The history of Drenov Drenovski list

Drenovski list – list of articles and authors from 2006 to 2020

Page: 542, Title: 583. Author of contributors: Approximately 60.

Page: 542 Title: 583 Authors of contributors: Approximately 60 


Abbreviations: Damir Medved (DM), Christian Grailach (CG), Dolores Linić (DL), RZ (Robert Zeneral)

Number Page/title number Release date Headings, short content (author)
1 4 / 18 March 2006 Drenovci, o list, reasons for launching, purpose (editorial board)
the Local Committee Council, address, opening hours, contact
Activities initiated by the MO Council, text, table (DM)
Current comment of the President of the VMO, unresolved issue of traffic in the university settlement under construction (DM)
Fran franković Elementary School (Snowflake)
Red Cross Drenova (Ester Sterpin)
Drenova Society of Voluntary Blood Donors (Adelmo Ladašić)
Parish of BDM Carmelite (Draško Maršanić)
the Parish of St George the Martyr (Draško Maršanić)
Mixed Choir DVD Drenova (CG)
Lahor, choir of BDM Carmelite parish (Draško Maršanić
DVD Drenova (Ivo Oreskovic)
Drenova Bocce Club (Dušan Štefan)
Sport club Leone (Maja Cetina)
Hunting society “Lisjak, lovna grupa “Lubanj-Drenova” (Livio Benčan)
Women's volleyball club “Drenova” (Radmila Pešut)
Rijeka City Library, branch of Drenova, Address, opening hours, novelties of the library fund (Dunja Bogić)
Addresses, phone numbers, opening hours of major institutions on Drenova
2 6 / 10 April 2006 Information from the parishes of BDM Carmel and Sv. Juraj (Draško Maršanić)
First issue of Drenovski list promoted (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO on a minibus for Kablare, Tele 2 antenna in Žminj (DM)
Dren, Drenjula – the plant after which the area where we live is named (DM)
Information on the operation of shops and service activities (CG)
Help and Protection Associations, addresses, contact (CG)
Information Centre of the City of Rijeka, citizen service (
Benefits in transport for persons with disabilities (
Notifications: Drenova Bocce Club
Introducing: Kindergarten Drenova, Darts bench Romano, ŽOK Drenova
3 6 / 6 June 2006 Current comment by the President of the VMO, Subtitles: Rejected proposal of MO “Drenovska pedestal”, Devastation of communal inventory, Editing of drainage roads, Collecting consent for the arrangement of B. Francetić street. (DM)
Concert in the House of Culture on Lokva (CG)
Founded Activ woman Drenova (CG)
Exhibition of handicrafts(CG)
Information on the work of service activities, shops, catering facilities, continuation(CG)
Timetable of bus line 11(CG)
4 8 / 10 July 2006 The current comment of the President of the VMO, Unbearable Lightness of Refusal (DM)
Conversation with the Occasion: the Reverend Gabriel Bratina (Larissa Smokvina)
Days of Drenova 2006, Calendar of events
Musical life of Drenova, History(CG)
Drenova once and now, church of BDM Carmelite(CG), pictures comparison
Feast of Our Lady of Carmel, Dan Drenove (Draško Maršanić)
News from the Drenov Library (Dunja Bogić)
125 years of the Society of the Red Cross Rijeka (Ester Sterpin)
Sports at the Drenova Days
Drenova, notes and lyrics of the poem Drenova(CG)
5 6 / 10 September 2006 Current comment by VMO President, Traffic Safety – Years of Living Dangerously (DM)
Occasion Interview – Alberto Mihich, painter (CG)
Days of Drenove 2006, Event description (CG)
Musical life of Drenova, sequel (CG)
Drenova once and now, pectin and butega pul Benaši (CG)
Apartments for the University of Rijeka (CG)
Solemnity in the Society of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Recognition of VMO Drenova for a legal entity, DDK Drenova (CG)
New premises of the Drenova Library (CG)
Performance of the choir DVD Drenova, Matejna 2006. (CG)
6 8 / 10 December 2006 Current comment of the President of the VMO, One year of work of the current Council - what is and what has not been done (text and table) (DM)
Lecture held, Hope - Breast Cancer Group (CG)
Celebration of Saint Nicholas (CG)
First Anniversary of the Drenova Reading Group (Jasenka Alić-Tadić)
The first mushroom exhibition on Drenova (Božana Maršanić)
Drenova once and now, Boundary (CG), image
Drenovske Addresses - Cvetkov trg (CG), Article
Concert at Fran Franković Elementary School, Stipe Bilić (CG)
Invitation to the Christmas concert of the choir DVD Drenova(CG)
The schedule of st. Mass for Christmas (Draško Maršanić)
7 8 / 9 February 2007 Cover page, Fine are the masks, picture (CG)
The current comment of the President of the VMO, still on tele2 antennas, traffic safety, destructiveness – constructivity (DM)
Armada – lifestyle, how young people express their love for their city and the club they are rooting for (CG)
Announcement of the exhibition “Three women – three artists”(CG)
Drenova – desolate 2007, by image and word(CG)
Drenovske Addresses - Pants Brothers Street(CG), Article
Dreno's once and now, Chapel of All Saints(CG)
Christmas concerts, choir performances DVD Drenova
Why this, parking problems (CG)
UABA Drenova Annual Assembly(CG)
8 8 / 8 April 2007 Front page, church of Sv. St. George, photo (CG)
Conversation with Occasion, Reverend Nikica Jurić (Draško Maršanić)
Announcements from Drenovski parishes, Easter (Draško Maršanić)
Drenova – historical dashes; History of Drenova (Dušan Štefan)
Saint George - saint and martyr, on the occasion of the day of the parish(http / /
Events on the occasion of International Women's Day, Concert in Elementary School, Exhibition “Trižene – three artists (CG)
The role of the local board in local self-government (
Announcement of the concert, for St. John's Day. Juraj, choir DVD Drenova, tamburitza players Zametskega korena (CG)
9 12 / 11 July 2007 Cover page, Photos of Drenova (CG)
Current comment by VMO President, Urban(highlight)e Stories – new settlements with no entrance/exit, Drenova – the green heart of the city (DM)
Drenova Days 2007 – calendar of events (CG)
UPU Upper Drenova, objectives, VMO guidelines, table, draft (DM)
Fran Franković Elementary School Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Working in the New School Building (Snowflake)
New Drenovska knjižnica (CG) opened
Exhibition of paintings “My Drenova”, Alberto Mihich (CG)
News from UABA DrenovaDrago Abramović)
New young firefighters (CG)
We asked the reader (CG)
New on the Drenova, newly opened craft shops (CG)
10 8 / 11 October 2007 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment by President VMO, Cvetkov trg or Cvetkovo parking lot, Drenova Market – does it make any sense at all?, UPU G. Drenove, Minibus, Dom kulture na Lokva or Bronx? (DM)
Do you know? What municipal works are carried out in the area of MO, that in the area of MO Drenova is the largest water reservoir of the Rijeka water supply system (Mojca Spinčić, KD Vodovod i kanalizacija Rijeka)
Days of Drenova 2007, Event description (CG)
Annual awards of VMO Drenova awarded (CG)
A couple besed by domestic, the Dre Homeland Association was foundedNew (Dinko Mavrinac)
The Initiative for the Establishment of Drenov Majorettes (CG)
Đakon Marijan Benković in the parish of BDM Karmelske na Drenova (Draško Maršanić)
Word of the Editorial Board, o a call for cooperation in terms of donations for the sheet
O installation of the gas network on Drenova (Duško Radulović, “Energo”)
News from Darts Club Romano (Romano Ketović, Secretary)
11 12 / 16 December 2007 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment by President VMO, review of work in 2007 (DM)
News from Grohov (CG)
Drenova Retirement and Elderly Club Opened (CG)
From the past of Drenova-Počivala (CG)
Central facility on CGG Drenova (KD Kozala d.o.o. Rijeka)
News from the Drenov library (CG)
Announcement of the exhibition “The Magic World of Naive Art” (CG)
Celebration of the jubilee: 10 years of church choir (Draško Maršanić)
From the work of the UABA Drenova branch (Drago Abramović)
New children's playground (CG)
Volunteering and volunteers (CG)
Invitation to Christmas concerts of the choir DVD Drenova (CG)
Celebration of Saint Nicholas(DL)
Notifications: Local Association Drenova, Bocce Club Drenova, Singing Choir DVD Drenova
Thanks to the Editorial Board the individuals and institutions that have made it possible to print the list;
12 12 / 16 February 2008 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment of the President of the VMO, meeting of the VMO with the Mayor and representatives of the City Administration (DM)
Association for Assistance in Addressing Drug Addiction Exodus (CG)
Komunjska šterne on Drenova (CG)
Released on the Drenove in 2008. (Matthew Mavrinac)
Drenova Voluntary Blood Donors (CG)
Majorettes: Founded branch of Drenova (CG)
Meeting of the UABA Drenova branch (CG) held
Mounted speedometers (DL)
The success of the darts club Romano (CG)
Exhibition “Joy of Living” held )CG)
We present you the Drenov painters: Pavo Marčinko,Biserka Mihić (CG)
Ecological action of the inhabitants of Kablar (DL)
Singing choir DVD Drenova, performances )CG)
News from Drenov parishes on the occasion of Easter (Draško Maršanić)
News from the Local Committee Secretariat (DL)
13 12 / 15 April 2008 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment by VMO President, Cvetkovi trg decorating, 2008 activity plan, G. Drenove UPU, Krenula Line 5b, Drenova – Digital Local Board (DM)
Marked two-year DL (CG) exposure
Interview on the occasion, Reverend Nikica Jurić (Božana and Draško Maršanić)
Activist women Drenova, actions (CG)
Drenova Bocce Club, Assembly (CG)
Couple besed by homemade, interview with Marina Štefan (CG)
Club of pensioners and seniors Drenova (CG)
Organizations in the City of Rijeka in the Prevention of Addiction (
Ri rock climbing sports club, talk with the founders (CG)
Internet - communication without borders (CG)
Announcement of events: exhibition Women's activism, choir concert, exhibition by Hana Dutina
Demir Barić's project, Rijeka's Local Partnership Programme (CG)
We present you the Drenov painters: Hana Dutina, Valerija Stuck (CG)
News from Rijeka Chamber of Commerce - Drenova Branch (Dunja Bogić)
14 12 / 15 July 2008 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment by VMO President, Citizens' Choirs – one-way street or highway communication?, Background to the problem of POS apartments (DM)
Anto Dedić Drenovski kontakt-policeman, interview (Božana Maršanić)
Twenty years of kindergarten “Drenova” (teacher DV Drenova)
Renewal of the Youth Mass (Vlč, Marijan Benković)
Interview on: Marco Graziani - violinist (CG)
Student Exchange Fran Franković Elementary School - Eisenstadt / Austria (hope crucifixion)
Singing Choir DVD Drenova, performances (CG)
Dreno Majorettes (CG)
We present you the Drenov painters: Željko Delač (CG)
Ri rock climbing club, activities (CG)
In the alley of defenders presented a new memorial park (CG)
Drenova – the green heart of the city? (DM)
Poor use of minibus for Kablare (DM)
Drenova Days 2008 – calendar of events (CG)
15 16 / 17 December 2008 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Should Drenova be allowed to turn into a “ghetto”?, Initiative for the establishment of a police headquarters (DM)
Upgrading the subcentre of preschool education Drenova (Marija Japundža, DG Education and Training Unit)
Awards within the project “I love Croatia, I love Rijeka” (www.rijeka,hr)
Electoral Assembly of CK and DDK Drenova Held (CG)
From the work of the Drenov Library (
Rijeka Local Partnership Programme, realization of D. Barić's project (CG)
We present you: Stpe Bilić, pianist (CG)
Days of Drenove 2008, word and image (CG)
From the history of Drenova, Drenovčani u World War I (Draško Maršanić)
Drenova Reading Room – 100 years since its inception (CG)
We present you the Drenov painters: Tihomir Ivancan (CG)
Lecture by Ivo Grohovac from Rijeka (CG)
Football club Drenova (Ivica Brletić)
Ri rock climbing club, activities (CG)
Celebration of Saint Nicholas (DL)
Announcements from Drenovski parishes (Draško Maršanić)
16 8 / 13 April 2009 Cover page: Emphasis from the content
Current comment of the President of the VMO: If it is worth it to be polite, Anthological proposal of Mr. Škunce, Refurbishment of sidewalks along the Drenovo Road and St. Mark's Street is worth it. Juraj, UAB Drenova - Disappearing Antifascism (DM)
Allocation plan for municipal priorities(DL)
Bulk waste container installation plan(DL)
Free IT education for citizens (
Invitation to citizens for proposals on the arrangement of communal facilities (
Judgment in Pust Janez – (CG)
70 years of the parish of St. George the Martyr on Gornja Drenova (Vlč. Nikola Jurić)
Vilim Štefan – Drenovčan in charge of Drenova, interview,(CG)
Creative workshop for preschoolers(DL)
Sports climbing competition on Drenova (Demir Barić)
UABA Drenova Annual Assembly (CG)
Thank you to the Hope Club
17 16 / 15 July 2009 Front page, collage of photos about the events of last year's Days of Drenova, (CG)
Current comment of President VMO:VMO Drenova 2005-2009, look back, Meeting with the Mayor, Arrangement of sidewalks - great support of citizens, Arrangement of Flower Square - presentation,(DM)
Report on the implementation of the allocation plan for municipal priorities, table,(DL)
Realization of works planned for 2008, table (DL)
Katherine Trinajstić, winner of the annual award of the City of Rijeka (VMO Drenova)
Couple besed by homemade: Egidio Mihić - centenarian from Drenov (CG)
Drenova Bocce Club – on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of its establishment (Marino Štefan)
Activities of the choir DVD Drenova (Božana Maršanić)
We present you the Drenov painters: Ivo Kajzer (CG)
Dance group “Leone” Drenova (Maja Cetina)
IFrom the past of Drenova: Chapel at the top of the Rebre (CG)
Drenova – The green heart of the city; municipal mess (CG)
League final boulder - BLIK 2009 (Demir Barić)
News from GKRi - Drenova Branch (Dunja Bogić)
Days of Drenova 2009. – calendar of events (CG)
18 12 / 9 October 2009 Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Volunteer work and how to help the community in the age of rebalancing, Security, jurisdiction, opinions, traffic lights, Is it easier to organize a circus with television than to invite the local committee, Drenova on Wikipedia!, (DM)
40 Years of Consecrated Believers in Drenova – Reverend Gabriel Bratina (CG)
Days of Drenova 2009. - in words and pictures,(CG)
With the upcoming works on the renovation of the bell tower of the Drenov church, (Marino Štefan)
With the start of the new school year, (Marina Frlan – Jugo)
From the past of Drenova – With Grohov Day, (CG)
Couple besed by domestic - Miljenko Štefan, (CG)
Action “Let's choose the most beautiful garden”, Award ceremony, (DL)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of VMO:MO Drenova - an example of successful local self-government, VMO councillors continue to work until May 2010, Security, jurisdiction, opinions, traffic lights, Letter from Rijeka Prometa, Public presentation of the proposal of UPU G. Drenova(DM)
Minutes of the meeting of the Alderman of the MO with the representatives of Rijeka Traffic (DL)
Realised works from the 2009 Priority Plan (DL)
Sparks from Drenov history – chapel or monument to an unknown hero on Veli Vrh, (Marino Štefan)
Drenovske Addresses - Ružice Mihić Street, (CG)
Exercise for women in the dorm on Lokva, (CG)
19 12/14 December 2009 3rd Memorial Football Tournament "Mažed el Gharni", (Nasrin Gharni)
Slavko Mikač – a man who takes care of our carelessness, (CG)
Voluntary blood donation action, (DL)
Part besed by domestic, Mario Udović – masonry kot hobby, (CG)
Invitation to the Christmas and New Year concerts of the choir DVD Drenova, (CG)
Solemnity in the convent of the Society of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, (CG)
Schedule of Holy Masses and notices from Drenov parishes, (Draško Maršanić)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Elections for councillors of MO Drenova – why elections should be held, Detailed planning for the POS in Donja Drenova (DM)
Distribution plan for communal priorities in 2010 (DL)
Distribution dates of bulk waste containers (DL)
20 12/11 April 2010 Drenovčanin Tomislav Sikavica was ordained permanent deacon on February 27, 2010. (Draško Maršanić)
Interview with VMO Drenova members at the end of mandate (CG)
With the Feast of St. Juraj mč - Days of the parish of Gornja Drenova (CG)
Spring mushrooms drains and closer surroundings, part 1 (Marino Štefan)
The Caribbean to Tanzania! Welcome to Tanzania (Aljoša Ladašić and DL)
Upgraded Kindergarten on Drenova (Mirela Likar, pedagogue DV Rijeka)
the UABA Drenova AssemblyLoreta Štefan)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: VMO elections – why do citizens not vote?, New Council - Continuity of successful work ensured (DM)
Another MO Drenova Award - Youth on MO (DM)
Election results for VMO Drenova (DL)
21 12/13 July 2010 Statements by VMO Drenova members at the beginning of the mandate (CG)
Works on Drenova: Decorating the bell tower (Marino Štefan), Walkway at St. Mark's. Juraj (DL), Arranging the passage on the Flower Square (DL)
History of the parish of Drenova and the parish of BDM Karmelska on Donja Drenova (mons. Gabriel Bratina)
Spring mushrooms of Drenova and its surroundings (continued from the previous number (Marino Štefan)
Promotion of Christian Graiach's book *From the Drenova Reading Room to the Library in 1908 1985’ (DL)
Activities of the choir DVD Drenova (Božana Maršanić and CG)
Schedule of events at "Drenova Days 2010" (CG)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Finances in times of crisis, Regional Museum Drenova, Problems on Upper Drenova (DM)
Realization of works in IC Drenova planned for 2009, Realization of works in IC Drenova transferred from 2008 (DL)
Notifications: Launch of art workshop, Creative workshop for preschool children, Enrollment in Drenovske majorettes, Singing choir DVD Drenova is looking for new members (DL)
22 12/10 September 2010 In the words and images of the Days of Drenova 2010. (DL)
Couple besed by homemade: DRENOVSKI MLEKARICE (CG)
Grohovo celebrates its day for the tenth time (Zlatko Perković)
Action "Let's choose the most beautiful garden and balcony (results) (DL)
Annual Awards of the Local Committee of Drenova zo 2010 (CG)
Aljoša Ladašić on earthquake-stricken Haiti (Aljoša Ladašić)
Cover page: Emphasis from the content, (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: VMO elections : Three stories about lost time: Orlando Kučić street, various parking lots..., Again parking or green market or playground or..., Energo - gasification of Drenova, Chapel at G. Drenova cemetery(DM)
Branch of Drenova GKR – your library (Alica Kolarić, GKRI)
Remarkable performance of klapa Drenova (Božana Maršanić)
Two significant performances of the choir DVD Drenova (CG)
Solved the problem of "lake" in Žminjska street (CG)
Landslide on the Dren route repaired CG)
23 12 / 16 December 2010 Best Websites and the Most Successful Organized MO Day (
Awards awarded as part of the project "I love Croatia, I love Rijeka" (
The local association Drenova started its work again (Danica Žitinić)
Dren's dormitory, isn't that right? (CG)
Kantunić Fran Franković Elementary School (school students)
Creative workshop for preschool children (CG)
Art workshop (CG)
Voluntary blood donation (DL)
Schedule of Holy Masses and information from the parishes of Drenovci (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: VMO elections: Walkway after 0 years of waiting, Quality of infrastructure on Drenova – did we deserve it?’, Once we had an NNNI, today? (DM)
News from the local committee secretariat (DL), (
General Assembly of DVD Drenova (CG)
From the work of the Club of Pensioners and Seniors Drenova (CG)
Exhibition of participants of the Art Workshop (CG)
Invitation to a concert on the occasion of St. George (CG)
the Drenov Breastfeeding Support Group (Dragica Juričić)
24 12 / 12 April 2011 Kantunić Fran Franković Elementary School (school students)
Lots of events at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year: Exhibition by Alberto Mihich in Bibioteka, Opening of the exhibition by Branko Gržetić, Welcome of St. Nicholas, Lecture by Christian Graiach "Crekve, chapels and crosses on the Drenova", Christmas concert by pupils of Fran Franković Elementary School, Creative workshop for preschool children, Lecture by Aljoša Ladašić on staying in Tanzania and Haiti, Concert in the church of BDM Karmelska, Youth Concert, Live Nativity at the Christmas Eve, Christmas concert of the choir DVD Drenova, Another concert of the choir DVD Drenova, New exhibitions in Rijeka - Drenova branch(DL), (CG),,
Masquerades – Drenova 2011 (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: VMO elections: 25 is a large number!, About antennas, radiation, ignorance, communal problems in the area of Drenova in the coming period (DM)
News from the local committee secretariat (DL), (
Drenova on Korzo, presentation at Filodrammatica Hall (CG)
Concert for St. George's Day (CG)
25 12/11 July 2011 Civic Shooting Club Rijeka (CG)
Notice from Prima Pharmacy Pharmacy (CG)
Josip Blažotić ordained a priest (Božana Maršanić)
Celebration of the parish feast of Our Lady of Carmel (Vlč. Marijan Benković)
Introducing Taekwon-do club Drenova (Vedran Tuta)
Welcome to the library (Alica Kolarić)
Celebration of Drenova Day 2011 (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Drenova Native Museum – let's go!(DM)
News from the local committee secretariat (DL), (
Commentary on the Act on the Treatment of Illegally Built Buildings (Marino Štefan)
26 12/8 October 2011 We're the best-kept local committee, but... (CG)
Days of Drenova 2011. (CG)
Let's choose the most beautiful garden and balcony - results (DL)
Action of the Drenova Provincial Association – Renewed custom of Petrovske kres (CG)
Announcement of the 1st meeting of klapa "Va crekve" (CG)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Green energy for green Drenova, About holes in the country and laws(DM)
The DREN Association (Vesna Lukanović)
More about POS apartments on Drenova (CG)
Did you know? CG)
About the communal mess (CG)
Why the Wrong (CG)
27 12/15 December 2011 Drenovčan Veljko Francetić gave blood 151 times (CG)
100 years of the Lisjak Kastav Hunting Society’ (CG)
Volunteer of the Year Awards(CG)
Alleys, olives, olives by Alberto Mihich (CG)
Meeting of klapa ‘Va crekve’ (CG)
Altar in the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (CG)
Students of Fran Franković Elementary School Celebrate the Days of Bread (DL)
From the past of Drenova - Excursion to Lokvica (CG)
the Drenov Library (Alica Kolarić)
Current comment of the President of the VMO: Mental recycling, Dreno's amphitheater – summer reading roomDM)
News from the MO Secretariat (DL)
With the exhibition of the participants of the art workshop (CG)
From Drenova's past, a picture of a student from 1957.CG)
28 12/11 April 2012 Stone pillar in front of the church on Cvetkova Square (CG)
Supporting the healthy growth of Drenov children (Dragica Juričić)
Replacement of the low-voltage network in the Drenova area (Electroprimorium)
The Old Grdore Association was founded (Alen Rozic)
St. Nicholas visited the youngest people of Drenovci (DL)
Karate training for children (Petra Volf)
From the association DREN (Vesna Lukanović)
Poverty is not an excuse for anarchy.DM)
The crisis in spite of the Drenova is being built at full steam(DL)
Current comment: It's the most beautiful one on my Drenova(DM)
Report on the implementation of the 2011 municipal priority plan (
29 12/10 July 2012 Seven Days of Culture, Sports and Entertainment DD2012. (CG)
Eighth year with a song - Choir DVD Drenova(CG)
Via Roma made of Dreno stone(CG)
Map of over 300 drainage trees (RZ)
Association Dren in the realization of the Green Cleanup(Vesna Lukanović)
DD2012 Celebration Program(CG)
Talk to the mayor. Army Obersnel on the occasion of DL 30 (city RI)
Topic of the number: Project of the Regional Museum before the realization (DM)
Current comment: Illegal construction, Waiting room on Lokva, Design of Cvetkovo Square (DM)
Days of Drenova 2012 – Review (DL)
Conversation with the Occasion: wolf Marijan Benković (Božana Maršanić)
Exhibitions of Drenov's painters (DL)
25 years of Fran Franković Elementary School(Marina Frlan Jugo)
World Breastfeeding Day(Dragica Juričić)
30 24/16 December 2012 DDK Drenova Annual Assembly (Aljoša Ladašić)
Celebrating Grohov Day (Zlatko Perković)
10th Romano Cup Darts (
BLIK Boulder characters of Istria and Kvarner (clear Christmas)
15 years of singing choir "Lahor" (Božana Maršanić)
Association DREN initiator of the action of planting drains(Vesna Lukanović)
World Walking Day Celebrated on Drenova (Vesna Lukanović)
About the action Let's choose the most beautiful garden (DL)
Current comment: The Council is looking for a solution for the survival of the Singing Choir DVD Drenova (DM)
Topic of the number: Robbery, violence and mindless devastation of drain plantations (DM)
News from the MO Secretariat (DL)
Mesopust 2013: And this leto zasopal is Antonjski horn (Alen Rožić)
Drenovski Cowboys (CG)
31 12/10 April 2013 Drenovčani enjoyed the "Night at the Border"

Foundations of the future Regional Museum (RZ)

Exhibition of Art Workshop Participants (DL)
Sometimes and now: Compare (CG)
Association Dren: With lepen time is waiting for us fanj novega dela (Vesna Lukanović)
Notifications and announcements (DL, CG)
The museum opened its doors, inviting fellow citizens to cooperate and visit (RZ)
Topic of the number: Bad decision at the expense of Drenova (Worktime Mail!) (DM)
One Hundred Flights of Aunt Basil (Vesna Lukanović)
In short: We have Lokva and Mugarić, Petrol and Drenova, with beautiful graffiti Drenovska Armada showed that he has hearing (CG)
Our bucket is Jun 2013: The voice of Drenova resounded with Istria (CG)
32 12/14 July 2013 Drenova on Korzo 2013: My Dren, your heart bears you (RZ)
Interview: Stipe Bilić – I will always look for the one between notes (Božana Maršanić)
So that he doesn't stumble: Homemade besedas (CG)
Drenova Taekwondo Club – 55 medals won in one season (Vedran Tuta)
Association Dren: How the people of Drenovci saved the napkins (Vesna Lukanović)
Program of the Days of Drenova 2013 (RZ)
Dren's cries for peace and order (DM)
Powder to powder - Drain wall for crying (DM)
Activities in the Museum (RZ)
The parishes of Drenov received new parish priests (Draško Maršanić)
Parking at last before completion (CG)
DD 2013 started with a successful evening of Chakavian poetry (RZ)
DD 2013 - Drenova memorable days (DL, RZ)
DD 2013: Exhibition Sea and Boats, Tireless Bertić (DL)
33 16/17 September 2013 The Museum presents an eco-documentary-First step in internationalization (RZ)
Jasna Čepić, this year's winner of the award MO Drenova (CG)
DD2013 - Humanity in Action, Health Control , Organisers’ Thanksgiving (DL)
DD2013 – DVD Drenova Choir Concert in Memory of Lidija Superin (CG)
All roads lead to the library (Alica Kolarić, Jasenka Alić-Tadić)
So that he doesn't stumble: Homemade Chakavian Beseda (CG)
Healthy St. Dren: Association Dren in new actions (Vesna Lukanović)
DD 2013: The most beautifully landscaped gardens and balconies (DL)
Drenova Local Museum: Visit us (RZ)
Unconscious driver faster than traffic lights (DM)
Mayor of Rijeka Vojko Obersnel:

Traffic lightization of the intersection is fully justified and necessary


Farewell to Aunt Basil (Vesna Lukanović)

Work activity in kindergarten (D.V.)

Taekwondo Club Drenoa (V.T.)

34 12/11 December 2013 Head of OGU for Culture visits MO Drenova (RZ)
In the new square advantage pedestrians (DM)
Croatia volunteers: Drenovska Lokvica shines in a new attire (RZ)
The work of the association Without Borders is included in the international exhibition (RZ)
Mayor on "Nonić's Thiramola"
Drenov choir activities: The voice of Drenova is heard far away (D. Maršanić)
Lana Gržetić after her performance at Miss World (CG)
Celebration schedule in Advent and Christmas time in Drenov parishes
Renovated St. Mark's Square: And the Drenovci have their Korzo (RZ)
Great success of the action Eko Cvetko (RZ)
Works at the intersection: Traffic light head guards (DL)
Most gardens, balconies, windows: Registration until April 25thDL)
Vesna Lukanović Award "Volunteer of the Year"
Plan for the distribution of resources of communal priorities for 2014 (DL)
Drain Days 2014 Dren brings together activists from four countries (RZ)
35 12/15 April 2014 Exhibition of the Armada in the Museum: Drenova and Armada love each other publicly (RZ)
Painting exhibitions in the MO space: art workshop and branch Gržetić (CG)
Action of arranging water wells: Reconstructed Kablari water well (Jelena Petković)
Documentary series at the Museum (RZ, K. Benić, D. Tkalec)
Katherine Trinajstić, winner of the State Lifetime Achievement Award (CG)
Border Night 2014: Film and music spice Night at the Border (RZ)
The word of the youngest visitor (Ivan Leko)
Drenova PUST 2014: I'll pay for the cha nana storili (Alen Rožić)
Council fulfils plan despite crisis, Damir Medved's review of past mandates (DM)
Drenova richer for 80 newcomers families (DL)
Semaphorization of the "eat" sidewalk (RZ)
Lecture by the Hope Association (DL)
Drenov children received the Forest Kindergarten (RZ)
The Ancients are the law! Successes of Drenov students (Marina Frlan Jugo)
It's a beautiful cantaloupe... (Vesna Lukanović)
36 12/12 July 2014 Drenova pays tribute to Ivo Grohovac on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his death (RZ)
They're not afraid of heights! Successes of sports climbers (Jasna Božić)
How to get healthy and natural food, EkoCvetko (Dora Tkalec)
A lot of judi are still used for our Drenov sheep cheese (CG) today
Drenova Days 2014 – calendar of events (RZ)
Together for the development and prosperity of Drenova, on the election of a new VMO (RZ)
In the most important issues of the development of Drenova in the VMO there is a high degree of responsibility and togetherness (Damir Popov)
Deacon invited to be a role model, ordained deacon Žan Lebović Casalonga (D. Maršanić)
Drenova Blood Donor Action (DL)
For Drenova this year 1,133,000 HRK (DL)
Children in 3D technology in GKR created drainage souvenirs (Kristian Benić)
While Drenovčana, there will also be choral songs, 10 years of choir DVD Drenova (DL)
37 12/11 July 2015 Drenova on the cultural, scientific-research and tourist map of Rijeka, Croatia and Europe! (DM)
In the cemetery D.Dren's rare example of Himalayan cedar (KD Kozala, RZ)
Šterna o moja šterna, you are holy to me (Vesna Lukanović)
Drenova Days 2015 – calendar of events (RZ)
Drenovčani richer for new kilometers of water supply and sewage (RZ)
In kindergarten and urban eco garden! (Aleksandra Simčić)
DVD Drenova marked its 30th anniversary (Vanda Radetić Tomić)
Known and unknown about Drenova - Did you know that Drenova... (CG and RZ)
In memoriam Maria Grazia Turconi - Unfinished Chakavian Dictionary (CG)
The Dren and Without Borders Associations continue to work on their activities (DL)
Numerous exhibitions attract a large number of Drenovčan to exhibition spaces (Željko Delač)
38 12/11 December 2015 Trio SiŽeNe is an unavoidable musical guest of Drenovski events (Željko Delač)
Two new bus waiting rooms (DL) installed
Blood donation campaign (
Schedule of Christmas and New Year festivities in Drenov parishes (RZ)
Dren Association initiates a meeting of drain enthusiasts from three countries (DL)
Construction of the connecting road at Bok (RZ) starts
Blood Donation Action (DL)
Lecture "Everything about Healthy Living" (DL)
Igor Pribanić "Our postman" (RZ)
Choir and klapa Elementary School FF lower successes (Marina Frlan, Anita Stupac Butorac)
Humanitarian concert "Za Nevena" (DL)
39 12/14 July 2016 Concert of Vocal Orchestra Rijeka and choir DVD Drenova (Kristian Iskra, CG)
So that he doesn't stumble: Olga Lučić (Vesna Lukanović)
Books on Rijeka and Drenova Between Two Wars (Kristijan Benić)
Night on the 201 border. (RZ)
Art exhibitions in the premises of MO Drenova (Željko Delač)
Goran Žan Lebović Casalonga (Draško Maršanić)
Days of Drenova 2016 - Announcement of events (RZ)
To the delight of the little ones, the restoration of children's playgrounds (RZ)
New lawn on the school playground (RZ)
About municipal works on Drenova (RZ)
"Let's get to know our city" initiative visited Drenova (RZ)
From Aktiva DDK Drenova (Lorena Marotti)
Two Drenov projects realized through RPLP (RZ)
Days of Drenova 2016 (RZ, DL)
40 12/13 December 2016 From the work of the VMO Subcommittee on Culture (DL, WD)
Project "Museum" (Vesna Lukanović)
10 years of the Reading Group (Gordana Paprika Todorović=
Dreno majorettes (RZ)
L25 years of Linguae on the Drene (DL)
Schedule of Christmas festivities
Implementation of communal priorities (DL)
Layout of bulky waste bins (DL)
Allocation plan for municipal priorities in 2017 (DL)
About the connection of the roads Drenovski put and I.L.Ribara (OGU for the Communal System)
Aktiv DDK Drenova, In memoriam to Adelma Ladašić (Lorena Marotti)
10 years of the Drenova Retirement Club (CG?
Sv. Vid 2017.m Drenovske boćarice 2nd place (RZ)
41 12/14 July 2017 On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Fran Franković Elementary School (RZ)
Drenova make-up – utilities (RZ)
From the press: New newspaper about the Dren Association (Marko Randić)
Drenova in the Rijeka 2020 programme (Davorka Medved)
Night of Museums 2017 (Davorka Medved)
Armada Drenova celebrates champion (RZ)
Days of Drenove 2017 - Announcement of events (RZ)
One year long road... (DG Comm. System)
In Memoriam Robert Štefan
Photo contest "Pol ure nad Rekun", results (CG)
Weather or meteorology enthusiasts, about the lecture (
Activities of the Subcommittee on Culture (Željko Delač)
About 30th Anniversary of FF Elementary School ((
Days of Drenove 2017 (DL)
42 12/11 December 2017 The first "Days of Drenjula" (Vesna Lukanović)
School Day at the Museum (Davorka Medved)
The Native Museum - the Place of Creation of the Future (Vesna Lukanović)
20 years of the Lahor Singing Choir (Draško Maršanić)
Conversation with the Occasion, Wolf. Kristijan Malnar (Draško Maršanić)
Celebration in Advent, Christmas, New Year, St. Three Kings (CG)
Along the new C.G. road.
The President. MO, Alexander Bulog
Communal priorities, table
December, month of donation D.L., C.G.
Activities of the Subcommittee on Culture (Željko Delač)
Action DDK Drenova, Lj. Christmas
Night of the Museum 2018, Davorka Medved
43 12/15 July 2018 110th Anniversary of the Reading Room, setting up a record (Vesna Lukanović)
Participation of Drenova in ECoC 2020, Damir Medved
News from Fran Franković Elementary School,
Couple besed by home, C.G.
Darts club Romano, Larissa Smokvina
New Secretary of MO, Editorial Board
From the album of teacher Dragica Filipović, C.G.
DD2018 Celebration Program
Drenova inscribed on the cultural map of Europe. C.G., Davorka Medved
RPLP 2017 results,
Days of Drenova 2018, event description, Danijela Škulić
It's not all about the Drenova, C.G.
There are even more beautiful examples of C.G.
Library in the neighborhood, branch of Drenova GKRi, Snježana
Action DDK Drenova, Lj. Christmas
44 12/10 December 2018 Taekwondo club Drenova, Vedran Tuta
Before the elections for members of the VMO,
Elected new VMO (Office)
For the more beautiful Drenova - Lokvica (
Optimistic Iva – Pride of Drenova (CG)
Jasna Baraba winner of the Grba RI (Davorka Medved)
80 years of St. Peter's. Juraj (Davorka Medved)
Action DDK (CG)
Care for the preservation of antiquities (CG)
45 16/13 July 2019 Evening commemoration of Ivot Grohovac (Vesna Lukanović)
Fran Franković - Father of the Magisterium of Istria (CG)
Celebrated holidays (CG)
Exhibition in MO (
From the past Drenova – Lokvica (CG)
DD 2019 Celebration Program (CG)
Mundaneum na Drenova (
Drenjula scientifically researched (Angela Maksimović,
For a more beautiful Drenova, the roundabout (C.G.)
Memorial bocce tournament Veljko Cetina (C.G.)
Drenove Days 2019 (
Image on DD2019
Drenova is safe, exercise DVD
46 12/14 December 2019 Zajc under the stars on Drenova (Davorka Medved)
Plant a tree don't be a stump
The Great Jubilee of Mons. Gabrielle (C.G.)
Celebration in Drenov parishes for the upcoming holidays
It was something a dream could only dream of, Suzana Blečić (Davorka and Vesna)
Squirrels on Drenova;DV Viškovo (www.vrtic-viskovo,hr)
Celebrating from Kvarner (
Allocation plan for com.priorities for 202. (
Two action assets DDK Drenova (Lj. (Christmas)
Three Exhibitions in the MO, C, g., B.N.)
Art Gallery "Illiricum" First Drenovska Gallery (Iva Ivančan)
Action UDVDR Drenova-grafit Jasmina Bušljete and Igor Šporiš (Marinko pavić)
15 years of women's bocce society Drenova (Zorka Ćoso)
2. Memorial tournament ‘Luka Zupčić’ (Luka Čanković)
47 12/12 December 2020 The Reverend Wolf. Dražen Volk and newly ordained priest Mateo Šutić (Božana and Draško Maršanić)
In memoriam mons. Gabriel Bratina (C.G.)
Activities in the Drenov neighbourhood in 2020 (Davorka Medved)
Dren – ancient medicine, new research (Vesna Lukanović)
Drenova Branch – Neighborhood Library (Snježana Šlibar)