27 Neighborhoods Without Borders ECOC 2020


Olinda Doričić is a girl with an enlarged photo that illustrates the CHAI project in our museum.

He is now 94 years old and lives in Italy. He also visits his native Drenova once a year. She recognized herself, her parents, relatives and other people from the photo.

She also told us about the location where the photo was taken, and it is a place only 50 meters away from the Heritage Museum.

This is her story:

27 Neighborhoods Without Borders Living room ECOC 2020 National

Night of Museums 2020 on Drenova

Night of Museums 2020

This year again, in cooperation with the Museum of the City of Rijeka, the Society Without Borders (Neighborhood Drenova – 27 Neighbourhoods) is organising Night of Museums 2020. with the following programme:

  • Screening of a documentary about life Paul Otlet 's, visionary, inventor and peacemaker.

As part of our collaboration with Mundaneum archives, we have ensured the screening of Françoise Levie's film about the life and work of Paul Otlet. Otlet is the founder of Mundaneum, the inventor of the UDC system and the application of microfilming in archives, and a great fighter for world peace. The film is a co-production of the Belgian national television RTBF, Sofidoc and WildHeart Productions.

  • Benedict PerakPresents the project Topoteka, why is it extremely important to us for Rijeka and Drenova

Neighborhood Drenova participates as a partner in the project Topoteka Rijeka: Open Days of Remembrance, and thus gradually the Drenov archive of over 12,000 documents will become part of Europeana! The project leader is the Laboratory for Cultural Complexity Research of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Rijeka, led by Dr. Perak, and in addition to the Drenova Heritage Museum, partners are ICARUS Croatia and Memoryscapes – Time Capsules.

Topoteka Rijeka

The events entitled Topoteka Rijeka – Open Days of Remembrance 20.4.-9.5.2020. aim to develop a culture of remembrance in the city of Rijeka through the organisation of an on-site ‘Citizen Science’ gathering of audio-visual material and data on the history and culture of Rijeka and the representation of collected and marked content through digital installations and presentations supported by a multimedia platform published on the website

Topoteka is a digital platform that easily enables the digitization and publication of various historical sources (photos, documents, prints, AV records) and the use of interactive IT tools for their description, presentation and search.

  • Damir Medved—Hidden Secrets of the Mundaneum Archives

Mundaneum archives hide numerous very interesting documents that excellently represent the vision of its founders and outline the challenges of that time. From thousands of documents, images and graphs, the most interesting examples have been selected that will tell us the story of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, life in a colonial superpower like Belgium, but also a small state between the "superpowers" of Germany and France.

  • Talk to our Chai-I (Cakavian Artificial Intelligence) is getting smarter and smarter. Help him to be even better!

Neighborhood Drenova, as part of the 27 Neighbourhoods flagship, is implementing the ČAI project, a technological demonstrator of the application of artificial intelligence as part of the preservation of endangered languages and dialects. The project is being implemented with the support of the Kastav neighbourhood, and a functional prototype is currently being implemented with which you can have a nice conversation. In all its glory, ČAI will shine (or speak) on 11 October 2020 on the digital day of the Neighbourhood Festival – "Border Districts of Drenova".

  • The Last Chance the Mundaneum Exhibition—‘Delete things to come’ , realized within the program direction 27 Neighbourhoods, Rijeka 2020

A fascinating exhibition that brought us closer to the incredible story of visionaries from the beginning of the 2nd century. More than 100 years ago, they described in detail the world and the technologies we have been using for the last twenty years, and we deserve to consider them "Google before Google". The exhibition closes on the Night of Museums and moves to other cities...

27 Neighborhoods Without Borders Living room ECOC 2020

Liburnia sails on Drenova

As part of the Living Room program, numerous activities will be played at the Drenove Heritage Museum on Fridays. We start with a guest appearance of selected and awarded films from the Liburnia Film Festival – Liburnia sails to Drenovo.
The opening speech and discussion after the screenings will be led by Jelena Androić.

The first is a documentary by Goran Dević ON THE WATER

This is another story about the Croatian transition. Following the river that flows through the center of Sisak, the film builds a portrait of a former industrial town. Today, the river is a place of fun and relaxation. When we get to know in more detail the people who socialize or get to know each other, all the social conflicts of the transition surface. The river reveals the remnants of the past that remained in the water.

Find out more about the film at:

The second documentary is Marina Meštrović and Tanja Vujasinović – A Cat Is Always Female.

Through the prism of feminism, the authors give homage to their professor, one of the most important Croatian sculptors - Marija Ujević Galetović. Through a combination of footage and animation, Marija's revived female sculptures convey the life story and attitudes of their author.

Find out more about the film at:

The third film is PLUF! Elvis Lenic

It is a story about the traditional May 1st competition in plufism, a discipline in which the sound of a stone thrown into the water is valued, and is held in the Lim Channel on the west coast of Istria.

Find out more about the film at:

The program is realized in cooperation with Liburnija Film Festival and the Drenova Neighbourhood Living Room program, as part of the 27 Neighbourhoods flagship, Rijeka 2020.

Activities Without Borders Dren ECOC 2020

Reporting Assembly of the Society Without Borders and the Dren Association

What we did in 2019

1 February

Night of Museums: Artificial Intelligence on Drenova

  • Presentation of old photos from the First World War and their analysis with the help of AI
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in action – presentation of the Dreno Museum Assistant
  • How AI Creates Artwork (Pictures and Music)
  • How AI Recognizes the Feelings and Years of Visitors
  • Exhibition of the Rijeka City Museum "From Emancipation to the Holocaust" - Jews in Rijeka and Opatija from 1867 to 1945" by Sanja Simper

Number of visitors during the evening about 70 of which 20 children accompanied by parents

14 February

Dren Association participated in the workshop FOODBIZorganised by the Faculty of Hotleski and Tourism Management in Opatija, where Vesna Lukanović presented drainage products       

15-16 February

Visit to Daruvar - Czech Mother Language Month in Bjelovar-Bilogora County

  • Presentation of the project ČAI - Chakavian artificial intelligence as part of the presentation of five out of 27 neighbourhoods (Kastav, Kuti, Čavle, Krk)
  • Lecture by Damir Medved at the Technical School on the topic of new technologies (Saturday, 16 February)

22 February

Botel Marina Actors of Urban Change - Neighborhood Škurinje

Rijeka 2030: Legacy of Rijeka 2020

  • Participation in the panel discussion and work in groups with neighbourhoods from the Actors of Urban Change project.

25-27 February

Exhibition of photographs of a small class on the theme of the Rijeka Carnival

  • Children from the small classroom of Fran Franković Elementary School presented their works - photographs on the theme of the Rijeka Carnival.
  • Exhibited works of four children.

28 February to 2 March

Conference Branding of Culture

  • Participation in the conference (Vesna Lukanović and Davorka Medved)

18 March - 1 April

Drenova in the centre - Gyroscope

  • Six participants of the filming workshop organized by Filmaktiv got acquainted with the basics of film recording. The workshop was led by Marin Lukanović from Filmaktiv for 3 weeks.

4 April

Meeting with President and Councillors Mo Drenova to get acquainted with the work of the Drenova Neighbourhood team and agree on joint work on the platform 27 Neighbourhoods’

11 April

Festival of Science: Colors’

It was the first collaboration with the association. Zlatni rez" led by scientists from the University of Rijeka, within which the lecture by Željka Peršurić, Ph.D. “Color food for better health” was held

Workshop for children called Coloring Foods for Better Health’, in collaboration with students from the Department of Biotechnology, was very successful, with 12 children participating

Given the success of the event, further cooperation was agreed.

8 May

Grohovčeva veCher

  • On the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the death of journalist and publicist Ivan Grohovac Krešimir Cvjetković’s book “The Everywhere Matoš Around Rijeka by Him” was presented. We found out what Anton Gustav Matoš wrote about Grohovac and Rijeka. The book was presented by the publisher Franjo Butorac, and excerpts from the book were read by the drama champion of the CNT Ivan pl. Zajc Zrinko Kolak-Fabian.
    The musical part of the evening was attended by the singing group Zvir from Jelenje, Trio Si-Že-Ne and the hosts, Mixed Choir Drenova.
  • There were 50 people present.

16. 18 May


  • Attendance at a scientific conference with a lecture on creating digital assistants with local languages and dialects (ČAI)
  • Benedict Perak, Damir Medved: Building a conversation modules for the Museum Assistant

18 May

European Museum Night: Visit to the Grobnik Castle and the Chakavian Parliament Chair

  • Visiting the Čavle neighbourhood and socializing with guests and programme performers. Agreeing on potential cooperation.

24 May

European Day of Neighbourhoods – "Greetings from Drenova"

9 June – 4 October

Kinedok - Network of cinemas in exotic locations

  • Showing 10 documentaries over four months: Brothers, Exit, Infinite Football, Josepha, I Love You, King Skate, Mečiar - A Desire for Power, Tarzan's Testicles, Days of Madness, In Case of War and Putin's Witnesses

8 June

Planting ornamental plants in the courtyard of the Heritage Museum

  • MO Drenova donated seedlings of ornamental plants planted by members of associations in the courtyard of the Drenova Heritage Museum

12. 15 June

Visit to the European Neighbourhood - Mons, Belgium

  • The four-member Drenova neighbourhood delegation visited its European neighbourhood – Mons. The aim of the trip was to establish cooperation with the world-renowned archive Mundaneum of Mons. Two workshops were held through which each neighborhood presented its work. We also visited other institutions and got acquainted with citizens and officials of Mons. Guidelines for further cooperation in 2019 and 2020 have been agreed.
  • Details are in the report.

13 June

Visit of two representatives of the Tandem Project to the Drenove Regional Museum

  • Presentation of the contents of the museum and the work of associations to guests.

2 July

Tell the doll! family workshop of making dolls from recyclable material

  • The Dren Association, in cooperation with the Rijeka City Puppet Theatre and the Tobogan Festival (Children's House flagship) in the courtyard of the Heritage Museum, organized a workshop for children (with their parents) who, with the help of visual artists from GKL, made dolls made of recycling material. 11 children were present accompanied by their parents and grandparents.

The workshop was financed through public needs in the culture of the City of Rijeka.

7 July

Visit of Olinda Doričić to the Drenova Heritage Museum

  • Olinda DoriThe little girl is from an enlarged photo that illustrates the CHAI project in our museum. He is now 94 years old and lives in Italy. He also visits his native Drenova once a year. She recognized herself, her parents, relatives and other people from the photo. She also told us about the location where the photo was taken, and it is a place only 50 meters away from the Heritage Museum.
  • A documentary video was made, which became an exhibit in the museum next to ČAI posters.

21 July

Zajc under the stars – classical music concert in the courtyard of the Regional Museum on the occasion of Dan Drenove

  • Pianist Stipe Bilić and soprano Lorena BaptismThey held a classical music concert as part of the Drenova Days, which was attended by about 60 spectators. This was the first concert of classical music held on Drenova.

14 August

Visit of distant relatives – we discover the interesting history of Grohov

  • On Wednesday, August 14th, our association “Without Borders” was visited by Mrs. Sylvie Grahovac Remillard with her husband living in distant Canada. They were accompanied by their aunt, Mrs. Stella Grahovac Maček. Sylvie is the great-grandson of Benjamin Grohovac, Iva's brother. We visited Grohovo, visited our museum, laid flowers on the grave of Ivo Grohovac and his family, visited Veli vrh and Ivana Grohovac Street in Rijeka. An unforgettable day for our company!
  • A documentary video was also made.

31 August

Crash Team Racing

  • In cooperation with the Škurinje Neighborhood, Crash Team Racing was held at Drenova in the Heritage Museum. There were 10 children with their parents.

6 and 7 September

Fair 3N Leave Modern Devices

  • We participated in a two-day event at the Palach Cultural Center with the project ČAI, the game Battle for Drenova and the video game Find the Border. The organizers were the Second Sea Association as part of the project Gyroscope.

18 September

Move theatre on the border: Wanda's small workshop

  • The Dren Association and the Rijeka City Puppet Theatre organized a workshop on making felt toys. The workshop was financed through public needs in the culture of the City of Rijeka. Fifteen children with their parents responded.

23 September

Chakavian language in the 21st century – challenges and potentials

  • Damir Medved gave a lecture: The distant past and the near future (new technologies in the service of preserving the native language) to the participants of the professional conference.

 27 September

Visit of pupils and teachers of Fran Franković Elementary School to the Heritage Museum

  • On the occasion of 170 years since the birth of Fran Franković, third grade students accompanied by their teachers visited the Drenova Heritage Museum and got acquainted with the work of our associations. Special emphasis was placed on exhibits related to Professor Franković, the project Nonić's Thiramol and the project ČAI.

17 October

Lecture on American Architectural and Urban Experience

  • Damir and Davorka Medved shared their experiences and observations from their trip to the USA (New York, Washington and Boston), and urban planner Bojan Bilić gave his view on contemporary urban planning practices in the USA, with 30 visitors present.

26 October

Plant a tree without a stump – planting drains on the Campus and in the Drenova nursery

  • Neighborhood Drenova – Dren members donated 3 original drainage seedlings to help build a drain alley in the Campus neighbourhood. Seedlings were planted by members of the association in cooperation with students and professors.
  • In the Drenovski kindergarten, 1 seedling of drains was planted.

31 October

Visit of children and educators from the Viškovo Kindergarten the Drenova Local Museum

  • Association Dren continues cooperation with kindergartens and schools in PGCireknowledge of the drain as a plant, its fruit and delicious marmalade from the drainage. On this occasion we were visited by the little ones from the Viškovo Kindergarten.

8 November

Presentation of the book Slovnik kastafskega govora by Cvjetana Miletić

  • At the invitation of the Kastav neighborhoods, we attended this presentation. The letter is a work that is important for our cooperation with the Kastav neighbourhood, which refers to the preservation of Chakavian speech. The author has provided free use of the dictionary in digital format for the needs of ČAI project. 

13-15. November

Visit of the Mons delegation and opening of the exhibition Delete things to come

  • Our European partners, a delegation of the Mundaneum Archives Centre from Mons visited the Drenovo neighbourhood.
  • On the first day they visited Rijeka City Museum i PPMHP in which they visited the exhibition D’Annunzievač
  • On the second day, they visited the headquarters. Rivers 2020 i RiHub where the meeting with the representatives took place TD Rijeka2020. They also visited the construction site. fellthe Sugar Refinery. In the evening they attended the opening of the exhibitionbe Delete things that are coming u the Local Museum.
  • on the third day in the Local Museum a working meeting was held and further cooperation was agreed for 2020.

19 November  

Dren Association for the third time led a workshop on the preparation of drain products in DV Goldfish’ in Kostrena, the marmalade is packaged for humanitarian sales aimed at the children of Africa.

16-23. November

Film screenings in cooperation with the association Filmaktiv

  • Through the project Gyroscope in collaboration with the association Filmaktiv Three film evenings were organised on Saturdays. After the screenings, the viewers commented and presented their impressions, and the moderator was Marin Lukanović from Filmaktiva who is also the author of the last screened film Drunk Street. The first night a documentary was shown. Rikard Benčić, On Saturday, we watched an omnibus. Kartoline (12 five-minute films).

21 November

In search of the superfruit of our region: The Forgotten Drain

  • The presentation of preliminary results of chemical analysis of bioactive components of Rijeka drain was held in the Regional Museum organized by the Dren Association and conducted by the Department of Biotechnology of the University of Rijeka. The presentation (and tasting) was attended by 25 citizens. This project is funded by the University of Rijeka in the amount of HRK 10,000 (to the project leader - UNIRI Department of Biotechnology), as part of the activities of the Campus Neighbourhoods in cooperation with the Drenova Neighbourhood

November 23

Chakavian text translation workshop

  • Members of the Society Without Borders held the first workshop of translation of dialogue from standard Croatian to Chakavian for the needs of the ČAI project.

30 November

Association visit 051 to the Drenova Heritage Museum

  • Association 051 visited the Drenova Heritage Museum. We introduced them to the exhibition of the museum and to the projects that we have worked on and are in progress. We have already collaborated with the Association 051 on the occasion of the Night of Museums 2016. We discussed the possibilities of future cooperation.

11 December

Networking event - Round 1TECH of the Year - Rijeka 2019

  • Members of the Society Without Borders participated at the invitation of CTC Rijeka, IT community Rijeka and StartIT, and presented ČAI project.


12 December

Geeksmakerscreativityday: Makerbuino, 3D printing, comics

  • Members of the Society Without Borders participated at the invitation of American Corner in the celebration of 5 years of 3D printing and education at GK Rijeka.

27 Neighborhoods Without Borders ECOC 2020

Geeksmakerscreativityday: Makerbuino, 3D printing, comics

Great fun and socializing in Trsat - we demonstrated a 3D holographic projector created in self-construction:

Holo Projector

See more in the picture gallery:

27 Neighborhoods Without Borders ECOC 2020

Networking event – 1st rounding of the TECH year – Rijeka 2019

A small team from Drenova presented our CHAI project to the tech community of our city - which is very much alive - to be unbelievable ⁇

ČAI presentation

The idea behind this gathering was:
• bring together the TECH community at the end of the year (approximately 100 participants)
• present the most important projects that contributed to the progress of the TECH community in Rijeka and its surroundings
• thank organizations, companies and individuals and mention events in neighboring counties, but also what we consider to be the most important in the Croatian TECH community and the world
• organize a raffle for all participants! ⁇



TECH projects and organisations presented:
Meetup's MS Development User Group Rijeka Data Science Croatia Groups, projects Association of Game Producers of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, conference Adriatic AWS Innovation Days companies iOLAP, lectures Croatian Linux User Association - HULK the Rijeka branch, Step Ri - Education Centre, hackaton Code Escape Company Infobip, Lab GKR, pop-up workshops The Other Sea, the City Workshop Riperaj the company Čistoća, Drenova Creative Hub Association Without borders, specific projects Polytechnic of Rijeka; Istrian TECH projects: Istra Programming Languages meetups, lectures in Radio Club Pazin, Digital Conference companies Lloyds Design Studio, .NET Meetup Istria.

27 Neighborhoods Without Borders Living room ECOC 2020

Visit of the Association 051 to our museum

On Saturday, November 30, 2019, we were visited by members of Rijeka Association 051, under the programme Daily staysk,  the Programming Route 27 Neighborhoods.

We presented our past and present projects, as well as the current exhibition Delete things that are coming. At 7 p.m. we watched a documentary together. Drunk Street.

The guests watched with interest everything we presented to them, which is not unusual for them because Association 051 For many years he has been engaged in collecting historical material, photographs, documents, but also stories and memories about our city and its surroundings. Valuable members present their materials on the website and forum as well as on the website and FB profile of the association

There are a lot of common topics that are dealt with by our associations. We cooperated in 2016 at the Museum Night when we presented some of the members' exhibits Association 051. These were pieces of military equipment and ammunition from World War II. We are also in the Proceedings published a short story by Vladimir Tonić, a member of this association. The story took place at Drenova, Veli vrh, but also at the address of our Heritage Museum, which at the time the story describes was an Italian customs office.

Visit of the association 051

A pleasant evening with dear guests ended in a conversation with the author of the screened film Drunken Street, Marin Lukanović.

They promised to visit us again.

27 Neighborhoods Activities Without Borders ECOC 2020

Successful visit to friends in Daruvar

What was it like in Daruvar, what did we do and who were our hosts?

Successful visit to friends in Daruvar - find out more on the site Radio Daruvara

Without Borders The history of Drenov International

Nonić's Thiramol


The Association Without Borders participated in an international project Smuggling Anthologies. The promoters of the project were Rijeka MMSU, Idrija Meat Museum i Trieste Contemporanea. We explored the paths through which small smuggling took place in the area of Drenova and Pašac. The result of this study was an interactive installation “Nonic Tramola“, which the citizens of Rijeka could see in the Rijeka Small Salon during the exhibition in October and November 2013. The installation is a permanent exhibition of our Regional Museum Drenova.

Installation in the Small Salon
Nonić's Thiramol
From the opening of the exhibition

I must admit that I am delighted with the idea and realization of the international exhibition “Antology of Smuggling”. Apart from being an intriguing theme of the exhibition, its realization has left an even stronger impression on me. Of course, it is the role of art to draw attention to current affairs from the immediate environment to all of us, to criticize and in some way comment on events in its own right, without art knowing the boundaries and not being hindered by any barriers, is also illustrated by the fact that the topic and the subject of reflection can be anything, in this case - smuggling. It was interesting to read all these lost stories, forgotten historical facts and testify about personal stories of people, but also to see how the smuggling, so to speak, evolved during all those years. I would also like to commend the interdisciplinary way in which the topic itself has been approached, taking into account the historical context, personal testimonies and artistic production.

I would certainly single out and praise the extremely successfully designed and realized multimedia installation “Nonić's Thiramol” by the Drenov Heritage Worshipping Society “Without Borders”, which, as the only association, applied for and went through an art installation at this international exhibition combining satellite image of the Rijeka area with internet links to video footage with testimonies of locals of Pašac and Drenova who remember the smuggling of goods between the former Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of SCS in this area. It is a great combination that combines historical facts and curiosities with state-of-the-art technology – smartphones – in a multimedia way! Congratulations to the team of authors Damir and Davorka Medved, Đulijana Ercegović and Robert Zeneral! This great installation is just one of the valuable initiatives resulting from the workshop of the Association Without Borders, which dedicatedly and diligently inherits the Drenova region, and all this will be unified and available to the public at the Drenova Heritage Museum, which we are very looking forward to.

Vojko Obersnel, Mayor of Rijeka

An important part of the project was video recordings that recorded the testimonies of our fellow citizens about the time when today's area of Rijeka was divided by the border.
The border was unnaturally divided by the surrounding Rijeka settlements. An example of this is Drenova. Video recordings are useful for both the project and the goals of our association. Testimonies from the 30s and 40s of the 20th century have been recorded, thus preserving an important part of the history of Drenova and Pašac for future generations. The local Chakavian dialect has also been preserved, where our interlocutors told us about the events. The records were translated and subtitled into English for the purpose of the project. We felt that it was necessary to make an additional effort and write this story on chakavian. Our member Vesna Lukanović was the right person for this task, she lives on Drenova, and her roots are in Pašac and Grohovo.

Sturie the First

Ljiljana Fućak from Pašac led a nan about living along the border first and the end of the Second Holy War.

Ljiljana Fućak

Pašac was on the Yugoslav side of the border along Ričina towards the border between the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the Kingdom of Italy. The canyon is the deepest part of the complex, so it represents a natural barrier. Mila and Joseph Kekini were mat and father of Ljiljana Fućak. Joseph was left without a piece, and they had sedan boots. It took j’snack to survive and feed the whole family.
It was a hard life. They handled themselves in possible ways. My matte wore oranges to Sušak from Rike, and it was j' in the winter, when it was frowning. Put those hated oranges on the carpet of the body, you know what that means.

And the father, he and his friends, they mounted the tram from Pašac, above the canyon, to the other side of Ričina. There was an Italian checkhouse near j’, which was the Fnanci and the Carabinieri. So that the Italians could not see them, they fled from the tramolun near the border. If they had fallen here, no one would have found them. Tiramola van was placed one hundred meters downstream of the bridge va Pašcu. They named the steel string that they fixed at both ends. They pulled a string and dragged each other to Ričina. There was a lot of forest, so the Italians couldn't see them. They were smuggling no goods, I thought they were cigarettes.

And that's what they used to do to feed the family. It wasn't easy, it was a hard life.

During the war, a lot of them went to Trieste, they smuggled salt. Once a j' nothing happened, a niki Italian was killed. Va Trieste j’ was a raid and ours was a raid. And my husband was among him.
And your barba. The balls are so they don't get killed by your tan. They didn't even go to the bathroom, and it used to happen that they were whipped and killed in the hallway. An Italian was killed for revenge, and a jacket would be sounded and shot in the morning. They've been in jail for a month and a half. That j' would be a prison nowhere near Udin.

Those who were diverting your bows to Baroš at the transhipment of cargo, knew from the harbor coffee znosit. Coffee would wrap your merchandise, kot sausage. They'd put it next to the body, and that's how they'd take it from the harbor. A lot of Paščani's share was the share of the wage-earners in your bows. When they heard the ship's sirens, they would crawl to the harbor. It would take up to three times a day to get to Baroš, hoping to earn a rush. My father was at first the same delal va lukai. Then j’ was an organized strike va kemu j’ and he participated. They shouted this to none of those strikers nor mogal delat va luki Baroš, and so did my father.
Whatever time imel posal, and most of it was your Harteri, was well-to-do. They called a permanent post and a salary.

The Second Stories

Petar Rino Štefan who today live in Gornja Drenova, the leads are tied to the border, even while it was a brick.

Petar Rino Štefan

Bival san down, on Dolnja Drenova, and saki san dan shawl va škola semo na Gornja Drenova. That j’ was why we were Croats, we did not name Italian citizenship, and Dolnja Drenova was Italian. Mogal san started al your Italian school downstairs, al semo here your school as it was in Upper Drenova, on the territory of Yugoslavia. I dream scarf up your school. Saki day over the border walking in a bundle. Scarf dream so from first to fifth grade. And in winter and in flight, walking from below. When the dream scarf va five grade then capitulated Italy and there was no school already. The school on Upper Drenova (right) where the Germans burned the 1943 flight

My teacher was from Sušak. She also walked your school across two borders. Down on the bridge, your city crossed one border and another this one onto the Drenove. Your school was over the promenade, and on Saturday evening she would go home to Sušak. Over the walk, while she was there, she was feeding there. In Dolnja Drenova she would buy rice, al pasta, but she already used it.
She would pay for the glass, and the flaws would say that it was brought to her by your school borshee. It used to be a kilo of rice, a kilo of pasta, a kilo of pound, as it used to be. I bin to zel va butege, put your school borsha and scarf across the border z tan. I've known myself fnanci and border guards and you dream pasteval every day across the border. Hello dream them z: ‘Good morning!’, ‘Good day!’ and Italians from ‘Buon giorno!’ The wintertime would often call me for tea. It was j' winter, and there was a lot of blowing there. Once a dream came to him for tea and a frontiersman j' asked me:
Come on, Perice, let me see a little bit of how you study at school. – I told her to look at my school books.
Malo san stal,prrl pupil borša, and žnje špili – ris!
And what do you learn with that rice? – joke j’.
Rekal san da j’teacher asked me to bring it to her. They wanted my rice!
The scarf dream gives, your school. When the dream came, the intention was to divert the pupil of the teacher to your kitchen, I dream prolonged your class. She j' invited me to get bored outside and asked that if the dream hit
Bring rice. Spoken - I have Nisan leh on the border wanting rice.
The border guards screamed it at her. Valda laughed a little around it and screamed at her t rice. The border guards were up there in one of the houses near us (the Lubanj ascent).
And that was my big smuggler. It was more of a survival and a way to refine dogs, lehh ča it was a smuggler.
There was another occasion. Together across the border is a house on the side of Dolnja Drenova. There were some old people living in that house. A j’wire fence two metres in height and two metres in length, of yen peat, was grazing along their garden. He smoked quite a lot, and cigarettes were very expensive in Italy. There were fineries. If there were cloudy weather and fog, but at night, but at night, he would cross the border, shawl on Upper Dren's butega and would bathe a cigarette.
When you're screaming at home, walking by the wire is just a hurry of cigarettes vawing your garden. You'd cross the line with your empty hands and come home. That same evening, but the second morning scarf would be z with the basket va your garden and the braille cigarette keh was first prehitl over the wire. It's a thing known to me, and it's brought to me by the elders.

The remains of the border fence can still be found today.

There's another thing. Then the dream already delal, and you dream with the twinnest flight began to delat. When they burned down the school in Upper Drenova, I no longer dreamed of nowhere scarf your school. Some are into crafts, some are into Kastav's school, and I'm dream scarf delat na Sušak. There, the bathtub san delal bil is a master of Zagreb. Volel's a lot of lead. Once he got a ham. Bival is on Belvedere, across the border. He thought about how to carry this prosciutto and thought of 'j'. Imel is two sons and one son was told to come to him for work
z driven. They're out those wheelbarrows the keh would storied the kids, and they still know how to deal with them today. That trolley was made up of a small windshield and four drumsticks made of old cars. The son came with a tan to drive his father to work.
We were watching, perfn, and the boss was watching your miracle, so the master would storit z ten karetćen. He put a charcoal on the table, turned it upside down by a sweater and stabbed prosciutto with a nail on the lower part of the weight of the driver.
When he turned the charcoal on the right side again, the prosciutto was even visible and the charcoal was low. He told his son:
Now t walk nicely home and watch out for cats so they don't hang around the driver.
And so that ham scarf is across the border.
There's still some dream sense for the milkmaids. They wore milk downstairs, and they would buy pasta, but something else. This would put on your empty milk latte and, if it was a dog, it was a dog.

And so, it was that drone smuggler out there.
And for the stronger ones, who smuggled more, you don't know that out there, not even to this day. Kot and for today's, you don't know the same thing.
And that'd be more of a smuggler out there than a left-handed smuggler.

Treta storia

Drenovci Neda Glavaš, Swarm Franković and Dušan Štefan They were brought to the frontiers by them and their elders.

Neda Glavaš:

Once, when a dream with a monkey sneaks on a wag, mom bought coffee. First of all, I was given a dog around my dog at home. That dog was a bag store that would put coffee, of course not fried leh raw, and you would breathe too much. When they came to the border, the fnanci were visiting women, and we children were waiting for them in front of their necks. That's the way the dream and I should have started! And how am I supposed to get checked out when I'm known to be wearing a nose? Started a dream loud poster: “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

They were very good and they let me go zijden without seeing you and I dreamed of a kafon around the dogs' schoolhouse. The second time we went to the river for something. Mom had two brothers, one on Podmurvicah and one on Pehino, so we screamed at home along the way. And there j' was the limit. And that's when Mom bought something. She bought the most coffee, the donkey was the most home-cooked coffee. We went over Pehino to Škurinje and brought coffee to Drenovo. There was no more than a sense of purpose and no known concept of coffee being smuggled. On Upper Drenova we misappropriated a lot of thighs at that time.
Valda didn't have any coffee, so the people got along as well as they knew.

Dušan Štefan about Aunt Lidija Francetć:

Aunt Lydia is experiencing a special event for that time, which is that they bought a veli asparagus v Reke. In order to transfer this asparagus to Drenova, and to visit Gornja Drenova across the border, it was necessary to j’ well paricate and engage more judo to do it. Šparhet was, after the car was bought in Reka, reached on the kega train was a wolf horse to Dolnja Drenova, to the place Dorčići, near the border. The idea of taking this asparagus from Italy to Yugoslavia was broken. From the weight of the train they put it on a smaller cart, the driver. It was j' flying and it was a fancy overgrown greenery on a stretch from the Sih Sveth creek (at today's City Cemetery) to the border. The Italians stretched the barbed wire fence along the border at the tenth place of the first weight. These were the iron pillars of a teased tail, and the honey pillar was a stretched wire.

Šparchet is 200 meters away from the border. In the evening, when j’ was darkened and j’ had the opportunity not to be seen, they ran the asparagus on the train to the wire. On one place they begged for wire, lifted it, baked the asparagus on the other side and poured the wire into the place. This asparagus is fnil Klanjcen, a nonotu and none of Lady Lidija Francetć. Nona was called j’ Katca (Gosina), and nonić was called j’ Vicko (Matuzinov).

Everyone was very happy with the subject and all the relatives. It was a big event for them.

Four Thousand Thieves

Albert Mihich Nan is the lead from Dolnja Drenova to the Italian side of the border.

Domišjan used to smuggle in there.We used to flee your shelters during the bombing. That was when the Germans came, even though Italy did not capitulate, it was relatively peaceful on the
to this side of us. When the Germans approached, it shattered. As the war was going on, the people were getting along, so there was a big smuggler. V Reke we got dots for food. The food was too small, so the judas gave up their smugglers.

There were more merchandise left in your surroundings. Judas bought goods in Reka and wore them to Kranj, today's is called Postojna. They'd trade goods for food. Some of your circumstances have known each other and benefited, while others have neither imel nor merchandise nor anything else to replace, morality is expensive to pay. My father-in-law went forth to get bread for you, Benasha. There j’bil a very good white bread that we could not buy anywhere else.

And sen bread and soap is across the border bil color, al morda ceneji, al jeno and other, nisan safe. Homeland says Grandma's going to pick up that soap. It screamed j’ over Proslop and Rupa (the Drenova). There's a wall there and there's a hole in it that still exists today. She'd hide those things in your snorkel. If she sneaked on the rustle and grass for the goats, she'd sneak your basket on the rustle and grass and hide those things on the wall. The border and the shaft on the main road leh that way bathtub was a side crossing for those who misappropriated the pass. Valda was smuggled in like that.

To me, frankly, no limit or natural. Vidin rabbit, gre across the border with the prez license, prez passport, gre left, gre right. That's how the jude should go. Unfortunately, it's politics, store up borders and eventually some time judas get used to and become different. Domišjan, due to the war and the border, was divided among the people of Gornja and Dolnja Drenova. My aunt, the one she smuggled towards, said that the border was set south to the millimeter that it was supposed to be, and that those judi weren't exactly us. It was hard.

Time is getting rid of it, borders are a bad thing. They smuggle, they hate, they create... a niche of good.
Let the war come, then he's still blaming her.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Remembrance of Drenov: Egidio Mihić

You will admit that you have rarely had a chance to talk to a centenarian in your life. Also, many Drenovci do not know that Drenova has centenarians. This is Mr. Egidio Mihić who lives with his son and daughter-in-law in that beautiful one-story house surrounded by flowers at the address Drenovski put 120.

When I found out that Mr. Gidio, as they call him, is having his 100th birthday this year, I decided to write an article about him in our newspaper. With his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Biserka Mihić, a well-known Drenov painter, I arranged a visit.
She promised to invite me and after a few days, in her house, around which there are flowers like no other on Drena, I was welcomed by my son Aleksandar, daughter-in-law Biserka and birthday boy Egidio Mihić. But when I'm on my way, there's nothing else but to convey to you, readers, what I know best, what the vital and cheerful centenarian Egidio told me, after we met with a glass of excellent grape brandy.

The first question I asked was: Is there a recipe for such an enviable year?

It's out like this. Just as it comes and winters, so you have no way to lose it. So out there, there'll be no regret in your life.

A good life philosophy and obviously effective. But tell me exactly when you were born and where. Is it in this house?

The dream of the nineteenth seventh thousandth and ninth flight of our old house pul Benaši. Your school dream began to walk in 1916 flight and this is our old, Drenov school. Our first teacher was Deshman, and the first teacher was Musul. Your school's classes, kot and your whole Reke teh flight, were on Italian skateboards. We used to speak Croatian at home, normally, and your schools were taking us out Italian. First we went to your school we went to va azil (kindergarten) and already there j’ was spoken Italian.

And when you finished elementary school, did you start your trade?
Listen, I'm out of nisan storil school for crafts. Kot young man dream 1930th flight Kot mechanic started delat on travaje bathe dream is sharing a vacuum for mechanic. The Rijeka Tranvaj drove from Školjić to Kantrida Kada is now the entrance to your "3. Maj’. Flight 1951 was started to drive and trolleybus, and in 1952 the tram was abolished. At that time, it was already the company "Autotrolej" va ken san, sharing how a mechanic, in 1965, earned a pension.

You have experienced and survived the First and Second World Wars, including our homeland. What are the memories of those difficult days?

When the first war was still a brute dream, there was a spammetin that there were a lot of men at Drenova's show on the front all over Europe and that a lot of them never screamed. Spammed about how hard life was at the time and how niche it was for the jist. None of the cops were men on the front lines. I'll never forget how our grandma once gave cats a jist cap and a fazool. The cat is a pojil kapuz, and I, as it were, from his padela – fažol.
Your second installment would be a dream freed from military obligation and all the time a dream delal. It wasn't that hard on you in the first place. We got a voucher to feed your cafeteria from the company and somehow we survived the bombings at the end of the war. At the outbreak of the war, the river was heavily demolished, much was done in the clearing and construction through voluntary actions.

One year before you were born, the ‘Pučka Reading Room Drenova’ was founded. When you were a young man, did you go to the pond for performances at the People's Home?

About how to spameti's tech shows when a dream kot young man scarf on a frying pan on Podbreg. Tanci and performances were on the ship and your house on Lokve bathtubs was sharper, while in 1929 the storen Narodni dom was not on Lokve. Spametin and some of the juridical people who were very active in your reading room. There were also two Frlans. Nace (Ignacio, op.a.) and Antonio.
At that time, Drenova was borderline divided; The lower Drenova was under Italian rule, and the upper part under Yugoslav rule. The people of the Upper Drenova who shared in Reke, in order not to lose their share, had to opt for Italian citizenship. They, the Italians, called it ‘cittadinanza’. Spametin said that paltarice (workers in the tobacco factory) wanted this cittadinanza, the only one Franković from Kablara and lost the part. Known the dream of her father, he was the brother of one Franković who was the teacher of your Istria (Fran Franković, op.a.). And one
From Podbreg, a scarf on Sušak va Yugoslavia is just part of the fact that he will not be Italian. They told him: ‘Storite yourself a Turk if he uses it, just so as not to lose part’.
The reading room mistletoe is a very good tamburitza ensemble ‘Drenovčan’. Spametin da j’ before fanj let umrl Kazimir (Miro) Štefan – Šuštarov from Pobreg kot last of teh tamburaši.
Spametin is very well known and famous sopelaši Romano Petrović - Barićevega and Ivan Petrović - Rapinić. Well, my family used to have vavek kantalo and soprano. My father is a sopal accordion, and my son is a young boy who was very successful in his cantaloupe. The choir was performed by Ace Petrović's professional singer-songwriter.

Gidi's son Sandro also joined the conversation here: ‘I am still spammetin when I have 60 flights to Karmelica, under the veil lipun pul plovanije, sopli Barićev i Rapinić on sopelami and our nono on accordions’.
And he tells his father about how he has completely lost his sight in recent years and how this prevents him from being as physically active as he has been all his life. ‘Believe that his eyesight is good so that he can still make a vavek scarf of your forest on the pole for the garden’.

We wish Mr. Egidi Mihić health and many more years of happy life with our loved ones.