days of the history of Drenova.

How familiar are you with today's events on Drenova?

Given my age, I'm not as interested as I used to be. I must say that Drenova has always been neglected and somewhat forgotten by both the media and politicians. In recent years, I have heard and I see that a lot has been started on which I have to congratulate.

Do you read Drenovski list? What do you think of him?

I read it regularly and I like it. I like the fact that there is no politics and that it is focused on life topics. I would especially like to commend the fact that the list can find out what is being launched and what is planned for Drenova's progress. I'm also happy to read stories from Drenova's past. All praise to the initiative to launch the newspaper and the people who are working on its realization.

The history of Drenov Drenovski list

Drenovski list – list of articles and authors from 2006 to 2020

Page: 542 Title: 583 Authors of contributors: Approximately 60 


Abbreviations: Damir Medved (DM), Christian Grailach (CG), Dolores Linić (DL), RZ (Robert Zeneral)

Number Page/title number Release date Headings, short content (author)
1 4 / 18 March 2006 Drenovci, o list, reasons for launching, purpose (editorial board)
the Local Committee Council, address, opening hours, contact
Activities initiated by the MO Council, text, table (DM)
Current comment of the President of the VMO, unresolved issue of traffic in the university settlement under construction (DM)
Fran franković Elementary School (Snowflake)
Red Cross Drenova (Ester Sterpin)
Drenova Society of Voluntary Blood Donors (Adelmo Ladašić)
Parish of BDM Carmelite (Draško Maršanić)
the Parish of St George the Martyr (Draško Maršanić)
Mixed Choir DVD Drenova (CG)
Lahor, choir of BDM Carmelite parish (Draško Maršanić
DVD Drenova (Ivo Oreskovic)
Drenova Bocce Club (Dušan Štefan)
Sport club Leone (Maja Cetina)
Hunting society “Lisjak, lovna grupa “Lubanj-Drenova” (Livio Benčan)
Women's volleyball club “Drenova” (Radmila Pešut)
Rijeka City Library, branch of Drenova, Address, opening hours, novelties of the library fund (Dunja Bogić)
Addresses, phone numbers, opening hours of major institutions on Drenova
2 6 / 10 April 2006 Information from the parishes of BDM Carmel and Sv. Juraj (Draško Maršanić)
First issue of Drenovski list promoted (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO on a minibus for Kablare, Tele 2 antenna in Žminj (DM)
Dren, Drenjula – the plant after which the area where we live is named (DM)
Information on the operation of shops and service activities (CG)
Help and Protection Associations, addresses, contact (CG)
Information Centre of the City of Rijeka, citizen service (
Benefits in transport for persons with disabilities (
Notifications: Drenova Bocce Club
Introducing: Kindergarten Drenova, Darts bench Romano, ŽOK Drenova
3 6 / 6 June 2006 Current comment by the President of the VMO, Subtitles: Rejected proposal of MO “Drenovska pedestal”, Devastation of communal inventory, Editing of drainage roads, Collecting consent for the arrangement of B. Francetić street. (DM)
Concert in the House of Culture on Lokva (CG)
Founded Activ woman Drenova (CG)
Exhibition of handicrafts(CG)
Information on the work of service activities, shops, catering facilities, continuation(CG)
Timetable of bus line 11(CG)
4 8 / 10 July 2006 The current comment of the President of the VMO, Unbearable Lightness of Refusal (DM)
Conversation with the Occasion: the Reverend Gabriel Bratina (Larissa Smokvina)
Days of Drenova 2006, Calendar of events
Musical life of Drenova, History(CG)
Drenova once and now, church of BDM Carmelite(CG), pictures comparison
Feast of Our Lady of Carmel, Dan Drenove (Draško Maršanić)
News from the Drenov Library (Dunja Bogić)
125 years of the Society of the Red Cross Rijeka (Ester Sterpin)
Sports at the Drenova Days
Drenova, notes and lyrics of the poem Drenova(CG)
5 6 / 10 September 2006 Current comment by VMO President, Traffic Safety – Years of Living Dangerously (DM)
Occasion Interview – Alberto Mihich, painter (CG)
Days of Drenove 2006, Event description (CG)
Musical life of Drenova, sequel (CG)
Drenova once and now, pectin and butega pul Benaši (CG)
Apartments for the University of Rijeka (CG)
Solemnity in the Society of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Recognition of VMO Drenova for a legal entity, DDK Drenova (CG)
New premises of the Drenova Library (CG)
Performance of the choir DVD Drenova, Matejna 2006. (CG)
6 8 / 10 December 2006 Current comment of the President of the VMO, One year of work of the current Council - what is and what has not been done (text and table) (DM)
Lecture held, Hope - Breast Cancer Group (CG)
Celebration of Saint Nicholas (CG)
First Anniversary of the Drenova Reading Group (Jasenka Alić-Tadić)
The first mushroom exhibition on Drenova (Božana Maršanić)
Drenova once and now, Boundary (CG), image
Drenovske Addresses - Cvetkov trg (CG), Article
Concert at Fran Franković Elementary School, Stipe Bilić (CG)
Invitation to the Christmas concert of the choir DVD Drenova(CG)
The schedule of st. Mass for Christmas (Draško Maršanić)
7 8 / 9 February 2007 Cover page, Fine are the masks, picture (CG)
The current comment of the President of the VMO, still on tele2 antennas, traffic safety, destructiveness – constructivity (DM)
Armada – lifestyle, how young people express their love for their city and the club they are rooting for (CG)
Announcement of the exhibition “Three women – three artists”(CG)
Drenova – desolate 2007, by image and word(CG)
Drenovske Addresses - Pants Brothers Street(CG), Article
Dreno's once and now, Chapel of All Saints(CG)
Christmas concerts, choir performances DVD Drenova
Why this, parking problems (CG)
UABA Drenova Annual Assembly(CG)
8 8 / 8 April 2007 Front page, church of Sv. St. George, photo (CG)
Conversation with Occasion, Reverend Nikica Jurić (Draško Maršanić)
Announcements from Drenovski parishes, Easter (Draško Maršanić)
Drenova – historical dashes; History of Drenova (Dušan Štefan)
Saint George - saint and martyr, on the occasion of the day of the parish(http / /
Events on the occasion of International Women's Day, Concert in Elementary School, Exhibition “Trižene – three artists (CG)
The role of the local board in local self-government (
Announcement of the concert, for St. John's Day. Juraj, choir DVD Drenova, tamburitza players Zametskega korena (CG)
9 12 / 11 July 2007 Cover page, Photos of Drenova (CG)
Current comment by VMO President, Urban(highlight)e Stories – new settlements with no entrance/exit, Drenova – the green heart of the city (DM)
Drenova Days 2007 – calendar of events (CG)
UPU Upper Drenova, objectives, VMO guidelines, table, draft (DM)
Fran Franković Elementary School Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Working in the New School Building (Snowflake)
New Drenovska knjižnica (CG) opened
Exhibition of paintings “My Drenova”, Alberto Mihich (CG)
News from UABA DrenovaDrago Abramović)
New young firefighters (CG)
We asked the reader (CG)
New on the Drenova, newly opened craft shops (CG)
10 8 / 11 October 2007 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment by President VMO, Cvetkov trg or Cvetkovo parking lot, Drenova Market – does it make any sense at all?, UPU G. Drenove, Minibus, Dom kulture na Lokva or Bronx? (DM)
Do you know? What municipal works are carried out in the area of MO, that in the area of MO Drenova is the largest water reservoir of the Rijeka water supply system (Mojca Spinčić, KD Vodovod i kanalizacija Rijeka)
Days of Drenova 2007, Event description (CG)
Annual awards of VMO Drenova awarded (CG)
A couple besed by domestic, the Dre Homeland Association was foundedNew (Dinko Mavrinac)
The Initiative for the Establishment of Drenov Majorettes (CG)
Đakon Marijan Benković in the parish of BDM Karmelske na Drenova (Draško Maršanić)
Word of the Editorial Board, o a call for cooperation in terms of donations for the sheet
O installation of the gas network on Drenova (Duško Radulović, “Energo”)
News from Darts Club Romano (Romano Ketović, Secretary)
11 12 / 16 December 2007 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment by President VMO, review of work in 2007 (DM)
News from Grohov (CG)
Drenova Retirement and Elderly Club Opened (CG)
From the past of Drenova-Počivala (CG)
Central facility on CGG Drenova (KD Kozala d.o.o. Rijeka)
News from the Drenov library (CG)
Announcement of the exhibition “The Magic World of Naive Art” (CG)
Celebration of the jubilee: 10 years of church choir (Draško Maršanić)
From the work of the UABA Drenova branch (Drago Abramović)
New children's playground (CG)
Volunteering and volunteers (CG)
Invitation to Christmas concerts of the choir DVD Drenova (CG)
Celebration of Saint Nicholas(DL)
Notifications: Local Association Drenova, Bocce Club Drenova, Singing Choir DVD Drenova
Thanks to the Editorial Board the individuals and institutions that have made it possible to print the list;
12 12 / 16 February 2008 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment of the President of the VMO, meeting of the VMO with the Mayor and representatives of the City Administration (DM)
Association for Assistance in Addressing Drug Addiction Exodus (CG)
Komunjska šterne on Drenova (CG)
Released on the Drenove in 2008. (Matthew Mavrinac)
Drenova Voluntary Blood Donors (CG)
Majorettes: Founded branch of Drenova (CG)
Meeting of the UABA Drenova branch (CG) held
Mounted speedometers (DL)
The success of the darts club Romano (CG)
Exhibition “Joy of Living” held )CG)
We present you the Drenov painters: Pavo Marčinko,Biserka Mihić (CG)
Ecological action of the inhabitants of Kablar (DL)
Singing choir DVD Drenova, performances )CG)
News from Drenov parishes on the occasion of Easter (Draško Maršanić)
News from the Local Committee Secretariat (DL)
13 12 / 15 April 2008 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment by VMO President, Cvetkovi trg decorating, 2008 activity plan, G. Drenove UPU, Krenula Line 5b, Drenova – Digital Local Board (DM)
Marked two-year DL (CG) exposure
Interview on the occasion, Reverend Nikica Jurić (Božana and Draško Maršanić)
Activist women Drenova, actions (CG)
Drenova Bocce Club, Assembly (CG)
Couple besed by homemade, interview with Marina Štefan (CG)
Club of pensioners and seniors Drenova (CG)
Organizations in the City of Rijeka in the Prevention of Addiction (
Ri rock climbing sports club, talk with the founders (CG)
Internet - communication without borders (CG)
Announcement of events: exhibition Women's activism, choir concert, exhibition by Hana Dutina
Demir Barić's project, Rijeka's Local Partnership Programme (CG)
We present you the Drenov painters: Hana Dutina, Valerija Stuck (CG)
News from Rijeka Chamber of Commerce - Drenova Branch (Dunja Bogić)
14 12 / 15 July 2008 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment by VMO President, Citizens' Choirs – one-way street or highway communication?, Background to the problem of POS apartments (DM)
Anto Dedić Drenovski kontakt-policeman, interview (Božana Maršanić)
Twenty years of kindergarten “Drenova” (teacher DV Drenova)
Renewal of the Youth Mass (Vlč, Marijan Benković)
Interview on: Marco Graziani - violinist (CG)
Student Exchange Fran Franković Elementary School - Eisenstadt / Austria (hope crucifixion)
Singing Choir DVD Drenova, performances (CG)
Dreno Majorettes (CG)
We present you the Drenov painters: Željko Delač (CG)
Ri rock climbing club, activities (CG)
In the alley of defenders presented a new memorial park (CG)
Drenova – the green heart of the city? (DM)
Poor use of minibus for Kablare (DM)
Drenova Days 2008 – calendar of events (CG)
15 16 / 17 December 2008 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Should Drenova be allowed to turn into a “ghetto”?, Initiative for the establishment of a police headquarters (DM)
Upgrading the subcentre of preschool education Drenova (Marija Japundža, DG Education and Training Unit)
Awards within the project “I love Croatia, I love Rijeka” (www.rijeka,hr)
Electoral Assembly of CK and DDK Drenova Held (CG)
From the work of the Drenov Library (
Rijeka Local Partnership Programme, realization of D. Barić's project (CG)
We present you: Stpe Bilić, pianist (CG)
Days of Drenove 2008, word and image (CG)
From the history of Drenova, Drenovčani u World War I (Draško Maršanić)
Drenova Reading Room – 100 years since its inception (CG)
We present you the Drenov painters: Tihomir Ivancan (CG)
Lecture by Ivo Grohovac from Rijeka (CG)
Football club Drenova (Ivica Brletić)
Ri rock climbing club, activities (CG)
Celebration of Saint Nicholas (DL)
Announcements from Drenovski parishes (Draško Maršanić)
16 8 / 13 April 2009 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment of the President of the VMO: If it is worth it to be polite, Anthological proposal of Mr. Škunce, Refurbishment of sidewalks along the Drenovo Road and St. Mark's Street is worth it. Juraj, UAB Drenova - Disappearing Antifascism (DM)
Allocation plan for municipal priorities(DL)
Bulk waste container installation plan(DL)
Free IT education for citizens (
Invitation to citizens for proposals on the arrangement of communal facilities (
Judgment in Pust Janez – (CG)
70 years of the parish of St. George the Martyr on Gornja Drenova (Vlč. Nikola Jurić)
Vilim Štefan – Drenovčan in charge of Drenova, interview,(CG)
Creative workshop for preschoolers(DL)
Sports climbing competition on Drenova (Demir Barić)
UABA Drenova Annual Assembly (CG)
Thank you to the Hope Club
17 16 / 15 July 2009 Front page, collage of photos about the events of last year's Days of Drenova, (CG)
Current comment of President VMO:VMO Drenova 2005-2009, look back, Meeting with the Mayor, Arrangement of sidewalks - great support of citizens, Arrangement of Flower Square - presentation,(DM)
Report on the implementation of the allocation plan for municipal priorities, table,(DL)
Realization of works planned for 2008, table (DL)
Katherine Trinajstić, winner of the annual award of the City of Rijeka (VMO Drenova)
Couple besed by homemade: Egidio Mihić - centenarian from Drenov (CG)
Drenova Bocce Club – on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of its establishment (Marino Štefan)
Activities of the choir DVD Drenova (Božana Maršanić)
We present you the Drenov painters: Ivo Kajzer (CG)
Dance group “Leone” Drenova (Maja Cetina)
IFrom the past of Drenova: Chapel at the top of the Rebre (CG)
Drenova – The green heart of the city; municipal mess (CG)
League final boulder - BLIK 2009 (Demir Barić)
News from GKRi - Drenova Branch (Dunja Bogić)
Days of Drenova 2009. – calendar of events (CG)
18 12 / 9 October 2009 Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Volunteer work and how to help the community in the age of rebalancing, Security, jurisdiction, opinions, traffic lights, Is it easier to organize a circus with television than to invite the local committee, Drenova on Wikipedia!, (DM)
40 Years of Consecrated Believers in Drenova – Reverend Gabriel Bratina (CG)
Days of Drenova 2009. - in words and pictures,(CG)
With the upcoming works on the renovation of the bell tower of the Drenov church, (Marino Štefan)
With the start of the new school year, (Marina Frlan – Jugo)
From the past of Drenova – With Grohov Day, (CG)
Couple besed by domestic - Miljenko Štefan, (CG)
Action “Let's choose the most beautiful garden”, Award ceremony, (DL)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of VMO:MO Drenova - an example of successful local self-government, VMO councillors continue to work until May 2010, Security, jurisdiction, opinions, traffic lights, Letter from Rijeka Prometa, Public presentation of the proposal of UPU G. Drenova(DM)
Minutes of the meeting of the Alderman of the MO with the representatives of Rijeka Traffic (DL)
Realised works from the 2009 Priority Plan (DL)
Sparks from Drenov history – chapel or monument to an unknown hero on Veli Vrh, (Marino Štefan)
Drenovske Addresses - Ružice Mihić Street, (CG)
Exercise for women in the dorm on Lokva, (CG)
19 12/14 December 2009 3rd Memorial Football Tournament "Mažed el Gharni", (Nasrin Gharni)
Slavko Mikač – a man who takes care of our carelessness, (CG)
Voluntary blood donation action, (DL)
Part besed by domestic, Mario Udović – masonry kot hobby, (CG)
Invitation to the Christmas and New Year concerts of the choir DVD Drenova, (CG)
Solemnity in the convent of the Society of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, (CG)
Schedule of Holy Masses and notices from Drenov parishes, (Draško Maršanić)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Elections for councillors of MO Drenova – why elections should be held, Detailed planning for the POS in Donja Drenova (DM)
Distribution plan for communal priorities in 2010 (DL)
Distribution dates of bulk waste containers (DL)
20 12/11 April 2010 Drenovčanin Tomislav Sikavica was ordained permanent deacon on February 27, 2010. (Draško Maršanić)
Interview with VMO Drenova members at the end of mandate (CG)
With the Feast of St. Juraj mč - Days of the parish of Gornja Drenova (CG)
Spring mushrooms drains and closer surroundings, part 1 (Marino Štefan)
The Caribbean to Tanzania! Welcome to Tanzania (Aljoša Ladašić and DL)
Upgraded Kindergarten on Drenova (Mirela Likar, pedagogue DV Rijeka)
the UABA Drenova AssemblyLoreta Štefan)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: VMO elections – why do citizens not vote?, New Council - Continuity of successful work ensured (DM)
Another MO Drenova Award - Youth on MO (DM)
Election results for VMO Drenova (DL)
21 12/13 July 2010 Statements by VMO Drenova members at the beginning of the mandate (CG)
Works on Drenova: Decorating the bell tower (Marino Štefan), Walkway at St. Mark's. Juraj (DL), Arranging the passage on the Flower Square (DL)
History of the parish of Drenova and the parish of BDM Karmelska on Donja Drenova (mons. Gabriel Bratina)
Spring mushrooms of Drenova and its surroundings (continued from the previous number (Marino Štefan)
Promotion of Christian Graiach's book *From the Drenova Reading Room to the Library in 1908 1985’ (DL)
Activities of the choir DVD Drenova (Božana Maršanić and CG)
Schedule of events at "Drenova Days 2010" (CG)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Finances in times of crisis, Regional Museum Drenova, Problems on Upper Drenova (DM)
Realization of works in IC Drenova planned for 2009, Realization of works in IC Drenova transferred from 2008 (DL)
Notifications: Launch of art workshop, Creative workshop for preschool children, Enrollment in Drenovske majorettes, Singing choir DVD Drenova is looking for new members (DL)
22 12/10 September 2010 In the words and images of the Days of Drenova 2010. (DL)
Couple besed by homemade: DRENOVSKI MLEKARICE (CG)
Grohovo celebrates its day for the tenth time (Zlatko Perković)
Action "Let's choose the most beautiful garden and balcony (results) (DL)
Annual Awards of the Local Committee of Drenova zo 2010 (CG)
Aljoša Ladašić on earthquake-stricken Haiti (Aljoša Ladašić)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: VMO elections : Three stories about lost time: Orlando Kučić street, various parking lots..., Again parking or green market or playground or..., Energo - gasification of Drenova, Chapel at G. Drenova cemetery(DM)
Branch of Drenova GKR – your library (Alica Kolarić, GKRI)
Remarkable performance of klapa Drenova (Božana Maršanić)
Two significant performances of the choir DVD Drenova (CG)
Solved the problem of "lake" in Žminjska street (CG)
Landslide on the Dren route repaired CG)
23 12 / 16 December 2010 Best Websites and the Most Successful Organized MO Day (
Awards awarded as part of the project "I love Croatia, I love Rijeka" (
The local association Drenova started its work again (Danica Žitinić)
Dren's dormitory, isn't that right? (CG)
Kantunić Fran Franković Elementary School (school students)
Creative workshop for preschool children (CG)
Art workshop (CG)
Voluntary blood donation (DL)
Schedule of Holy Masses and information from the parishes of Drenovci (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: VMO elections: Walkway after 0 years of waiting, Quality of infrastructure on Drenova – did we deserve it?’, Once we had an NNNI, today? (DM)
News from the local committee secretariat (DL), (
General Assembly of DVD Drenova (CG)
From the work of the Club of Pensioners and Seniors Drenova (CG)
Exhibition of participants of the Art Workshop (CG)
Invitation to a concert on the occasion of St. George (CG)
the Drenov Breastfeeding Support Group (Dragica Juričić)
24 12 / 12 April 2011 Kantunić Fran Franković Elementary School (school students)
Lots of events at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year: Exhibition by Alberto Mihich in Bibioteka, Opening of the exhibition by Branko Gržetić, Welcome of St. Nicholas, Lecture by Christian Graiach "Crekve, chapels and crosses on the Drenova", Christmas concert by pupils of Fran Franković Elementary School, Creative workshop for preschool children, Lecture by Aljoša Ladašić on staying in Tanzania and Haiti, Concert in the church of BDM Karmelska, Youth Concert, Live Nativity at the Christmas Eve, Christmas concert of the choir DVD Drenova, Another concert of the choir DVD Drenova, New exhibitions in Rijeka - Drenova branch(DL), (CG),,
Masquerades – Drenova 2011 (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: VMO elections: 25 is a large number!, About antennas, radiation, ignorance, communal problems in the area of Drenova in the coming period (DM)
News from the local committee secretariat (DL), (
Drenova on Korzo, presentation at Filodrammatica Hall (CG)
Concert for St. George's Day (CG)
25 12/11 July 2011 Civic Shooting Club Rijeka (CG)
Notice from Prima Pharmacy Pharmacy (CG)
Josip Blažotić ordained a priest (Božana Maršanić)
Celebration of the parish feast of Our Lady of Carmel (Vlč. Marijan Benković)
Introducing Taekwon-do club Drenova (Vedran Tuta)
Welcome to the library (Alica Kolarić)
Celebration of Drenova Day 2011 (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Drenova Native Museum – let's go!(DM)
News from the local committee secretariat (DL), (
Commentary on the Act on the Treatment of Illegally Built Buildings (Marino Štefan)
26 12/8 October 2011 We're the best-kept local committee, but... (CG)
Days of Drenova 2011. (CG)
Let's choose the most beautiful garden and balcony - results (DL)
Action of the Drenova Provincial Association – Renewed custom of Petrovske kres (CG)
Announcement of the 1st meeting of klapa "Va crekve" (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Green energy for green Drenova, About holes in the country and laws(DM)
The DREN Association (Vesna Lukanović)
More about POS apartments on Drenova (CG)
Did you know? CG)
About the communal mess (CG)
Why the Wrong (CG)
27 12/15 December 2011 Drenovčan Veljko Francetić gave blood 151 times (CG)
100 years of the Lisjak Kastav Hunting Society’ (CG)
Volunteer of the Year Awards(CG)
Alleys, olives, olives by Alberto Mihich (CG)
Meeting of klapa ‘Va crekve’ (CG)
Altar in the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (CG)
Students of Fran Franković Elementary School Celebrate the Days of Bread (DL)
From the past of Drenova - Excursion to Lokvica (CG)
the Drenov Library (Alica Kolarić)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Mental recycling, Dreno's amphitheater – summer reading roomDM)
News from the MO Secretariat (DL)
With the exhibition of the participants of the art workshop (CG)
From Drenova's past, a picture of a student from 1957.CG)
28 12/11 April 2012 Stone pillar in front of the church on Cvetkova Square (CG)
Supporting the healthy growth of Drenov children (Dragica Juričić)
Replacement of the low-voltage network in the Drenova area (Electroprimorium)
The Old Grdore Association was founded (Alen Rozic)
St. Nicholas visited the youngest people of Drenovci (DL)
Karate training for children (Petra Volf)
From the association DREN (Vesna Lukanović)
Poverty is not an excuse for anarchy.DM)
The crisis in spite of the Drenova is being built at full steam(DL)
Current comment: It's the most beautiful one on my Drenova(DM)
Report on the implementation of the 2011 municipal priority plan (
29 12/10 July 2012 Seven Days of Culture, Sports and Entertainment DD2012. (CG)
Eighth year with a song - Choir DVD Drenova(CG)
Via Roma made of Dreno stone(CG)
Map of over 300 drainage trees (RZ)
Association Dren in the realization of the Green Cleanup(Vesna Lukanović)
DD2012 Celebration Program(CG)
Talk to the mayor. Army Obersnel on the occasion of DL 30 (city RI)
Topic of the number: Project of the Regional Museum before the realization (DM)
Current comment: Illegal construction, Waiting room on Lokva, Design of Cvetkovo Square (DM)
Days of Drenova 2012 – Review (DL)
Conversation with the Occasion: wolf Marijan Benković (Božana Maršanić)
Exhibitions of Drenov's painters (DL)
25 years of Fran Franković Elementary School(Marina Frlan Jugo)
World Breastfeeding Day(Dragica Juričić)
30 24/16 December 2012 DDK Drenova Annual Assembly (Aljoša Ladašić)
Celebrating Grohov Day (Zlatko Perković)
10th Romano Cup Darts (
BLIK Boulder characters of Istria and Kvarner (clear Christmas)
15 years of singing choir "Lahor" (Božana Maršanić)
Association DREN initiator of the action of planting drains(Vesna Lukanović)
World Walking Day Celebrated on Drenova (Vesna Lukanović)
About the action Let's choose the most beautiful garden (DL)
Current comment: The Council is looking for a solution for the survival of the Singing Choir DVD Drenova (DM)
Topic of the number: Robbery, violence and mindless devastation of drain plantations (DM)
News from the MO Secretariat (DL)
Mesopust 2013: And this leto zasopal is Antonjski horn (Alen Rožić)
Drenovski Cowboys (CG)
31 12/10 April 2013 Drenovčani enjoyed the "Night at the Border"

Foundations of the future Regional Museum (RZ)

Exhibition of Art Workshop Participants (DL)
Sometimes and now: Compare (CG)
Association Dren: With lepen time is waiting for us fanj novega dela (Vesna Lukanović)
Notifications and announcements (DL, CG)
The museum opened its doors, inviting fellow citizens to cooperate and visit (RZ)
Topic of the number: Bad decision at the expense of Drenova (Worktime Mail!) (DM)
One Hundred Flights of Aunt Basil (Vesna Lukanović)
In short: We have Lokva and Mugarić, Petrol and Drenova, with beautiful graffiti Drenovska Armada showed that he has hearing (CG)
Our bucket is Jun 2013: The voice of Drenova resounded with Istria (CG)
32 12/14 July 2013 Drenova on Korzo 2013: My Dren, your heart bears you (RZ)
Interview: Stipe Bilić – I will always look for the one between notes (Božana Maršanić)
So that he doesn't stumble: Homemade besedas (CG)
Drenova Taekwondo Club – 55 medals won in one season (Vedran Tuta)
Association Dren: How the people of Drenovci saved the napkins (Vesna Lukanović)
Program of the Days of Drenova 2013 (RZ)
Dren's cries for peace and order (DM)
Powder to powder - Drain wall for crying (DM)
Activities in the Museum (RZ)
The parishes of Drenov received new parish priests (Draško Maršanić)
Parking at last before completion (CG)
DD 2013 started with a successful evening of Chakavian poetry (RZ)
DD 2013 - Drenova memorable days (DL, RZ)
DD 2013: Exhibition Sea and Boats, Tireless Bertić (DL)
33 16/17 September 2013 The Museum presents an eco-documentary-First step in internationalization (RZ)
Jasna Čepić, this year's winner of the award MO Drenova (CG)
DD2013 - Humanity in Action, Health Control , Organisers’ Thanksgiving (DL)
DD2013 – DVD Drenova Choir Concert in Memory of Lidija Superin (CG)
All roads lead to the library (Alica Kolarić, Jasenka Alić-Tadić)
So that he doesn't stumble: Homemade Chakavian Beseda (CG)
Healthy St. Dren: Association Dren in new actions (Vesna Lukanović)
DD 2013: The most beautifully landscaped gardens and balconies (DL)
Drenova Local Museum: Visit us (RZ)
Unconscious driver faster than traffic lights (DM)
Mayor of Rijeka Vojko Obersnel:

Traffic lightization of the intersection is fully justified and necessary


Farewell to Aunt Basil (Vesna Lukanović)

Work activity in kindergarten (D.V.)

Taekwondo Club Drenoa (V.T.)

34 12/11 December 2013 Head of OGU for Culture visits MO Drenova (RZ)
In the new square advantage pedestrians (DM)
Croatia volunteers: Drenovska Lokvica shines in a new attire (RZ)
The work of the association Without Borders is included in the international exhibition (RZ)
Mayor on "Nonić's Thiramola"
Drenov choir activities: The voice of Drenova is heard far away (D. Maršanić)
Lana Gržetić after her performance at Miss World (CG)
Celebration schedule in Advent and Christmas time in Drenov parishes
Renovated St. Mark's Square: And the Drenovci have their Korzo (RZ)
Great success of the action Eko Cvetko (RZ)
Works at the intersection: Traffic light head guards (DL)
Most gardens, balconies, windows: Registration until April 25thDL)
Vesna Lukanović Award "Volunteer of the Year"
Plan for the distribution of resources of communal priorities for 2014 (DL)
Drain Days 2014 Dren brings together activists from four countries (RZ)
35 12/15 April 2014 Exhibition of the Armada in the Museum: Drenova and Armada love each other publicly (RZ)
Painting exhibitions in the MO space: art workshop and branch Gržetić (CG)
Action of arranging water wells: Reconstructed Kablari water well (Jelena Petković)
Documentary series at the Museum (RZ, K. Benić, D. Tkalec)
Katherine Trinajstić, winner of the State Lifetime Achievement Award (CG)
Border Night 2014: Film and music spice Night at the Border (RZ)
The word of the youngest visitor (Ivan Leko)
Drenova PUST 2014: I'll pay for the cha nana storili (Alen Rožić)
Council fulfils plan despite crisis, Damir Medved's review of past mandates (DM)
Drenova richer for 80 newcomers families (DL)
Semaphorization of the "eat" sidewalk (RZ)
Lecture by the Hope Association (DL)
Drenov children received the Forest Kindergarten (RZ)
The Ancients are the law! Successes of Drenov students (Marina Frlan Jugo)
It's a beautiful cantaloupe... (Vesna Lukanović)
36 12/12 July 2014 Drenova pays tribute to Ivo Grohovac on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his death (RZ)
They're not afraid of heights! Successes of sports climbers (Jasna Božić)
How to get healthy and natural food, EkoCvetko (Dora Tkalec)
A lot of judi are still used for our Drenov sheep cheese (CG) today
Drenova Days 2014 – calendar of events (RZ)
Together for the development and prosperity of Drenova, on the election of a new VMO (RZ)
In the most important issues of the development of Drenova in the VMO there is a high degree of responsibility and togetherness (Damir Popov)
Deacon invited to be a role model, ordained deacon Žan Lebović Casalonga (D. Maršanić)
Drenova Blood Donor Action (DL)
For Drenova this year 1,133,000 HRK (DL)
Children in 3D technology in GKR created drainage souvenirs (Kristian Benić)
While Drenovčana, there will also be choral songs, 10 years of choir DVD Drenova (DL)
37 12/11 July 2015 Drenova on the cultural, scientific-research and tourist map of Rijeka, Croatia and Europe! (DM)
In the cemetery D.Dren's rare example of Himalayan cedar (KD Kozala, RZ)
Šterna o moja šterna, you are holy to me (Vesna Lukanović)
Drenova Days 2015 – calendar of events (RZ)
Drenovčani richer for new kilometers of water supply and sewage (RZ)
In kindergarten and urban eco garden! (Aleksandra Simčić)
DVD Drenova marked its 30th anniversary (Vanda Radetić Tomić)
Known and unknown about Drenova - Did you know that Drenova... (CG and RZ)
In memoriam Maria Grazia Turconi - Unfinished Chakavian Dictionary (CG)
The Dren and Without Borders Associations continue to work on their activities (DL)
Numerous exhibitions attract a large number of Drenovčan to exhibition spaces (Željko Delač)
38 12/11 December 2015 Trio SiŽeNe is an unavoidable musical guest of Drenovski events (Željko Delač)
Two new bus waiting rooms (DL) installed
Blood donation campaign (
Schedule of Christmas and New Year festivities in Drenov parishes (RZ)
Dren Association initiates a meeting of drain enthusiasts from three countries (DL)
Construction of the connecting road at Bok (RZ) starts
Blood Donation Action (DL)
Lecture "Everything about Healthy Living" (DL)
Igor Pribanić "Our postman" (RZ)
Choir and klapa Elementary School FF lower successes (Marina Frlan, Anita Stupac Butorac)
Humanitarian concert "Za Nevena" (DL)
39 12/14 July 2016 Concert of Vocal Orchestra Rijeka and choir DVD Drenova (Kristian Iskra, CG)
So that he doesn't stumble: Olga Lučić (Vesna Lukanović)
Books on Rijeka and Drenova Between Two Wars (Kristijan Benić)
Night on the 201 border. (RZ)
Art exhibitions in the premises of MO Drenova (Željko Delač)
Goran Žan Lebović Casalonga (Draško Maršanić)
Days of Drenova 2016 - Announcement of events (RZ)
To the delight of the little ones, the restoration of children's playgrounds (RZ)
New lawn on the school playground (RZ)
About municipal works on Drenova (RZ)
"Let's get to know our city" initiative visited Drenova (RZ)
From Aktiva DDK Drenova (Lorena Marotti)
Two Drenov projects realized through RPLP (RZ)
Days of Drenova 2016 (RZ, DL)
40 12/13 December 2016 From the work of the VMO Subcommittee on Culture (DL, WD)
Project "Museum" (Vesna Lukanović)
10 years of the Reading Group (Gordana Paprika Todorović=
Dreno majorettes (RZ)
L25 years of Linguae on the Drene (DL)
Schedule of Christmas festivities
Implementation of communal priorities (DL)
Layout of bulky waste bins (DL)
Allocation plan for municipal priorities in 2017 (DL)
About the connection of the roads Drenovski put and I.L.Ribara (OGU for the Communal System)
Aktiv DDK Drenova, In memoriam to Adelma Ladašić (Lorena Marotti)
10 years of the Drenova Retirement Club (CG?
Sv. Vid 2017.m Drenovske boćarice 2nd place (RZ)
41 12/14 July 2017 On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Fran Franković Elementary School (RZ)
Drenova make-up – utilities (RZ)
From the press: New newspaper about the Dren Association (Marko Randić)
Drenova in the Rijeka 2020 programme (Davorka Medved)
Night of Museums 2017 (Davorka Medved)
Armada Drenova celebrates champion (RZ)
Days of Drenove 2017 - Announcement of events (RZ)
One year long road... (DG Comm. System)
In Memoriam Robert Štefan
Photo contest "Pol ure nad Rekun", results (CG)
Weather or meteorology enthusiasts, about the lecture (
Activities of the Subcommittee on Culture (Željko Delač)
About 30th Anniversary of FF Elementary School ((
Days of Drenove 2017 (DL)
42 12/11 December 2017 The first "Days of Drenjula" (Vesna Lukanović)
School Day at the Museum (Davorka Medved)
The Native Museum - the Place of Creation of the Future (Vesna Lukanović)
20 years of the Lahor Singing Choir (Draško Maršanić)
Conversation with the Occasion, Wolf. Kristijan Malnar (Draško Maršanić)
Celebration in Advent, Christmas, New Year, St. Three Kings (CG)
Along the new C.G. road.
The President. MO, Alexander Bulog
Communal priorities, table
December, month of donation D.L., C.G.
Activities of the Subcommittee on Culture (Željko Delač)
Action DDK Drenova, Lj. Christmas
Night of the Museum 2018, Davorka Medved
43 12/15 July 2018 110th Anniversary of the Reading Room, setting up a record (Vesna Lukanović)
Participation of Drenova in ECoC 2020, Damir Medved
News from Fran Franković Elementary School,
Couple besed by home, C.G.
Darts club Romano, Larissa Smokvina
New Secretary of MO, Editorial Board
From the album of teacher Dragica Filipović, C.G.
DD2018 Celebration Program
Drenova inscribed on the cultural map of Europe. C.G., Davorka Medved
RPLP 2017 results,
Days of Drenova 2018, event description, Danijela Škulić
It's not all about the Drenova, C.G.
There are even more beautiful examples of C.G.
Library in the neighborhood, branch of Drenova GKRi, Snježana
Action DDK Drenova, Lj. Christmas
44 12/10 December 2018 Taekwondo club Drenova, Vedran Tuta
Before the elections for members of the VMO,
Elected new VMO (Office)
For the more beautiful Drenova - Lokvica (
Optimistic Iva – Pride of Drenova (CG)
Jasna Baraba winner of the Grba RI (Davorka Medved)
80 years of St. Peter's. Juraj (Davorka Medved)
Action DDK (CG)
Care for the preservation of antiquities (CG)
45 16/13 July 2019 Evening commemoration of Ivot Grohovac (Vesna Lukanović)
Fran Franković - Father of the Magisterium of Istria (CG)
Celebrated holidays (CG)
Exhibition in MO (
From the past Drenova – Lokvica (CG)
DD 2019 Celebration Program (CG)
Mundaneum na Drenova (
Drenjula scientifically researched (Angela Maksimović,
For a more beautiful Drenova, the roundabout (C.G.)
Memorial bocce tournament Veljko Cetina (C.G.)
Drenove Days 2019 (
Image on DD2019
Drenova is safe, exercise DVD
46 12/14 December 2019 Zajc under the stars on Drenova (Davorka Medved)
Plant a tree don't be a stump
The Great Jubilee of Mons. Gabrielle (C.G.)
Celebration in Drenov parishes for the upcoming holidays
It was something a dream could only dream of, Suzana Blečić (Davorka and Vesna)
Squirrels on Drenova;DV Viškovo (www.vrtic-viskovo,hr)
Celebrating from Kvarner (
Allocation plan for com.priorities for 202. (
Two action assets DDK Drenova (Lj. (Christmas)
Three Exhibitions in the MO, C, g., B.N.)
Art Gallery "Illiricum" First Drenovska Gallery (Iva Ivančan)
Action UDVDR Drenova-grafit Jasmina Bušljete and Igor Šporiš (Marinko pavić)
15 years of women's bocce society Drenova (Zorka Ćoso)
2. Memorial tournament ‘Luka Zupčić’ (Luka Čanković)
47 12/12 December 2020 The Reverend Wolf. Dražen Volk and newly ordained priest Mateo Šutić (Božana and Draško Maršanić)
In memoriam mons. Gabriel Bratina (C.G.)
Activities in the Drenov neighbourhood in 2020 (Davorka Medved)
Dren – ancient medicine, new research (Vesna Lukanović)
Drenova Branch – Neighborhood Library (Snježana Šlibar)
The history of Drenov Drenovski list

Drenovski list No 31

April 2013, the eighth year of publication of the list


The MO Council is looking for a solution for the survival of the Dvd Drenova Singing Choir

Choir DVD Drenova

At its meeting of 25 March 2013, VMO Drenova considered the problems in the work of the Singing Choir DVD Drenova and concluded that we must urgently seek the help of the competent authorities in order to avoid the shutdown of this very important component of all cultural events on Drenova.

The singing choir DVD Drenova has been operating for many years (founded in 2005), and its members actively participate in all the activities carried out in the area of MO Drenova and it can be said that without them we can hardly imagine the realization of any major event on Drenova. These are literally dozens of local concerts, performances in the city (already traditional performance in Filodrammatica as part of "Drenova na Korzo") and performances in the region and beyond.

The choir DVD Drenova was until this year financed by DVD Drenova and members' contributions, but due to the change in the legal framework and the lack of funds for the needs of firefighting, DVD Drenova is no longer able to finance the further work of the choir.

Culture on the periphery – the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?

Annual expenses are significant (tens of thousands of kuna) and relate to the choir leader's fee and transportation costs for performances. Since most members of the choir are pensioners, it is clear that they cannot finance the work themselves, so they are threatened by serious difficulties in work, and it is possible to shut down the choir. Also, it is quite clear that the City is in a difficult financial situation and that it is difficult to find funds for culture, but even in difficult times we need to find space for "spiritual food", and especially for the activities of such small societies. Of course, the priorities of the City are large projects and institutions, but smaller projects also bring a large number of collateral benefits for peripheral communities.

The Drenova MO does not have the possibility to directly financially help the Choir, but the VMO has repeatedly proposed to redistribute the funds at the disposal of the local committees – we are the first, and most other more active MOs will certainly give up a dozen meters of "asphalt" for programs that are more important to us, and culture and education are certainly among our priorities. Unfortunately, such redeployments have so far been impossible due to administrative obstacles (the obligation to spend funds for communal priorities), but we are sure that with the additional involvement of the head of the DG for Culture, Mr Šarar, the mayor and even the City Council, some systemic solution to this pressing problem can be defined.

Therefore, VMO Drenova believes that it is necessary to find a way to support the work of the Association, especially in the context of the efforts and numerous projects that we are carrying out with the support of the City in the area of Drenova (establishment of the Regional Museum, creation of the digital archive of Drenova's memories, the arrangement of the amphitheater in cooperation with GKR, numerous programs and performances of painters and musicians, etc.) - especially in the context of the Cultural Development Strategy of the City of Rijeka 2013-2020. It is an excellent material that addressed some very important issues of the position of culture in the City of Rijeka, and especially the often neglected aspects of financing. Current state in which MO programs receive 0.77%, associations in MO 0.26% funds for cultural activities (HRK 40,000 in total) – or 0,005 % The budget of the City of Rijeka is simply difficult to explain to citizens who are just the most interested in this type of local culture. I do not intend at all to compare the price/performance of a good part of the event, i.e. that a large part of the culture budget is spent on the salaries of employees and the cold operation of only one institution - HNK Rijeka, and in fact (too) a small part on concrete programmes, especially on the periphery of the local boards. The great advantage of "small" cultural facilities is that the funds are spent precisely on concrete programmes (because they are volunteers), so according to this criterion the use of budgetary funds is significantly more efficient, etc. In general, the funds for supporting individual projects are very small (often amounting to several thousand kuna), which cannot cover even the most basic activities.

Culture is not a cost, but an investment.

I believe that culture is not a cost, but an investment in the future (and someone will say in the present), especially when it is realized by volunteers who, by their own engagement, directly and indirectly repeatedly return the received funds back to the community.

For example, a new study on the economic impact on the wider social community created by non-profit and cultural organizations found that their contribution to the overall economy of Chicago is at least $2.2 billion a year.

The spending supports more than 60,000 equivalent full-time jobs, generates a total of $1.3 billion in income for local households, and generates $214 million in revenue for local and state government.

Of course, Chicago is far from Rijeka in all dimensions, but the study shows what we can hope for if culture stops being viewed solely as a cost and if goals and strategies are correctly defined.

VMO Drenova and the subcommittee for culture are working on the material that we will submit as a suggestion for the Strategy, and it concerns precisely the issue of "culture on the periphery" and the need to disperse cultural content from the center to the city's "bedrooms", i.e. activating the creative potential of local communities.

Nevertheless, the problem of financing the choir DVD Drenova requires, in addition to the necessary help of the City, wider engagement of all residents of Drenova, especially entrepreneurs who could help us not permanently extinguish this important point of positive energy and creativity on Drenova. Of course, the Choir itself must be more engaged in finding funds, possibly through EU projects for the preservation of audiovisual heritage in the context of the local Drenove Museum. Let us hope, therefore, that we are not at the beginning of the end of the activity of the singing choir DVD Drenova, but at the end of the beginning of work in unclear conditions and the transition to a substantially more stable and fruitful regime of activity to the joy of the locals of our MO.

Damir Medved


Robbery, violence and mindless devastation of drain plantations

Much negative has been ordained on Drenova in recent months. Intrusions into apartments are frequent, with thieves becoming more and more ruthless and arrogant, intruding into apartments while the household members are sleeping, breaking into shops and social facilities, and scenes of street violence. It falls into objects that are well lit and in the center of the village without any fear.

We come to the situation that students of elementary school. Fran Franković can't play on their own playground because teachers can't deal with bullies who have appropriated the terrain. Despite numerous reports to the police, the problem has not been solved, in fact it is constantly escalating.

Many people comment that for the first time in twenty years they feel frightened and insecure in their own homes, thinking about getting alarm systems or guard dogs.

Particularly insane is the last insane outburst when an unknown person plucked a drain tree planted in autumn, just at the moment when it blossomed announcing a brighter time. Only with the quick action of the communal services and the Dren Association (especially Mrs. Lukanović who organized the planting action) the situation has been remedied and hopefully the trees will survive this senseless act.

What are the causes of this crime explosion on Drenova? Poverty, unemployment or the sheer ruthlessness and arrogance of wanton young people, who (and probably their parents) should be brought into ‘order’.

File:Neighborhood watch sign.JPG
Frequent pictures abroad, soon to be on Drenova?

Henry G. Cisneros writes in The Human Face of the Urban Environment:

As the poor begin to predominate in specific parts of the city, their problems grow progressively. (...) The increasing concentration of poor, mostly neglected people, is accompanied by a drastic increase in unemployment, greater and more permanent dependence on social assistance, huge health problems and, most intimidatingly, an increase in crime.

Henry G. Cisneros

Derelict buildings dotted with graffiti, a derelict environment, throwing garbage in the middle of settlements, creating illegal dumps of building materials in the middle of green areas create an additional impression of general anarchy that is increasingly difficult to fight. I personally attended the helpless rage of the citizens who had just paid dearly for the renovation of the facade, only a few days later the investment of ten thousand euros would be destroyed by a spray of twenty kunas. He says that the worst thing is that no one does anything - for the police it is a minor offense, the municipal guard is powerless - the only thing left to him is to find a "pest" and seek compensation for damage by private lawsuit. And with the efficiency of our judiciary, the damages will be met by his grandchildren.

The decline in the quality of life in cities is one of the reasons why many of them stop attracting businesses offering jobs. The book says:

Companies move to suburbs or abroad, closing factories and leaving devastated land behind — abandoned buildings on poisoned land where toxic substances are buried and which are completely unsuitable for further use.

Henry G. Cisneros

Any resemblance to Mlaka is purely coincidental. As a result, in many cities, poor people inhabit areas.

where environmental problems are simply ignored — areas where sewage systems are in disintegration; where there is no adequate water purification; where the junkyards are full of pests that enter people's homes; where little children scrape lead paint off the walls of dilapidated apartment buildings and eat it... where it seems no one cares about anything.

Henry G. Cisneros

In such an environment, crime, violence and despair flourish.

In a South American city known for its modern architecture, crime is so widespread that wherever you turn, your view falls on the iron bars. All residents of the city, from the wealthiest to the poorest, erect iron fences to protect their property and privacy. People actually live in cages. Some bars put in before they finish the house.

We certainly do not want to live in such a city and such a local committee, and I have already written about it several times. Therefore, we must not be passive and allow bullies to destroy our efforts and property. Of course, no one expects citizens to directly confront bullies, but today really everyone has a cell phone with a camera and can at least help with photography to find offenders, punish them and compensate for the damage done multiple times. There is also our contact police officer who can certainly influence such incidents to be resolved, but he also needs help in identifying the perpetrators. Help can also be completely anonymous.

How to motivate our hard-working volunteers who spend their time and money to make it nicer for all of us, and then some fool destroys months of effort in a few minutes?

Just so that he makes up tenfold for every broken plant, every scratched car, every scattered façade, every destroyed waiting room or bench. Any ‘difficult material situation’ is no excuse – it will compensate for the damage through its own work.

Our problems will not be solved by anyone from the outside – we have to take care of our own safety – outside this concept is known as "Neighborhood watch" – where citizens look after their property and that of their neighbours in an organised manner and report any suspicious activity to the police.

Perhaps the time has come for us to organize ourselves on Drenova as well.

Damir Medved


Pursuant to Article 6 Decisions on the method of financing the activities of local committees in the territory of the City of Rijeka (Official Gazette of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Nos 41/08 and 44/09) and Article 46 of the Statute of the City of Rijeka (Official Gazette of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County No: 24/09 and 11/10), the City Council of the City of Rijeka, at its 33rd session held on 20 December 2012, adopted the Plan for the allocation of funds for municipal priorities in the area of local boards in 2013, according to which a total of HRK 1,100.000,00 was foreseen for the area of the Dreno Local Board. For which priorities and how much funding is allocated, please refer to the attached table:

MO DRENOVA TOTAL: 1.100.000,00
Development of the main design of the parking lot next to the playground of the “Fran Franković” Elementary School25.000,00
Pavement design in Drenovski put street at house numbers 73A, 67A and 67 A/p60.000,00
Decorating the choline in Proslopski put street below house numbers 5 and 622.000,00
Pavement design in Kablarska cesta street at house number 3525.000,00
Arrangement of access concrete paths and curbs in S. Frankovića street at house numbers 25, 27, 29 and 3125.000,00
Landscaping of green areas in Stanko Franković Street at house numbers 25, 27, 29 and 3127.000,00
Landscaping of the green area at the junction of Cvjetna Street at house number 13 and Stanko Franković Street45.000,00
Horticultural landscaping in Severinska street at house number 45.000,00
Maintenance of fences in the area of the Drenova Local Committee30.000,00
Maintenance of fences in the area of the Drenova Local Committee25.000,00
Rehabilitation of pavements along St. George's Street150.000,00
Landscaping for household waste containers in Bok street at house number 2A3.000,00
Landscaping for household waste containers at the junction of Orešje Street with Drenovski put Street3.000,00
Landscaping at the beginning of Orešje Street at the junction with Drenovski put Street20.000,00
Expansion of a part of the roadway for the formation of a parking lot in Orešje street west of house number 625.000,00
Landscaping in Orešje street west of house number 620.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Mugarićka street at house number 927.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Cvetkov trg street at house number 2 (phase 2)18.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Šamburinski put street at house number 14 B7.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Proslopski put street by house number 610.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Drenovski put street at house number 7519.000,00
Refurbishment of Tsvetkov Square - Phase I509.000,00

Dynamic plan of implementation of program activities of IC Drenova in 2013


Dynamic plan for installing public lighting in the area of MO Drenova in 2013


Dynamic plan of maintenance and works of Rijekapromet d.d. in the area of IC Drenov for 2013


MESOPUST 2013 – So that old uncles don't get wiped out

And this leto zasopal is an antonym horn
Lino Fiškal is hanged and awaiting verdict

The carnival customs on Drenova have a long and rich history of which you can read more about, with the attached photo gallery, on the website of our local board.

Queen and Meštar on Lokve

Unfortunately, in the late 1970s, there was some stagnation, although the custom never went out. In 1998, a group of enthusiasts decided to renew the old nuns of masquerading and restore Dreno's joy and joy that this beautiful, ancient custom offers. Thus, on January 17, at Antonje, about fifteen people hung themselves empty and set off on a tour around Gornja Drenova and its surroundings.

In the first years the desert was lifted and set on fire on Lokva pul Frlanoveh, and in recent years this old custom has been held in front of the community house on Lokva. Since 1998, the tour has been held again on Antonje. Masquerades gather at Lokva, and with the sounds of Antony's horn and smokey music, they raise their desolate, sing, dance and take their usual route: Tonići, Podbreg, Skvažići, Benčani, Saršoni, Biškupi, Lučići, Krasa, Marišćina and Marčelji and then to the Viškovo home on a masked pan. For several years, the organization of carnival events was carried out by the Regional Association Drenova. As their successor last year, in 2012 the Association for the Preservation of Cultural and Smoking Customs “Stare gedore” was officially founded. The association currently has around 70 members – adults and children.

Thanks to the Old Gedors, this year again at Antonje in front of his home on Lokva, the sound of the Antonian horn was heard and, of course, Pusta was raised, which was given its current name this year – Lino Fiškal. Many cheerful people from Drenovci, and even more so the organizers, were pleasantly surprised by the unannounced appearance of the royal couple - this year's Queen of Carnivals Vedrana and Meštr Toni. It was an exceptional recognition for the efforts that the association is making and the increasingly visible results.

Members of the Old Gedors, as a very notable group masked as clowns, participated in the carnival parade at this year's Rijeka, Halubaj and Lovran carnivals.

Bad weather on the Pusno sred did not allow too many people to attend the trial of Lino Fiškal, but he could not avoid his fate. The old sailors mercilessly condemned him, as has always been the case, to the penalty of burning, and before that his sins were revealed in a sermon:

Judi, this flying was the pulse of us Lino Fiškal and it's still there, just a cha hanging, and it started beautifully with his born. It's not even true nor a storil, but it's the beginning of the sakakova monade. And when we punished him and hung him, his first was that he was kidnapped. It's been a while since we caught him, and here he hangs and waits for the devil's justice. And tonight we're judging him, so let it be.

We have to decide it's Fiškal's fault that one man was losing keys to the car and that's your few meters as far as he walked to the sharps and shawl is a shawl to tell. They showered more than once, but the keys were not found, and then someone called him on his cell phone and joked that he had keys to his car. Well, he's caring for $500 if he gets the keys. Only if it wasn't a real finder, he had 500 kuna left in his pocket, and the keys were found on the wall in a few days. And since they got there, it's only this devil here who knows.

And my people know that winter is the right time for sausage and dried meat. So one man's storil a nice meat smoker sucks and it's a nice pobelil. When it was over, it looked so beautiful that he and his wife decided that it would be served by the summer kitchen on the flight. The meat had to be dried first. So that the walls wouldn't be sharpened, they covered their walls with cardboard and honed them. And then they put the meat in the dimetto. Ma judi moji, ‘da dimet’, it is such a beautiful fire so that half the villages have smoked, the sausages have burned down the defecation, and the walls have begun blazing leh va chimney. A caring man, now his best bet is to let go. If you don't do anything else, it's gonna be a real smokehouse. And the summer kitchen is not needed - the sea bit and cook vane are flown by.

Old Gedore
Old gedores at the Rečken Carnival
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

And hear the suspension of the jude, my dears. One man drove at nine o'clock in the morning already fanj nakraman, over three milliseconds. And the police fermalala j' him and the woman told him that she was walking out of the car. He's not even a dal, but in the end he gave in and the devil made a joke and morality is walking home. It's a good thing they didn't want him sober. He's the only one who can get his fill, and all he knows is him and this devil here. And we think this Fiskal here is to blame for that, too.

Listen to this: When it was time for mushrooms, some of your Gorski kotar went on porcini mushrooms and they picked a fanj. They went to the same place on the second day, without being overtaken by anyone, and they went to the same place on the six-and-a-half-morning morning. It was still a scoop when they made their way through the woods to the place where they would pick their tubs. There they were greeted by a bear, no matter what the bear - a real, straight bear. They were good dogs and at 8 and a half they were home, just hanging the road without porcini mushrooms. What does Lino Fiškal have to say about that?

And one man, a fan of gasoline, wanted to make it sharper, so he went home, not on the main road, but to come home faster, the scarf was shortened, on the road that is narrow. He was also amazed at how the hands of imel va zeppe spurred a fanj deep inside of you. Your cheek was scratched and nailed, and then on the second day he said that he was cepal and his tree flew away and his whole cheek and nose bruised. And my people, wood popul houses the theme of the man nigdere not even. And that's Lino Fiškal's fault, and that's why he's gonna burn your hell.?

And you know judi my dear cha is the greatest happiness today? It's a good thing we don't get paid and then we don't misappropriate bathtubs to hold this trial. We don't have to use the salo anymore. The chigova was spinning, and the municipality and the year-old Obi are not interested in her, nor is she profitable. So out of judi, this Drenova, with over ten hijad of judi, stayed on the roads, so nice that youth or old age and stature what a festivity - not the sea. Or he has to pass fanj veil procedure, just your private arrangements. Well, cheerful nan either. Here's Lino, and that's what you set up, that's why you're gonna pay.

Fiškal is badly burned, and let snow go on and worry about our Drenovci. Second flight to Antony, we'll find another culprit. We thank sen who support us, welcome and help your part of the association.

Alen Rožić

The Drenov Cowboys

The Drenov Cowboys

After the Second World War, the then government tried to present carnival customs as historical remains that were overcome by the then ideology. However, the people of Drenovci did not just forget the old customs and soon after the war, despite this ideology and even prohibitions, they mark the carnival in the same way as their old ones did. Already in the early fifties, they began to disguise themselves in a cowboy uniform, which was a traditional Drenov mask for the next ten years. Shortly afterwards, in 1954, a group of Drenov cowboys, after taking photographs in the cult Photo “Belvedere”, descended and walked down the Rijeka Korzo and thus were the forerunners and paved the way for the Rijeka Carnival, which became famous all over the world. The next day, ‘Novi list’ from Rijeka published an article about this unusual event, entitled ‘Where is their pride?’. Such were the times...

Christian Grailach

Association "Without Borders" Drenovčani enjoyed "Night at the Border"

The Foundations of the Future Local Museum

The building where the museum's rooms are located

The opening attracted a lot of interest from the people of Drenovci.

Drenova gave a well-noticed contribution to the Night of Museums in 2013! On Friday, 25 January, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., a very interesting program was held to open and present the newly renovated premises of the Drenova MO, intended for the future Drenova Heritage Museum – under the symbolic name Night at the Border.

The event attracted almost unexpectedly great interest from Drenovci of all generations, from the elderly who wanted to remember how it used to be lived on Drenova, to curious children and schoolchildren who looked with interest at Frano Franković's writing desk, almost centuries-old radio devices and sewing machines, the display of old photographs, each of which tells a perhaps forgotten story...

The lectures were interesting to young people and seniors alike.

Through the space at the address Drenovski put 138A, in the building where Drenovski vrtić and infirmary and auto parts store once operated, whose historical value is reflected in the fact that it once stood on the border of several states, hundreds of Drenovčani and their guests attracted by both curiosity and an interesting program that included an exhibition of old photographs, several attractive lectures and film projections with testimonies of older Drenovčani about life on Drenova once.

The opening of the premises of the future Drenova Regional Museum is a major step forward after the now two-year work of the “Without Borders” Society, the initiator of the Drenova Museum project, which was initially conceived with a virtual exhibition using the latest technologies and internet tools, and is now revived in “physical” form. All this was achieved in close cooperation with the Drenova Local Committee and with the support of the Department of City Self-Government and Administration, which, moreover, allocated the aforementioned space for the Regional Museum, recognizing the general social value of the project and serious intentions, great energy and love for the project of agile members of the society “Without Borders”. This desire and energy are best reflected in the fact that in just a few weeks in January, the members of the society “Without Borders” alone, with the logistical support of the Department of City Self-Government and Administration, renovated the neglected space of the former auto parts store in such a way that the space was cleaned, including large glass surfaces, complete painting works were carried out, plumbing and dressed carpentry were also trained for the first hand, in order to be able to access the basic task of the Society - collecting objects, scanning documents and digitizing the entire exhibition material so that the exhibits can be accessed both in the museum space and with the use of Internet 3D technology. The members of the Society themselves designed the presentation of the exemplary museum exhibition, imagining and realizing projections of film testimonies with the use of computer presentation programs. It can be said that the first phase of the activity of the society “Without Borders” had its grand and well-deserved finale on Friday, January 25, when the newly renovated space and the exhibition of the Museum was presented to the public, which is yet to be further upgraded and described, the seventh and eighth Drenovski students realized their program in the form of a very interesting interactive quiz, where questions and answers related to some of the most important people and events from Drenovska and Rijeka history. With an extremely interesting quiz presented, all other museum visitors could have fun and renew their knowledge.

You give me a little bit with teacher Filipovic...
Students near the desk and with a picture of Fran Franković
Aren't these Zorches?

The lecture was then given by the famous Rijeka historian and publisher Goran Moravček, the initiator of the online Rijeka Encyclopaedia project -, who reminded everyone in an accessible way of the historical turbulences in the Rijeka area, where many countries and cultures have touched upon each other over the centuries. The peculiarity of Drenova is that over the past decades, the border of several countries has been located here!

Kristian Benić, a professor of history and philosophy and an expert associate of the Rijeka City Library, spoke through a lecture titled Dream Society about new concepts of presenting museum contents that, with an innovative marketing approach (“talking a story” in a new way), can result in certain favorable economic effects.

In the lecture “Cultural tourism – where we are in this story”, the tourist employee Saša Torbica spoke about the experience of great tourist ways offering great added value to the tourists of the center with the presentation and use of their cultural heritage in attracting guests to their destinations, which to this similar innovative and modern approach to tourism is necessary in Croatian tourism, and this small but valuable role can be played by projects such as the Regional Museum of Drenova.

An interesting quiz was prepared by teachers and students of Elementary School

The president of the association “Dren” Vesna Lukanović, also a member of the society “Without Borders”, spoke about the synergy of associations on Drenova through a short speech with the Egyptian “Drenovčani u akcija”, and a short film “Drenovska sjećanja” was shown in which our fellow Inca citizens and Rino Štefan shared their memories, who lived their lives at one Drenovska address, but in even several countries! Even after the official end of the “Night on the Border” programme, many people from Drenovci stayed in the shining white space of the Museum for a long time, viewing the exhibits and the special exhibition of old photographs by Christian Graiach, vividly commenting on famous and unknown photographed persons with whom they grew up a long time ago, some of whom are still their friends, and some of whom could only be seen again on this occasion – at least in an old photograph. If only for this reason, every effort invested by the members of “Without Borders” society has already paid off very much!

Robert Zeneral


Society of Heritage Prayers "Without Borders" Drenova - Rijeka.

One of the main goals of society:

Through friendly gathering of members of the Society, improve and organize fundraising to help the establishment of the Drenova Heritage Museum as an institution of special cultural importance for the locals of Drenova, the City of Rijeka and the Republic of Croatia.

Find out more at the Internet address:

ACTIONS - Exhibition of participants of an art workshop

At the opening, the choir DVD Drenova performed
Authors with their leader Biserka Mihić

Although an article about them was published in the last issue of our list, the participants of the art workshop Biserka Mihić deserve to be heard again about their activity. Namely, this year they have also prepared an exhibition of their paintings on the occasion of celebrating Women's Day. Works with recognizable motifs of the city of Rijeka and Primorje are exhibited. More than 30 exhibited works are equipped with frames that were selflessly made this time by the famous Drenov painter Alberto Mihich, which is his gift to women for their day. A lot of good will, love for his hobby and volunteerism is hidden behind the exhibited works, and each exhibition also shows significant progress in artistic expression.

Valuable hands of our Drenovčica, not only know how to paint beautifully, but they are also skilled at making various cakes, which further delighted everyone present. The DVD Drenova Choir, led by maestro Zoran Badjuk, performed at the opening of the exhibition.

The works were presented by the participants: Jadranka Vidučić, Ester Niessner, Marijana Oršolić, Marija Dornik, Vesna Sokolić Dutina, Biserka Pintač, Sanja Kovačić, Neda Tončinić, Miranda Mikuličić and Ivana Koren. The participants of the art workshop have so far exhibited in the space of MO Drenova, as well as on Korzo in the space of Filodrammatica.

For her work in the art workshop, the manager Biserka Mihić received the recognition of the Association for Civil Society Development Smart for 2011. Workshops are held every Tuesday afternoon in the premises of MO Drenovo.

Dolores Linić


The above photo from the album of the longtime teacher of Drenovska škola Dragica Filipović was taken in 1954. This was taken at the end of last summer, not exactly from the same place, but it clearly shows how much our Drenova has changed.

THE ASSOCIATION DREN Spring has come, they have blossomed drenched

With lepen weather awaits us fanj noviga dela

Finally nan and spring approached, and on Drenova we moved yellow flowers from drenjul to stableh to we planted the Autumn Dog. We were balling to make sure it didn't happen, and it was fanj veil winter. Now we're pretty sure they've been groping each other for a while. Drenjula has honey blossoms, so the sea can see the wonders of the bee whirling around them. This is another value of our work, another benefit for nature around us. Z ten we must be delighted.


Oh, how and vavek, not even so good. Young firefighter Kruno, javil nan is one evening, that the two drains were smashed on the Brceh pul library. It was a storm, so we thought the wind was confusing. When we came to the place, it was terrible. Some showed their raw strength, so they drained the ziscobal together with thick stakes that they hold and guard from the bora. And since the parietal was snowy, it was used with a shrouded little earth so that the southern roots wouldn't freeze. And on the second morning came the camels from the city, and they were planted again. We saw first that some of these trees bothered, they abused some branches of your parking lot because of the churches. I don't know who might be doing it, but if you see the kega, take him to the point where she's worn the symbol of our place. If that's how schoolwork is, let's give the school a tub that was yellow and that was planted by the children and teachers from the Fran Franković school. And they will be proud of their work to the sea, and together we will wait for them to ripen. Only we sea bat dry, but if there is a calf of flax, we could dry out, the calf happened this summer and your Drenovske forest, so we did not mistletoe the autumn from which marmalade delat.

Whenever the Dren Association is mentioned and we are engaged in it, the judi somehow cheer up, and they spammed when they were children, when they picked their nap, when the grandmothers and moms shared sweets for their children. There's some nostalgia. It is said that once a person breaks into a marmalade from a slumber, that he never has to scoop it up, but that it is something of the best in the world.

There's more fancy work waiting for us. Drenjule have already been dug and fed z humuson kega nan has remained since the flax. We plan again for the action called “Green Cleanup” and gre on April 20th to clean up the grass and disturb the pul Lokvice (school children call it “barica”). We will organize a meeting with the association “Without Borders” and the Council of the local board of Drenova.

You will read more about this power on the MO website. Thanks semi who helped nan and lane and thank you very much who together will help us to preserve our Drenov natural wealth. So we decided to take care of the pond? Ash is an inexhaustible puddle where the ancients used to climb treasures to drink water, and water is a veil of wealth. We plan on placing wooden benches on the tenth place so that various cultural events can be held there, Kot ča is reading a picture book to small children, poetry evenings and who knows who else. We applied for a kega project in one city competition called “Miracle Forest” and it is the beginning of care for strengthening cultural activities in our region. Wow, your new POS will settle on Drenovo some new young families z decun, first university delavci moved in and you need such facilities to stop being a village bathe leh spi, and for the second you have to six va auto, but on the bus and unplug v Reku for the chagod you use.

C:\Documents and Settings\Kiko\My Documents\My Pictures\Today\DSC08879.JPG
Kterna Pulpa Kablari

As far as the RPLP project is concerned (Recekega program of local partnership) our project under the name “Revitalization of Komunjska šterni” was once again recognized by your City as very good (the best!), we signed an agreement and now we have to organize ourselves so that the wells are your city's al state property, clean them from the grass, fix the tubs used as scoops, tidy up the rustic covers on the cisterns and install wooden benches for rest and a little circle. The entire project is conceived much wider and we will operate it through a couple of flights. When there are severe droughts, we will use water from the well's power to water the drainage.

On last year’s “Drain Revitalisation” project, one more thing remained for nan. We have to set up three wooden boards with chemists and we will indicate when the planted ones were drained and who your complexion took part, so that the sake that grazes there will be a magic spell that grows there. Thank you Bertot Mihich ki nan painted the plates. He said he wasn't a cop, but he'd be happy to give one hand to our action. You'll see how beautiful the part of the storil is.

Greetings seh, be nan HEALTHY COOT(s)!

Vesna Lukanović


Programme of arrangement of containers for bulk waste in 2013


Invitation to participate in the action “Let's choose the most beautiful garden, balcony and window”

As part of the work programme, the Council of the local committee of Drenova is once again organizing the action “Let's choose the most beautiful garden, balcony and window” in 2013. Notifications and all necessary information can be obtained at the headquarters of the Drenova Local Committee.

Interested citizens can apply from April 15 to May 6, 2013, at the headquarters of MO Drenova, Cvetkov trg 1, by phone 255-275 or e-mail: Applications are accepted on weekdays from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.

Note: In the absence of the secretary, proposals may be submitted to the Department of City Self-Government and Administration, the Directorate for Local Self-Government, Trpimirova 2/IV or by telephone 209-297.

Invitation to citizens, authorized representatives of co-owners of residential and commercial buildings and citizens' associations

The City of Rijeka – Department for City Self-Government and Administration – Department for Local Self-Government informs citizens, authorized representatives of co-owners of residential and commercial buildings and citizens' associations that proposals for the arrangement and maintenance of utility infrastructure facilities (small municipal actions) for 2014 are received at the headquarters of local committees from 2 to 20 April 2013.

Small communal interventions such as: construction of children's playgrounds, arrangement of green areas, parking lots, installation of bus waiting rooms, installation of public lighting bodies, asphalting of unclassified roads, pavement design, pavement design, stormwater drainage, arrangement of traffic signalization and technical road elements, rehabilitation of wild dumps, etc.


Filodrammatica Hall

Monday 20 May at 7 p.m.

Choir and klapa DVD Drenova, students of Fran Franković Elementary School,

Stipe Bilić – piano, opening of the exhibition of Drenov painters



Singing Chorus DVD DRENOVA





Singing Chorus DVD DRENOVA


Entrance free

Drenovski list, factsheet for the area of the Drenova-Rijeka Local Committee, published quarterly

SOURCER: MO Drenova Council - Subcommittee on Culture, Rijeka, Cvetkov trg 1

Tel: 255- 275, Fax: 504-570, e-mail:, Internet address:

RESPONSIBLE EDITOR: Damir Medved EDITOR: Christian Grailach

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Christian Grailach, Marina Frlan Jugo, Božana Maršanić, Marino Štefan, Robert Zeneral

PHOTOS IN THIS NUMBER: Christian Grailach, Dolores Linić, Vesna Lukanović, Draško Maršanić, Robert Zeneral

CONFIDENTIALITY: 1,000 copies PRESS: DES - Split

Without Borders The history of Drenov National


The original text of Mons. Gabriel Bratina about the parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, processing and photographs by Christian Grailach.

With this writing, I want to embed a stone in the mosaic of the past of the settlement of Drenova, describe how it became a parish and who its pastors were from its foundation to the present day.

Rijeka, a maritime and commercial city as a spiritual center did not have its own diocese, but until 1787 it was under administration in Pula, and then under the administration of the Senj-Modruš diocese until 1925. It had three churches and 14 chapels, and the whole city and its surroundings belonged to the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary near the sloping tower (Duomo). Drenova was also involved in this municipal and ecclesiastical division. Because of work, commerce, administration, health, education and religious needs, the people of Drenovci had to go to the city.

It is a happy fact that at that time, in 1835, as a catechist in the parish of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a wolf was appointed. IVAN CVETKO with an additional chaplain service for the area of Drenova where he came to serve Sunday Mass in the chapel of All Saints at today's central city cemetery. He came from Delnice where it was necessary to walk a lot from school to school and from church to church so that he found himself in agreement with the local people and after a short agreement with him he addressed the civil and ecclesiastical authorities with a request for the establishment of a parish on Drenova with the following arguments: people are good, but neglected and untrained, workers have to leave home two hours before if they want to get to work on time and the same effort awaits them on their return, the old people hardly go to the city and can not return without someone else's help. A particular problem is children: They don't have a proper suit, they don't have shoes, it happens that the barefoot go to a certain place, they get dressed there and pass the way to the city. The worst is when their peers from the city mock and laugh at them because they look so miserable. All this was the reason to discuss this at the first meeting of the city council and, in agreement with the diocesan ordinary in Senj, to decide on the establishment of a new parish on Drenova, the first to separate from the home parish in the city. It was 1838. Thanks to Ivan Cvetko, a parish apartment was built in the Terzy area (Terčevo selo) where he temporarily opened an elementary school attended by children from the surrounding area. The next great success and merit of Ivan Cvetko is the construction of the parish church, which was completed in 1847. As an interesting fact, it is worth mentioning that the church in the outer dimensions was built in only three months and that two masonry masters and assistants worked on the construction as much as he was looking for a job, and all together it was on a voluntary basis. The third major work left by Ivan Cvetko was the construction of the first part of the primary school, while the second part was added in 1913 when the Old School took its present form.

Ivan Cvetko
Ivan Cvetko

After 10 years of catechetical service in Delnice and 32 years of service in the Drenov parish, which he founded, he was appointed canon of the First Cathedral of Rijeka Kaptol. ‘Goodbye, people!’ were the last words of farewell he said on the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on 16 July 1870 and left. He lived another 14 years in the river. He was buried in the oldest Drenova cemetery, and by the construction of a university settlement his mortal remains were moved to today's Old Cemetery in Donja Drenova. For all the credit Ivan Cvetko gave them, the people of Drenovci repaid by giving his name to the central town square.

The second pastor on Drenova, the successor of Ivan Cvetko, was FABIAN SHIROLA. The memorial of the parish during his service mentions the Jubilee proclaimed by Pope Leo XIII in 1881. There is also an official visit of the Bishop of Senj-Modruš, Mr. Juraj Dr. Posilović to the parish of Drenova in 1883. An event worthy of remembrance occurred on February 13, 1884 when Maria Antonietta, the Grand Duchess of Toscana, visited Drenova with the knight Lazarini and watched with admiration the panorama of Rijeka.

The third pastor who is inscribed in the Monument of the parish is ANTUN LADIĆ. He led the parish from 1884 to 1903. He edited the church from within and founded a company of girls of the Sacred Heart of Jesus who ceased to function in the First World War.

EXIDOR GUDAC He was active in the parish from 1903 to 1906 when he took over the parish in Gerovo (Gorski Kotar). In his time, the first, old cemetery was abandoned because there is no more place for burial and today's Old Cemetery of Donja Drenova was blessed, where Lucija Francetić was first buried. A larger intervention was also done on the parish church when the bell tower was built in its present form instead of the original, lower and pyramidal form. They also acquired a new organ made by Pietro Bazzani from Venice.

Heir to Vladč.Izidor Gudc, the administrator of this parish was appointed mr. PAVAO ŽIGAR, The former chaplain in Ogulin. At the time of his administration, a division arose among the people because the capitulate Vikarijat rightly asked to be removed from the parish. There were some who believed in him, and there were those who believed in him. Priests came from Rijeka to celebrate Holy Mass at least on Sundays, but they came across a closed church. This lasted for almost four years when in 1910 Mr. Roko Vučić was appointed bishop of Senj-Modruš and proposed, in agreement with the magistrate, to launch a competition for the parish priest, to which both sides agreed. Between three candidates; Pavle Žigar, Pavle Oršić and Mate Polić were elected.

MATE POLIĆ He officially became pastor on April 11, 1911. In the Monument of the parish, he notes that that same year he edited the interior of the church and purchased a new main altar at the Ferdinand Stuflesser company in Tyrol. He mentions a great drought and the occurrence of cholera disease, and in 1913 he describes the extension of the Old School building towards Brdina. Sarajevo's assassination marked the beginning of World War I and parish priest Polić keeps records of all parishioners who had to go into the army (214 in total) – 25 killed, 10 maimed and 31 captured in Russia. During the war, the military ministry requisitioned all three bells from the church bell tower and two bells from the chapel of All Saints. Even the metal parts of the organ were requisitioned, so they played only two years. After the war wolf. Polić took care of the nutrition of the hungry population until 1919 when he was transferred to Ogulin.

In the post-war circumstances and new circumstances, he was replaced by his domestic son from Pula ALEKSANDAR SUPERINA who served here until 1926 when he went to Kraljevica because in 1925, a new Diocese of Rijeka was founded, and he wanted to serve in Senj-Modruš.

Since the Treaty of Rapallo and the Treaty of Rome came into force in the meantime, and the Drenova became part of the Italian part of Rijeka, by the decision of the new bishop of Rijeka, Izidor Sain, he was appointed pastor at Drenova vlč. GIUSEPPE MARIOTTINI from Arezzo, Italy, serving as a chaplain in the Italian army.

A very important man in the history of the Drenov church, sociable and noble, very sensitive to the needs of the workers for whom he was looking for a job, and he had success in this because he was close to the civil authorities in the city. Unfortunately, the Second World War is in sight with all the horrors, camps and deaths. When the arrests occurred, he went to command and as a former military chaplain guaranteed for his parishioners and in the vast majority of his intervention was successful and saved many lives.

He died in 1948 and was buried in the Old Cemetery in Donja Drenova. Next to him were later moved and buried the remains of Ivan Cvetko, so that these two deserving Drenov priests rest together.

After his death, the state administration nationalized the parish apartment and on the ground floor moved two families, and in the basement adapted the space, first for the youth organization, and later for the Kindergarten Bubamara.

Since the priests did not have a place to stay in the parish, they ruled from the residential parish. In this way, they served on Drenova: TOMO KARMELIĆ from St. Peter's Parish. Romuald until 1956, VJEKOSLAV SUČIĆ from the same parish until 1960, ANTON PERKAN from the seminary until 1968, and MARIJAN DUJMIĆ from Viškovo until 1969.

On October 5, 1969, he took over the priesthood. GABRIAL OF BRATINA and moves into the northwestern part of the parish apartment, which is emptied by the relocation of teacher Božo Črnjar and wife Marija Črnjar to the old school.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Gabriel Bratina

One of the people who has indebted Drenova over the past fifty years has been Fr. Grabriel Bratin. Born in 1931 in Otlica near Ajdovščina, Slovenia, he arrived at the Rijeka Seminary in 1949, ordained a priest in 1954, serving in our parish since 1969. On October 23, 2004, he celebrated his celebration of gold medals (50 years of priesthood ), and on August 30, 2009, he was more than deservedly retired and left the parish to the management of the new administrator. His many merits are for the common good of our parish; taking care of all church buildings, upgrading the church and building a pastoral center, the chapel of All Saints (in the new cemetery) and on Veli Vrh. Favorite with the locals, always affordable, quiet and unobtrusive. A true priest, a spiritual director to many people and always at the service of the Church and the people. On 25 November 2020, he passed away and returned to the Father, in 89 Years of Life i 66 Years of Priesthood.

Over the years, we have had excellent cooperation and a large part of the digital archive of our Regional Museum Drenove contains documents (numerous rarities) that Gabriel gave us to store and digitize, and thus save from oblivion.

Damir Medved, President of the Association without Borders

Over the years, we have met with him several times in our Drenovski list. These conversations and conversations paint him beautifully. Let's remember our Gabriel.

From an interview with Larissa Smokvina for “Drenovski list” No. 4, July 2006.

Almost 37 years ago, a man came to Drenovo, known to both children and adults, believers and non-believers, natives and settlers.  And I'm sure, all those with whom he spoke mildly at least once, felt his message within themselves.

Monsignor Gabriel Bratina, our first permanent pastor, respected among fellow priests, respected among the faithful.  As Drenova marks its days and the feast of Carmel in July, and the church of Our Lady of Carmel is an important element of community in the settlement, I spoke with our Reverend. 

Gabriel Bratina and Larissa Smokvina

I've been thinking for a long time, how to write a few sentences in the given spatial frames that would describe it. For what can I say about a man who taught me religion, and taught me faith, hope, and love?  I can write what I know and how I experience it, and I share it with you readers : 

My favorite Slovenian, born in 1931 in Otlica near Ajdovščina, was educated in his homeland and finished high school in Italy.  After World War II, he returned to Slovenia and studied theology in Rijeka, intending to remain a priest for the Italian minority. In 1954 he was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Rijeka. In his biography are the services of vicars, chaplains and priests in Cvitović, Generalski stol and the economist of Semenište in Rijeka.

He arrived at Drenovo when 485 native people lived there. He says that he “sneaked” into the parish apartment thanks to professor Božo Črnja, who in the Old School, today Cvetkov trg, asked for another apartment from the school authorities, and with the kindness of the Saršon family he still lives in the same place today. The new rectory is under construction, and our Reverend God's shepherd for at least five thousand souls.

Although he has been on Drenova for a long time, his priestly life is still dynamic. With his inexhaustible enthusiasm and good will in the years he has, he also surprised the workers who restored the church by helping them as much as he knew and could.

A passionate nature lover, a longtime mountaineer, led and still does the chronicle of our parish, the Blessed Virgin Mary of Carmel. Collecting for years all sorts of stone remains on which human hands worked, he also found a tile embedded in the foundation of the chapel on Drena built in 1628, dedicated to Our Lady of Carmel, and by which our present church, built in 1847, is dedicated to the same Lady.

I remember how small and unsightly she was, but my generation (born in the early 1970s) gladly came to Mass, and later to religious education with Reverend Gabriel. We were a team, and although life has guided us in different directions, even today when we meet, we remember the communion that this great man has instilled in us. Many of us have been baptized, communiond and married, and today he distributes these same sacraments to our children. 

Although he should have retired under canon law, the Reverend is still with us, and I want it to be forever. Yes, not much longer, because I can only make sentences about kindness, peace, happiness, understanding, selflessness and the eternally young spirit of our Gabriel, I conclude:  God sends us a call through people with whom we share life's destiny, and in the figure of Reverend Gabriel Drenova she got her angel.

Reverend Gabriel never imposed his vocation on anyone, never refused to help anyone, to listen, to give advice... I believe that few priests are like him, in today's, unfortunately, shaken belief of many in the institution of the Church.  Maybe I'm just too subjective.

 – Everything is still changing and people are somehow distant from each other, but the church is a place where they meet regularly. They met families, children. – says Reverend Gabriel.  He has been a priest for more than fifty years, celebrated his golden Mass in October two years ago, and, no matter how difficult it was, he would have chosen the same vocation again – he says.

40 years of msgr. Bratine na Drenova – “Drenovski list” No. 18, October 2009.

After 40 years Serving the faithful of Drenova, August 30th this year, Fr. Gabriel Bratina, for all the people of Drenovci, held a mass of thanksgiving marking the retirement of this humble and self-denying priest and man.

Gratitude for many years of dedicated priestly work was expressed by the youngest, children and their catechists, and the supreme Venerable Mother of the Society of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Sr. Felicita Špehar.

On behalf of the faithful Drenova thanked the Reverend Mrs. Mirjana Palada Kmetović with inspired and touching words. Mrs. Mirjana's speech from which we can learn something from the life of the wolf. Gabrijela is transmitted in its entirety:

When they asked me to say a few words on the occasion of the retirement of our pastor Fr. Gabriel Bratine, countless ideas began to swarm in my head, countless situations that I should mention, but, of course, the time for these few words is limited and I should have limited my memories to some of the most memorable moments.

I would like to reiterate the words of our archbishop, who said for our humble and beloved pastor in commemoration of his goldsmithship five years ago that he is living a credible, authentic priestly life, fully committed to Christ, to his brothers and sisters and to the Church.

The path of the spiritual vocation of our pastor began in Rijeka when he came by train to our city and when, enquiring around the city for the path to the seminary, he was sent to the seed store. It didn't shake him, nor did many of the hardships he went through. Even immediately after his ordination in 1954, at that time reluctant to the faith and believers, due to a maliciously interpreted sermon, he spent a month in prison. Several parishes of Lika have passed to our parish: Slunj, Cvitković and Generalski Stol, where he certainly left his mark.

As all the paths of our pastor lead to Rijeka, he returned to Rijeka as an economist of the Seminary.

Exactly 40 years ago, back in 1969, man came to the moon for the first time, and our pastor came to our parish!

At that time she had only 485 souls, so the pastor for a time: From 1971 to 1981, he served next to our parish and in the parish of St. John the Baptist. St. George's on Upper Drenova.

There were not many of us, so he, then young and full of enthusiasm, easily performed parish duties in both parishes. Before his eyes, Drenova changed and grew from a village into a large town. Since then, our parish has grown many times, but it has not outgrown the great heart of our pastor, his dedication and his spirit.

I remember the goodness of our pastor from his youngest days, through his youth until now. In every part of my life, he left his mark: He gave me his first Holy Communion, he was with me at the Holy Confirmation, he brought my husband and I into marriage. Almost every Drenov family had moments of happiness and sadness through which the safe hand of our good parish priest Gabriel Bratina – the great Brother – guided it.

Five years ago, as he celebrated his golden Mass, he who can be a model of good for all of us, in his immense modesty, begged us – sinfully his flock for forgiveness if he offended someone, if he scandalized someone. And we can say without hesitation and with pride that we have a living blessed, a living saint beside us - a hard-working, quiet, peaceful, prudent, devoted and unobtrusive miracle worker who created a miracle of communion with us new Drenovci.

We are happy that our beloved parish priest will stay with us in his retirement days, what will be with us and what will be with our new parish priest Marijan Benković, who we believe is a good student to the great teacher Gabriel and to whom we wish happiness and God's blessing in leading our parish.

I'll use a sports dictionary: Our pastor Gabriel set the bar high!  But we are sure that, with the support of our retired pastor and with our support, Marijan can reach that lath.

Dear parish priest, I thank you on behalf of our parish and all the inhabitants of Drenova for your kindness and for everything you have done for each of us and for our entire parish. I thank you on my own behalf, on behalf of all those who are here now with us and on behalf of all those you have encountered during these 55 years of your service, on behalf of all of us to whom you have been a lighthouse, because each of us has received a touch of your kindness, patience and the light of your good soul. On behalf of all, I can say that we hope and want you to spend many more peaceful and beautiful years with us.

Mirjana Palada Kmetović

On the occasion of the retirement of Fr. Gabrijela Bratine we talk about his 55 years the Priestly Life of which 40 spent in the service of the faithful of our parish. (Conversation led by Christian Grailach)

Reverend, how come you decided to retire?

I will try to illustrate this with verses from the 90th Psalm of the Book of the Old Testament:

The sum of our age is seventy years,

if we are strong, and eighty;

And most of them are tormented by nullity:

 Because they're going fast and we're flying out of here.

Who shall measure the fierceness of thy wrath, and who shall know thy wrath?

Teach us to count our days, that we may gain a wise heart.

I would like to start this conversation with these Bible verses because they talk about the years of life in which I myself find myself and which teach us how the time comes in life when we must become aware of the transience of time and turn to ourselves and our heart.

For starters, tell us a little about yourself.

I was born in Otlica, a village near Ajdovščina in Slovenia where my parents were born and where I finished elementary school. I attended high school in Italy in Rovigo, Verona and Venice, according to the whirlwind of World War II. When, at the end of the war, the option of opting for Italian citizenship or repatriation was offered, I chose the latter with several colleagues and friends. We returned to our native Slovenia and I still remember the voluntary work actions in the war-torn country.

How did you decide on the priesthood?

There's a little interesting thing about it that I'm going to tell you. As a child, I was an altar boy in our church. On one occasion, a monk came to the village to collect food and clothes for those in need. These monks were called Capuchins. Our Reverend commissioned me to take him from house to house where his hosts gave him gifts. I was impressed by this young monk sacrificing himself for the good of others. This event stuck in my memory and maybe that is exactly what I decided to opt for the study of theology that I started and finished in Rijeka.

Upon graduation, in 1954 your life dedicated to the priesthood began.

So, first in Lika in the parishes of Slunj, Cvitković and Generalski stol, to come to Rijeka and serve as an economist in the Rijeka Seminary. Finally, in 1969, I came as a pastor to the parish of BDM Karmelske on Drenova, where I also received my retirement.

Coming to Drenova, as people would say, my axe fell into honey. From the very beginning, I liked the countryside, and especially the friendly local people. Shortly after arriving at Drenova, I was also a parish priest in the Church of St. George on Gornja Drenova, from 1970 until the arrival of Reverend Berislav Humski, who took over the parish in 1981.

The parishioners know you as, as the locals would say, a great delager. Here, a lot of your personal work is built into the renovated church and the newly built parish court.

I like to work, I am physically happy with the work, especially when I see the result of the work. In addition, I believe that others are best encouraged to work by personal example.

In the construction of a new parsonage and renovation and upgrading Church of the Wolf. Gabriel has done a lot of personal work.

There is also an anecdote related to your work.

I know what you mean! Even while I was serving on Upper Drena, we repaired the bell tower of the church of St. John the Baptist. George. One worker and I stood high on the scaffolding and beat the worn-out plaster. There is a man passing in the direction of Sarshone, shouting from the road to the worker next to me: “A little judi, you will arivat, tr has a pop soldi to pay you”. The worker didn't know what to say, he's looking at me, he's embarrassed, and this one will say again: “Somewhere you force it, there is a pop soldi”. Now I've had enough of this one, so he shouts: “Trubilo, how can you not see that this is a pop pul mane!?”. You can imagine what it was like for him, he left without saying a word.

Speaking of work, I am unusually pleased that we have succeeded, although not yet fully, in rebuilding and upgrading the church and building the rectory. Yet something visible remains behind me.

Finally, do you have anything to say to the parishioners?

I will repeat the words of the first Drenov teacher and priest Ivan Cvetko, who at his departure said:

If I have offended anyone in my service, if I have wronged anyone, forgive me. And if I have done anyone good, let him do the same to others.

Great jubilee of our Msgr. Gabrijela – “Drenovski list” No. 46, December 2019

On Sunday, November 10, at a solemn mass in the Church of the BDM of Carmel, she was celebrated 65th Anniversary Priesthood of our good Mons. Gabriel Bratine. The sermon was preached by a wolf. Žan Lebović Casalonga, a young priest born in our parish, whose celebrant was pastor for many years. Mons. Gabriel (as all Drenovci know and call him) was ordained on the feast of Christ the King, on November 31, 1954. Along with him, Mons. Ivoslav Linić, and the Holy Order was distributed to them by the then auxiliary Senj-Modruš bishop Josip Pavlišić.

msgr. Gabriel Bratina

The 50th anniversary of the arrival of Mons. Gabriel served his parishioners for 40 years when he retired in August 1969. On this occasion, he wrote in the parish book: My farewell to the faithful of this parish, which has been entrusted to me for 40 years, will be on August 30th. I would like to recommend myself to all with the same words spoken by Pope John Paul II in Trsat: “Pray for me while I am alive and when I am dead”.

INMEMORIAM – “Drenovski list” No. 47, December 2020

That Thursday morning, all of us were found on the Drena River and saddened by the news that on the night of 25 November he passed away and returned to the Father, in 89 Years of Life i 66 Years of Priesthood, Our favorite pastor, Mons. Gabriel Bratin.

Our beloved Gabriel was buried at the Old Cemetery of Drenova, in the parish where he served since 1969. Until his retirement in 2009, he was a parish priest in the parish of Our Lady of Carmel on the Lower Drenos, where even after his retirement he remained to live and work in the monastery, home to the mother of the Society of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, helping the nuns and parish priests who succeeded him. Everyone respected and loved him, both lay faithful and fellow priests – he was a role model for everyone.He was born on 24 March 1931 in Otlica (Ajdovščina), and was the seventh of nine children of his parents. He was ordained a priest in secret on the feast of Christ the King,

October 31, 1954 in the chapel of the Rijeka Seminary together with Mons. Ivoslav Linić, and they were ordained by Archbishop Mons. Josip Pavlišić. He served in several parishes in Lika and Gorski Kotar from his priestly ordination until his arrival in Donja Drenova in 1969. He was also a prefect, economist and spiritual director at the John Paul II Theological Seminary in Rijeka.

The entire Drenova, which he served for more than 50 years, and many others will wear a wolf. Gabriel in his heart, remembering him for his kindness, as a self-denying man, a humble and simple lover of God and people.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National


Photo: Marko Jukić, Student of Primary School Fran Franković, the work particularly praised at the Photo Contest “Drenova – pol ure nad rekun 2021”

In V O D

There are few local committees in Rijeka that have two parishes and two churches as Drenova. In fact, three churches, because the Chapel of All Saints in ancient times was the only church on the Drena in which Holy Mass was served. And as we will see from the text, there was a fourth.

There are interesting things in the history of Drenov sacral objects. My intention was to write them down and store them in one place so that they would be accessible to a wider circle of people. In doing so, I am primarily thinking of the people of Drenovci who are social and political circumstances, or rather troubles, scattered around the world and I was convinced of how much they yearn for every word or image from their homeland.

Copies of documents and photographs from the holdings are  the State Archives of Rijeka i the digital collection of the Drenova Regional Museum.

the Shrine of All Saints

The oldest of all sacral buildings on Drena is the All Saints Chapel on Obrš in the area of the Central City Cemetery, and serves for the last farewell of the deceased.

In the Book of the Historian of Rijeka Ivan Kobler 1811 1896) “History of Rijeka” in the part describing the churches of the then Rijeka area, under number 28 we find the following:

The Chapel of All Saints. –  It is located on the Drenovo plateau, towards Podbreg, and it must have been there as early as the 16th century.

In 1603. Catarina Koscich bequeathed 550 lira to this chapel, and in 1606 the Patriarch of Aquileia, in his capacity of superscript, ordered Giovanni Sandalic not to interfere in the management of the land of this chapel, since only the Archdeacon of Rijeka is responsible for this. It appears to have been donated by someone from the Sandalich family, but the modest donation has vanished.

Ivan Kobler

In the “Strazza crediti” notebook   by Drenov trader Francesco Stefan, owner of the former butege and bakery pul Benaši started to run on June 23, 1888, on the second page we find his manuscript:

1890 15/8 There were as many crevices from Sisvetih 3 hundred and 15 flight, Fran Stefan

Francesco Stefan
The first record of the construction of the Chapel

Unfortunately Mr. Fran did not specify the source, but thanks to him we can believe that the chapel was built a long time ago 1575. years.

The chapel was a place of worship, which we will later see in the description of the Church of the Mother of God of Carmel and which is in some way evidence of the existence of Drenova as a settlement for more than 400 years. the Chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 1628. and later, the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel 1847. year, the chapel loses its original purpose and is becoming more and more decayed. Coming to Drenova in 1970, the then pastor Mons. Gabriel Bratina advocates for its restoration, which was completed in 1977.

The chapel, like all churches in 1917, was left without bells, which were then torn to make it too warm for the needs of the war. The bells that are now on the chapel and that are advertised at the funeral of the deceased were made by Drenovski obrtnik, left-hander Živko Golubovac in his workshop in today's Ivana Žorža street and on them poured his name and the name of the monsignor Gabriel Bratine. From the memory of Mons. Gabriel bells were erected in 1982 or 83.

Construction the Central City Cemetery in 1984, the chapel begins to serve at the last farewell of the deceased.

It was renovated again in 2008 and, although time-consuming, it fit nicely into the cemetery area.

The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Carmel

May 1, 1837 Don Ivan Cvetko, until then the parish assistant, was appointed pastor on Drenova. The very next year he had a parish apartment built, which today serves as a residence for our retired pastor, Monsignor Gabriel Bratina. In the parish apartment Ivan Cvetko gathered the more advanced children of Drenova and taught them the first literacy.

Worship was then, for the last 10 years, performed in the chapel of All Saints in today's new cemetery, because the chapel of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, built back in 1628 on the site of the parish apartment, was in dilapidated condition.

Ivan Cvetko
Pastor Ivan Cvetko

By the efforts of Ivan Cvetko in civil and ecclesiastical authorities, the construction of a new church was approved in 1847. It is interesting to note that the church in the outer dimensions was built in only 3 months and Holy Masses began to be held there. It was consecrated on September 24, 1863 to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.

Interesting information about Drenovska, first the chapel, and then the church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, can be found in the above-mentioned book by Ivan Kobler in which, under number 29, he brings the following:

Parish Church of Sv. Mary of the Mount of Carmel. – Once a chapel located on the Drenovo plateau and built at the expense of spouses Antonio and Maria Petrarolo, who owned a house there with a vineyard and a forest called Paškvinovac. The foundation stone was blessed on May 2, 1628, by Bishop Giovanni Agatich of Senj and Modruš, and on that occasion its founders undertook to convert the income of half of their house in Rijeka to the Zborne Church, to maintain the chapel and perform worship. By the will of 1639, they founded an inalienable inheritance for the benefit of the Fiorini family, with the obligation to maintain the chapel, but the fideikomis (confidence) was abolished in 1742.

Ivan Kobler

At this point, I'm going to interrupt a quote from Kobler's book to say a few words about the chapel itself. Our great monsignor Gabriel Bratina found under the stone next to the old Parish apartment a brass plate that was placed there in 1628 under the cornerstone, as Kobler described it.

Brass tile with construction start date  

From the following images  showing the window from the outside and the inside on the western wall of the basement room of the Parish apartment, it is visible by the shape of the window that it was a window on the chapel (and not the basement that it is today), that is, that the chapel of Our Lady of Carmel in question was exactly in that place.

Continue reading:

When Giovanni Battista's last male heir, Fiorini de Blühenberg, died in 1718, his two daughters, Franciska, wife of Giovanni Domenico Peri, and Maria, Giuseppe Antonio Svilocossi, shared his father's inheritance. Then Antonia, the widow of Monaldi, the daughter of the aforementioned Peria, left in her will in 1756 to her cousin Archdeacon Svilocossi the estate on the Drenoa, with the obligation of maintenance and worship in the chapel. After his death in 1780, possession and patronage belonged to Archdeacon Peria, who, by a document dated 1789, declared that he was the last heir of the female lineage Fiorini, and that he was thus allowed to freely dispose of possession and patronage, because Monaldieva in her will limited possession of goods and patronage only to family members.

Archdeacon de Peri, who died in 1810, with a will from 1807, left the estate on the Drena, with the same obligations, to his great-grandson Frances de Terzy.

As early as 1789, Chaplaincy was founded on Drena, the center of which was this chapel, and the first chaplain was Canon Munier, but when after a year it was abolished, the esteemed Kaptol again took spiritual care.

On September 3, 1836, the City Council decided to establish a parish court on Drenova, which was approved by the Diocese in November of the same year, so that on May 1, the priest Don Giovanni Cvetko, until then the parish assistant in Delnice, was elected pastor on Drenova.

During arranging the income for the maintenance of the cult, the patron Francesko de Terzy, then the city chancellor, vinculated the sum of 500 forints in favor of this chapel.

A little later it was found that due to its weak structure the chapel would not last long. That is why in 1846 it was decided to build a more spacious church with a sum of 2,367 forints. The chapel was demolished, and on September 24, 1863 the bishop was consecrated to Bl. He dedicated a new church to the Virgin Mary from Mount Carmel.

Ivan Kobler

I will add here the data from Marin Štefan’s pen in ‘Drenovski list’ No 18:

Thus, on May 10, 1847, the cornerstone of the new church was blessed, and on November 22 of the same year, the built part was blessed so that the liturgy could be used. The church was finished and solemnly consecrated on September 24, 1863 by the Bishop of Senj and Modruš, Dr. Vjenceslav Šoić.

Marino Štefan

A document on this with the signature of the pastor Ivan Cvetko can be found in the Parish Book entitled Liber insertionis historiae neorectae Parochiae Drenovensis ab anno 1887.  (The book of additions to the history of the newly founded parish of Drenova since 1887.)

In the above-mentioned parish book, which is kept in the church, you can find many interesting things related to the appearance and furnishing of the church.

Record of the bell tower by the parish priest Izidor Gudc

So is Pastor Izidor Gudac  wrote that in August 1903, the bell tower on the church, which I had built by the Rijeka Magistrat, was completed, and the construction was entrusted to the Drenov construction entrepreneur Lino Kučić. And instead of the bell tower – as Reverend Gudac famously wrote – Until then, you could see a dove on the roof of the church - with bells in it.

Appearance of the bell tower before remodeling

We also find an interesting record of Reverend Gudac that on February 18, 1906 a collaboration of new church organs was made by Pietro Bassani from Venice, but, as he says, there was no one to play them. It was not until 1916 that the Drenov church was given a permanent organist when Fran Blažić Jurov-Jr., on the initiative of the parish priest Mate Polić, finished his teaching at the Rijeka organist Josip Vidrih.

The plan of landscaping the church from 1856.

Looking on the Internet for information about the church, I came across an interesting, although I would say, slightly idealized view from 1856 (picture above), where you can see the church, the parish court and the “Old School” in its first form, which was added in 1913 to the size of today's building.

On the lower, slightly more recent, sketch, you can also see the well, the access stairs that still exist today and the house of Lino Kučić where it was sold for years: Linot's butega In its place there is a building called “Beautiful Brena” by the people of Drenovci.

Sketch of the surroundings of the church and school
The Church's Remodeling Plan of 1902

Also interesting is the story of the bells on the Drenov churches of the older age. In the so far frequently mentioned Parish Book, as early as 1917, the parish priest Mate Polić wrote under the title Bells  inter alia:

The Military Ministry requisitioned the bells for war purposes, and decided to spare the bells of historical value and one bell for religious use. On March 29, 1917, the following bells were removed from Krasica by Lessee Togunjec:

Mate Polić

The parish priest Polić describes in detail two bells (weight, engraved texts and figures) that were removed from the bell tower of the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel as well as two on the Chapel of All Saints and gives an interesting detail from the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel:

These bells were thrown out the window of the bell tower, but none of them broke...the least of them were left for religious use. And this was finally taken away in the year 1917 in the month of October

Mate Polić

There are two bells on the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel today: large since 1947, weighing 350 kg made by the company Kvirin Lebiš from Zagreb and small, weighing 82 kg made in 1924 in the company Salio A. Blažina from Zagreb.

With the most necessary maintenance of the building, the church resisted the time until 2001, when a serious reconstruction began.

The following paintings show the interior of the church before the remodeling, where you can also see a beautiful crystal chandelier, which was unfortunately destroyed during the church's construction.  

Beginning of reconstruction of the wolf. Gabriel Bratina described this in the Parish Book: What happened on October 1, 2001? The parish church began to collapse, but it was to be built!

‘Novi list’ of 16 July 2003 adopted an article entitled Church built by contributions of the faithful from which is shown the image of the church in the course of reconstruction .

That same year in 2003, in June, Pope John Paul II visited Croatia and Rijeka. On this occasion, a statue of the Virgin Mary and a plaque with a commemorative inscription were placed on the stone pedestal in front of the church.

A few years later, in 2006.  Works on the extension and extension of the church continued, making the entire complex today's appearance. The upgraded part resulted in a pastoral center with all the necessary facilities that provide an opportunity for quality pastoral work.

the Church of Holy July

Source: The Wolf. Nikica Jurić, 70 years of St. Peter's. St. George's martyr on Upper Drenova, ‘Drenovski list’ No 16’

By the Treaty of Rome in 1924, Drenova was separated into Upper and Lower Drenova. This demarcation left the upper part of Drenova, Podbreg, Kablari, Lopača, Grohovo without a church, cemetery and school.

It was not until 1931 that the construction of the sacral building began: The future church.

Along with the church, a parish apartment was built, which was completed the same year. The church was built intensively the following year, but it was not fully completed until August 6, 1939, when it was blessed by Dean Anton Košir, parish priest in St. Matthew. Prior to that, the same year, on 23 April, by decree of the Senj-Modruš Episcopal Ordinariate in Senj, the parish of St. George the Martyr was founded on Gornja Drena.

Picture from the time of completion of construction

The newly established parish includes: place Drenova and villages Benaši, Brdo, Grohovo, Kablari, Lopača, Mugarić, Patersko and Podbreg.

The church was built with the contribution and care of the Croatian Ban's government in Zagreb, which bore all the construction costs. It was built from reinforced concrete with a stone wall in the Old Croatian style. The length of the building is about 16 and the width 11 meters. The main altar is made of stone with an embossed picture of St. John the Baptist. George above the tabernacle. The altar was erected on April 26, 1937. The bell dedicated to St. Juraj, weighing 192 kilograms, was salived in Zagreb at the company ‘Kvirin Lebiš’. It was acquired in 1933, and was consecrated by the then auxiliary bishop Franz Salis-Sevis of Zagreb, who later led the Archdiocese of Zagreb after the arrest of Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac.

During and after World War II, the parish apartment also served for military purposes, so that there was a German military command, and after the war the right of disposal was usurped by the Rijeka Housing Community.

It was not until 1961 that the right of ownership of the parish was restored, but as a real estate of the parish of Sv. St. Matthew, from whom he was a wolf. Marijan Dujmović, then director of the parish of Sv. St. George's Parish Church Jurja has been renovated and rehabilitated several times: From 1969 to 1971, the bell tower was repaired in 1975, and the roof in 1985. Work on the maintenance and renovation of the church continued, as can be seen in the picture from 1991.

By advocating for a long time the head of the parish, Fr. Nikica Jurić's parish apartment and the church that looks like this today have been completely renovated

Today's appearance of St. Peter's Church. Juraj


Source: Marino Štefan, Sparks from Drenov history – chapel or monument to an unknown hero on Veli Vrh, ‘Drenovski list’ No 19

In the daily newspaper  LA VEDETTA D’ITALIA which were published in Rijeka at the beginning of the Second World War in the numbers of 5, 11 and 12 October 1941 written testimony about the preparation and opening of the chapel at Veli Vrh (Italian Monte Lesco) on the day of St. Martin, 11 November 1941.

The chapel was blessed by the Military Ordinary Mons. Bartolomasi, accompanied by military chaplain Giussepe Raimondi. It was built by the border guards and soldiers of the XXVIII sector of the Italian army (these were soldiers from northern Italy, mainly from Bresce and Bergamo). The construction and consecration was on behalf of Italy, as a symbol of the victory in April (think of ending the April War between the Axis powers and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia from 6 to 17 April 1941) and the liberation of this region from Serbian tyranny as the same source puts it from 5 November 1941, p.3: “...che il nome d’Italia suoni come simbolo di Vittoria e di civitta’ in una terra da lunghi anni soggiogata dalla tyrannia serba’. The chapel also received its protection in the name of the Mother of God from the guards at the border!  

It was built on the highest elevation of Veli vrh, a hill above Drenova, at an altitude of 439 meters. The years of construction determined the neoclassicist architecture of the 30s and 40s of the last century. The chapel has an ejected apse (about 1 m away) and a horsetail over the entrance facade, interestingly, without a bell. In the copy there is a stone relief of the Mother of God, which holds two churches: Trsat and Cossack. The chapel has a large arched entrance where originally, there were only iron doors from metal profiles, visually transparent (which would have been better if it had remained during the renovation, without glazing). The chapel remained in use until 8 September 1943. During the post-war period, from 1945 onwards, no one took care of it, so that the building progressively deteriorated.  Partly because at the time of construction, but also later, this area was in the military zone and it was not allowed to carry out any works in it, without the consent of the military authorities. The population of Drenova, in the time of Italy, could only be there on the day of the opening of the chapel, which also testifies to the character of the building.

The Chapel Before the Restoration

This state of deterioration lasted until the second half of the 1990s, when spontaneous renovation began, which included a complete renovation of the building with a new roof and roof, plastering and painting of the masonry, facade and floor tiling. A black locksmith was also installed (two side windows and an entrance metal door modelled on the former one, initially installed without glazing, later, contrary to the will of the refurbishment designer, glazed). The interior of the apse was painted by the Russian artist Alexander Zvyagin, while the stone relief in a copy was restored by the academic sculptor Zlatko Kutnjak. 

Shortly after the renovation, the environment of the chapel was further enriched in the immediate vicinity, for which the municipal services of the City of Rijeka also showed interest. A removal order has also been issued, but... nothing yet.  

Chapel on Lokva

It doesn't exist anymore. It was built in 1883, but in 1960, when the road, today's Drenovski put, was widened, it had to be demolished.

A stone slab from the chapel on which it is carved is preserved, and in the newly erected drywall by the road:





The year 1913 stands on the top of the Rebre chapel. Everyone would have thought that this was the year the chapel was built. However, I was convinced that this was not the case when our great Reverend Gabriel, in the already mentioned Parish Book, showed me a record entitled ‘The New Chapel at the Peak of the Rebre’, which was recorded on 9 September 1913 by the then Drenov parish priest Mate Polić. Here is the verbatim transcript:

New chapel at the top of the Rebre

At the top of the hill, the so-called The "Rebre" consisted of a crucifixion, which he had raised with a posthumous crucifixion. Francik Kucich (d. Škripalo) as a gift to the Crucified Saviour and Bl. To the Virgin Mary of Mercy at Trsat. The tooth of the time worked on the mentioned crucifix, which finally in 1912 the bora, which was there good blowing, broke and shattered the stones. There is no other option but to raise a new crucifixion.

Some parishioners, especially Anton Franković and Iginio Superina, decided to erect a chapel, which will somewhat protect the crucified from the storm and storm. Immediately, these two were given to collect the donations, and they gathered on Dolnja Drenova and on Pula the sum of 139 Kr. 28 phil., and the Iron Cross was donated by Mr. Mate Petrich, Capomakinista at the maritime area in Rijeka. With this collected sum, they began the construction of the chapel, having previously received permission from the building office, and working for a few days for free, they would finally be built, and Mr. Venceslav Cergnar, the conductor of this local school, would give the same color.

September 7, 1913 is the same as the licensed bisk. Ordinariate in Senj blessed. From the parish church we went through the procession to the chapel, where first the blessing of the cross was performed, then the homily and finally the Holy Mass was sung. The people decorated the chapel with flowers and flags for this occasion, and the blessing was done with the shooting of the mortars. The cost of construction was lih 138 Kr. 56 phil., and this is because some parishioners worked free and donated materials for construction. The list of income and expenses can be found in the archives of the parish. The chapel would be valued at 500 BC.

Drenova, September 9, 1913.

Mate Polić, pastor

It turned out that in 1913 the chapel was placed in a place where there had been a wooden crucifix for a long time: It is not known exactly when it was installed, Mons. My brother thinks it was 1890. It is also dedicated to Bl. To the Virgin Mary on Trsat from what was once seen from that place the Shrine on Trsat. Today, it is no longer visible from newly built houses and growing greenery. The beautiful iron cross mentioned in the text and seen in the picture from the time before 2. World War II was destroyed after the war due to ideological turmoil at that time.

The chapel is now regularly maintained. The Reverend Gabriel told me that he had built a stone relief made in Italy into the chapel, but it was soon demolished by irresponsible individuals with a ‘piercer’, which caused significant damage. Relief has been repaired (see picture)  and is waiting to be put back in place of the present crucifix that you see in the image of the chapel today, after it was restored in 2008.


In 1903 the Old Cemetery of Drenova was built. Within the cemetery, the middle part of today's chapel was built.  At that time and years later, the funerals moved from the church, and the building was used in the case when the deceased did not attend mass, such as suicides or in the case of death from an infectious disease. According to Monsignor Bratina, a massive stone table was set up in the building, on which the autopsy of the deceased could also be performed. In 2000 it was extended on the south side and on the north side a canopy was built so that since then the funerals no longer start from the church but from the chapel.


The first chapel “Na Franić” is at the beginning of the village along the road.  Unfortunately, it's quite neglected and it would be a real shame if it failed.

 The second is in the center of the village, next to the old communal well.  It takes place inasmuch as someone is colored from time to time.

No one, not even the oldest locals, knows when they were built. Everyone just says: ‘The shoe is made of vavek tu’.


A beautiful chapel was built into the dry stone wall along the ascent of Lubanj.  Older locals say that the local milkmaids stopped there to pray on their way to Rijeka. At that time, the road from that place turned towards today's Orešje in order to break out at the Master's on today's Drenovski put.

The chapel was renovated by Mr. Ivan Franković from Lokve in 2006 with his own efforts and funds.


It was built by the locals of Grohov in 2000 on the initiative and personal commitment of Grohovčan Ivan Marić.

Chapel in Grohovo

In the chapel, the parish priest of St. George's parish, which includes Grohovo, celebrates Holy Mass every year on Grohovo Day (the first Sunday after the Assumption of Mary).


Chapel or Grota (cave) to the left of St. George's Church  She preserves the figure of the Virgin of the Poor from Banneux, Belgium, where she appeared to a girl in 1933.

Virgin of the Poor in Banneux, Belgium

The statue of the Virgin of the Poor was given to Ljiljana Marić from Drenovčanka in Belgium and in 1995 she had a chapel built in which the statue was stored.


On the old wall, at the crossroads of the Drenovski put and Bruno Francetić Street, the Benaši pole, for over 120 years stands a wooden cross with a crucifix on a pedestal made of carved stone and carved year of construction in 1899.

Cross Pole Benaši

The cross is protected, for that time, by a characteristic tin lining.

The Cross Ends Holy July Church

In the park between the church of St. George and St. George's Street, on a stand made of masonry stone, stands a wooden cross with a crucifix.

Cross next to the Church of St. George

Similar to the old cross on Benaši, it is protected by a tin roof. The year 1983 was engraved on the cross when, during his service, he was a wolf. Berislav Humski, and set.

A Cross on the Hill Along the St. George's Street

On the Hill, next to St. George's Street, there is a wooden cross with a crucifix erected on a masonry stone stand.

Cross in St. George's Street

She had it installed by Drenovčanka Milena Polonijo and wears the engraved date of installation 10. 6. 2001


As it stands in the inscription on the marble slab, the cross was erected by Mate Sikavica in 2012, as the first inhabitant of the street.

Cross in Ivana Žorža Street

This statement does not stand up, knowing that this part of Drenova had been inhabited before. Let's leave mr. Sikavians to keep their opinions and accept his contribution to the enrichment of religious symbols on the Drenoa,


From 1903 until the end of World War II, there was on Skull, at the beginning of the old road to Lopaca, a large iron cross with a crucifix that was demolished, apparently, for ideological reasons. Many older people in Drenovci do not know this, but the documentation from the museum's digital collection and the recently found statue of Jesus from the crucifix are proof of its existence.

On March 28, 1903, the then Drenov parish priest Antun Ladić sent a letter to the Diocesan Ordinary of Senj Modruš in which he prayed that the blessing of the crucifix be approved and that an open-air mass be held on that occasion. It says in the letter;

Reverend Ordinariate!

Milodars of the Drenovski regiment were provided with a nice large iron propeller, which, at the request of the parishioners, would have to be placed on top of the hill of Skull, which lords over the entire parish j through which passes the people of Rijeka from all over the parish of Deer. It is the wish of the whole people, and of mine, that the blessing of this propeller be done as solemnly as possible. Therefore, I would be free to pray to the venerable Ordinariate, so that on the occasion of this ceremony, which would be held next Sunday (flowering plant), in addition to the solemn blessing of the prophecy, I would be allowed to attend Holy Mass under the clear sky in front of that prophecy, with the occasional sermon, in case of a favorable time. I believe that this would contribute greatly, that in this people, who are mostly employed in a corrupt city, where many seek to abduct his faith in the crucified Christ, the worship of the Holy Cross of Jesus will be strengthened and the constancy in professing the Holy Faith will be strengthened. If it's a crossword. The Ordinariate would not find it appropriate, if Holy Mass were to be celebrated above, I ask that he grant me permission, so that I may solemnly bless the crucifix.

Drenova 28. III. 903.

Antun Ladić

On March 31, the Diocesan Ordinariate sent a letter approving the request of the parish priest Ladić. Unfortunately, we don't know the exact date of the blessing, but we can certainly count on 1903. It was crucified and marked on a map from the end of the 30s of the last century

After many years, a statue of Jesus made of cast iron (unfortunately damaged), about 80 cm tall, was recently found in the tavern of Alenka Franković's house, which was placed on a crucifix from 1903.

Finally, I want to thank you:

  • Mons. Gabriel Bratini for selfless help and providing valuable information that helped me greatly in compiling this text
  • The Wolf. Nikica Jurić and Mr Marin Štefan whose writings I used in ‘Drenovski list’
  • The Wolf. Marijan Benković for allowing me an insight into the Parish Book, which is an inexhaustible source of many events from Drenova's past.
  • To the staff of the State Archives of Rijeka on expert assistance when searching documentation


  • Digital Archive of the Drenove Regional Museum
  • State Archives Rijeka
  • Giovanni Kobler: History of Rijeka, Book One (Preluk, Opatija, 1995)
  • Notebook Strazza crediti  the Drenov dealer Francesco Stefan
  • The Parish Book: “ Liber insertionis historiae neorectae Parochiae Drenovensis ab anno 1887.
  • Glasilo MO Drenova Drenovski list

The author's text was originally published in DOMETIMA No. I-IV from 2019.

FEATURES of the Festival are the Branch of Matca Hrvatska in Rijeka