Activities Without Borders National

MUSEUM NIGHT 2022 at Drenova Social Centre - Drenove Heritage Museum

This year's Museum Night will be held in Friday 28 January 2022 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. the main theme is Between Real and Digital.

Association Without Borders, which runs the Regional Museum of Drenova, and which operates within the Drenova Social Center, will present a large exhibition on the theme “The famous people of Drenovci – why they are so important to us for the history of our region”.

The exhibition will be hybrid – physically in a fully digital space on the museum’s multimedia platform and online FB Video Stream.

At 7:00 p.m. you will be able to watch the conversation that Damir Medved led with Chistian Grailach i Albert Mihich about our Drenovci, and why we think that they have indebted us and that they are worth remembering.

In preparation for this exhibition, additional research was carried out, so now we are able to present and some previously unpublished documents derived from Archives of Arolsen (International Archive for the Prosecution of Nazi Crimes) and they concern the fate of our Drenovci.

In this exhibition we will remember:

Gabriel Bratine

Vila Štefana

Brothers Pants

Ružica Mihić

Orlando Kučić

Ivana Žorža

Bruno Francetić

Stanko Franković

Sergia Tuconia

Welcome back!

Note: sightseeing of the Drenova Regional Museum and the exhibition will take place respecting epidemiological measures and Covid-19 certificates are required, and all adults should wear masks indoors.

Activities Without Borders The history of Drenov

Revealed memorial plaque to Ivo Grohovac

On June 21, 2021, in Oktavijana Valića Street, a memorial plaque was discovered on the house where he lived and died Ivo Grohovac. He was born on this day 146 years ago in Grohovo. He was a poet and publicist who at the time of Italianization and Hungarianization fought passionately for the use of the local, Croatian language and local Chakavian speech in Rijeka and its surroundings. During his short life (he died at the age of 39 from the effects of tuberculosis) he published three collections of poems, as well as numerous articles in the Riječka glasnik, Riječka novine and Riječka nova list, in which he published under the pseudonym Tik-tak in the section Negda i sada.

Association Without Borders keeps the memory of Ivo Grohovac, and cooperates with the descendants of the Grohovac family, especially with Mrs. Stella Maček Grohovac and Mrs. Sylvie Remillard. The family financed the construction and installation of the panel on the entrance wall in front of the house at today's address Oktavijana Valića 29 in Rijeka. Today, this house is occupied by the Portner family whose courtesy is placed a plaque at the entrance to the courtyard of the house. In order to get this information about the present address of the former house of Ivo Grohovac, a real little research was conducted. Our valuable members Vesna Lukanović and Christian Grailach were helped by Mladen Urem, Head of the Archives Reading Room Department of the State Archives in Rijeka, as well as Dragica Fadljević, Director of the Department of Local Self-Government of the Department of City Self-Government and Administration of the City of Rijeka. Thank you all!

At the beginning of the ceremony, Christian Grailach read a brief review of the life and work of Ivo Grohovac, and Vesna Lukanović read Grohovac's work on toponyms Belveder and Kozala, for which Grohovac offers old names. Thus Belveder is actually Vozrinj, and the area of today's Kozala carried a number of names, some of which have been maintained to this day in the names of the streets (Brašćine, Lukovići, etc.). On behalf of the City of Rijeka, the ceremony was attended by the Deputy Mayor, Mrs. Sandra Krpan, who, together with Mrs. Stela Maček Grohovac, unveiled a memorial plaque.

The event was accompanied by numerous journalistic teams, and you can see for yourself how it looked like:

Video from the discovery of the memorial plaque to Ivo Grohovac from Rijeka

After the ceremony, we headed to the old cemetery of Donja Drenova where Mrs. Maček Grohovac, accompanied by her daughter Jasmina and granddaughter, laid flowers on the grave of Ivo Grohovac and his family.

For more details on the life and work of Ivo Grohovac, see a short presentation prepared by Chistian Grailach:

27 Neighborhoods Activities Without Borders Living room The history of Drenov ECOC 2020

We read Grohovac

Under the watchful eye of our mentor Marina from Filmaktiva, we practiced filming and making documentaries.

The eternal source of inspiration and lyrics is ours. Ivo Grohovac. This is the result.


Grohovac about Kozala

Grohovac about the lukewarm

Grohovac about Škurinje

Grohobac about Podpinjol

Grohovac on the Son

Grohovac about Placa

27 Neighborhoods Activities Dren ECOC 2020 UNIRI

Campus and stockings love each other

4 March 2020  in the neighborhood of the University Campus on the occasion of their Festival, and in cooperation with the Drenova neighbourhood, a quiz was held “In search of the super fruit of our region - forgotten drainage”.

Mixed marmalades called “Drenjula i društvo” are specially prepared as a reward for the winners of the quiz.

Thus continued the cooperation between the Department of Biotechnology of the University of Rijeka and the Dren Association, which has proven in the previous scientific research that it drained SUPER FRUIT.

Activities Without Borders Dren ECOC 2020

Reporting Assembly of the Society Without Borders and the Dren Association

What we did in 2019

1 February

Night of Museums: Artificial Intelligence on Drenova

  • Presentation of old photos from the First World War and their analysis with the help of AI
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) in action – presentation of the Dreno Museum Assistant
  • How AI Creates Artwork (Pictures and Music)
  • How AI Recognizes the Feelings and Years of Visitors
  • Exhibition of the Rijeka City Museum "From Emancipation to the Holocaust" - Jews in Rijeka and Opatija from 1867 to 1945" by Sanja Simper

Number of visitors during the evening about 70 of which 20 children accompanied by parents

14 February

Dren Association participated in the workshop FOODBIZorganised by the Faculty of Hotleski and Tourism Management in Opatija, where Vesna Lukanović presented drainage products       

15-16 February

Visit to Daruvar - Czech Mother Language Month in Bjelovar-Bilogora County

  • Presentation of the project ČAI - Chakavian artificial intelligence as part of the presentation of five out of 27 neighbourhoods (Kastav, Kuti, Čavle, Krk)
  • Lecture by Damir Medved at the Technical School on the topic of new technologies (Saturday, 16 February)

22 February

Botel Marina Actors of Urban Change - Neighborhood Škurinje

Rijeka 2030: Legacy of Rijeka 2020

  • Participation in the panel discussion and work in groups with neighbourhoods from the Actors of Urban Change project.

25-27 February

Exhibition of photographs of a small class on the theme of the Rijeka Carnival

  • Children from the small classroom of Fran Franković Elementary School presented their works - photographs on the theme of the Rijeka Carnival.
  • Exhibited works of four children.

28 February to 2 March

Conference Branding of Culture

  • Participation in the conference (Vesna Lukanović and Davorka Medved)

18 March - 1 April

Drenova in the centre - Gyroscope

  • Six participants of the filming workshop organized by Filmaktiv got acquainted with the basics of film recording. The workshop was led by Marin Lukanović from Filmaktiv for 3 weeks.

4 April

Meeting with President and Councillors Mo Drenova to get acquainted with the work of the Drenova Neighbourhood team and agree on joint work on the platform 27 Neighbourhoods’

11 April

Festival of Science: Colors’

It was the first collaboration with the association. Zlatni rez" led by scientists from the University of Rijeka, within which the lecture by Željka Peršurić, Ph.D. “Color food for better health” was held

Workshop for children called Coloring Foods for Better Health’, in collaboration with students from the Department of Biotechnology, was very successful, with 12 children participating

Given the success of the event, further cooperation was agreed.

8 May

Grohovčeva veCher

  • On the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the death of journalist and publicist Ivan Grohovac Krešimir Cvjetković’s book “The Everywhere Matoš Around Rijeka by Him” was presented. We found out what Anton Gustav Matoš wrote about Grohovac and Rijeka. The book was presented by the publisher Franjo Butorac, and excerpts from the book were read by the drama champion of the CNT Ivan pl. Zajc Zrinko Kolak-Fabian.
    The musical part of the evening was attended by the singing group Zvir from Jelenje, Trio Si-Že-Ne and the hosts, Mixed Choir Drenova.
  • There were 50 people present.

16. 18 May


  • Attendance at a scientific conference with a lecture on creating digital assistants with local languages and dialects (ČAI)
  • Benedict Perak, Damir Medved: Building a conversation modules for the Museum Assistant

18 May

European Museum Night: Visit to the Grobnik Castle and the Chakavian Parliament Chair

  • Visiting the Čavle neighbourhood and socializing with guests and programme performers. Agreeing on potential cooperation.

24 May

European Day of Neighbourhoods – "Greetings from Drenova"

9 June – 4 October

Kinedok - Network of cinemas in exotic locations

  • Showing 10 documentaries over four months: Brothers, Exit, Infinite Football, Josepha, I Love You, King Skate, Mečiar - A Desire for Power, Tarzan's Testicles, Days of Madness, In Case of War and Putin's Witnesses

8 June

Planting ornamental plants in the courtyard of the Heritage Museum

  • MO Drenova donated seedlings of ornamental plants planted by members of associations in the courtyard of the Drenova Heritage Museum

12. 15 June

Visit to the European Neighbourhood - Mons, Belgium

  • The four-member Drenova neighbourhood delegation visited its European neighbourhood – Mons. The aim of the trip was to establish cooperation with the world-renowned archive Mundaneum of Mons. Two workshops were held through which each neighborhood presented its work. We also visited other institutions and got acquainted with citizens and officials of Mons. Guidelines for further cooperation in 2019 and 2020 have been agreed.
  • Details are in the report.

13 June

Visit of two representatives of the Tandem Project to the Drenove Regional Museum

  • Presentation of the contents of the museum and the work of associations to guests.

2 July

Tell the doll! family workshop of making dolls from recyclable material

  • The Dren Association, in cooperation with the Rijeka City Puppet Theatre and the Tobogan Festival (Children's House flagship) in the courtyard of the Heritage Museum, organized a workshop for children (with their parents) who, with the help of visual artists from GKL, made dolls made of recycling material. 11 children were present accompanied by their parents and grandparents.

The workshop was financed through public needs in the culture of the City of Rijeka.

7 July

Visit of Olinda Doričić to the Drenova Heritage Museum

  • Olinda DoriThe little girl is from an enlarged photo that illustrates the CHAI project in our museum. He is now 94 years old and lives in Italy. He also visits his native Drenova once a year. She recognized herself, her parents, relatives and other people from the photo. She also told us about the location where the photo was taken, and it is a place only 50 meters away from the Heritage Museum.
  • A documentary video was made, which became an exhibit in the museum next to ČAI posters.

21 July

Zajc under the stars – classical music concert in the courtyard of the Regional Museum on the occasion of Dan Drenove

  • Pianist Stipe Bilić and soprano Lorena BaptismThey held a classical music concert as part of the Drenova Days, which was attended by about 60 spectators. This was the first concert of classical music held on Drenova.

14 August

Visit of distant relatives – we discover the interesting history of Grohov

  • On Wednesday, August 14th, our association “Without Borders” was visited by Mrs. Sylvie Grahovac Remillard with her husband living in distant Canada. They were accompanied by their aunt, Mrs. Stella Grahovac Maček. Sylvie is the great-grandson of Benjamin Grohovac, Iva's brother. We visited Grohovo, visited our museum, laid flowers on the grave of Ivo Grohovac and his family, visited Veli vrh and Ivana Grohovac Street in Rijeka. An unforgettable day for our company!
  • A documentary video was also made.

31 August

Crash Team Racing

  • In cooperation with the Škurinje Neighborhood, Crash Team Racing was held at Drenova in the Heritage Museum. There were 10 children with their parents.

6 and 7 September

Fair 3N Leave Modern Devices

  • We participated in a two-day event at the Palach Cultural Center with the project ČAI, the game Battle for Drenova and the video game Find the Border. The organizers were the Second Sea Association as part of the project Gyroscope.

18 September

Move theatre on the border: Wanda's small workshop

  • The Dren Association and the Rijeka City Puppet Theatre organized a workshop on making felt toys. The workshop was financed through public needs in the culture of the City of Rijeka. Fifteen children with their parents responded.

23 September

Chakavian language in the 21st century – challenges and potentials

  • Damir Medved gave a lecture: The distant past and the near future (new technologies in the service of preserving the native language) to the participants of the professional conference.

 27 September

Visit of pupils and teachers of Fran Franković Elementary School to the Heritage Museum

  • On the occasion of 170 years since the birth of Fran Franković, third grade students accompanied by their teachers visited the Drenova Heritage Museum and got acquainted with the work of our associations. Special emphasis was placed on exhibits related to Professor Franković, the project Nonić's Thiramol and the project ČAI.

17 October

Lecture on American Architectural and Urban Experience

  • Damir and Davorka Medved shared their experiences and observations from their trip to the USA (New York, Washington and Boston), and urban planner Bojan Bilić gave his view on contemporary urban planning practices in the USA, with 30 visitors present.

26 October

Plant a tree without a stump – planting drains on the Campus and in the Drenova nursery

  • Neighborhood Drenova – Dren members donated 3 original drainage seedlings to help build a drain alley in the Campus neighbourhood. Seedlings were planted by members of the association in cooperation with students and professors.
  • In the Drenovski kindergarten, 1 seedling of drains was planted.

31 October

Visit of children and educators from the Viškovo Kindergarten the Drenova Local Museum

  • Association Dren continues cooperation with kindergartens and schools in PGCireknowledge of the drain as a plant, its fruit and delicious marmalade from the drainage. On this occasion we were visited by the little ones from the Viškovo Kindergarten.

8 November

Presentation of the book Slovnik kastafskega govora by Cvjetana Miletić

  • At the invitation of the Kastav neighborhoods, we attended this presentation. The letter is a work that is important for our cooperation with the Kastav neighbourhood, which refers to the preservation of Chakavian speech. The author has provided free use of the dictionary in digital format for the needs of ČAI project. 

13-15. November

Visit of the Mons delegation and opening of the exhibition Delete things to come

  • Our European partners, a delegation of the Mundaneum Archives Centre from Mons visited the Drenovo neighbourhood.
  • On the first day they visited Rijeka City Museum i PPMHP in which they visited the exhibition D’Annunzievač
  • On the second day, they visited the headquarters. Rivers 2020 i RiHub where the meeting with the representatives took place TD Rijeka2020. They also visited the construction site. fellthe Sugar Refinery. In the evening they attended the opening of the exhibitionbe Delete things that are coming u the Local Museum.
  • on the third day in the Local Museum a working meeting was held and further cooperation was agreed for 2020.

19 November  

Dren Association for the third time led a workshop on the preparation of drain products in DV Goldfish’ in Kostrena, the marmalade is packaged for humanitarian sales aimed at the children of Africa.

16-23. November

Film screenings in cooperation with the association Filmaktiv

  • Through the project Gyroscope in collaboration with the association Filmaktiv Three film evenings were organised on Saturdays. After the screenings, the viewers commented and presented their impressions, and the moderator was Marin Lukanović from Filmaktiva who is also the author of the last screened film Drunk Street. The first night a documentary was shown. Rikard Benčić, On Saturday, we watched an omnibus. Kartoline (12 five-minute films).

21 November

In search of the superfruit of our region: The Forgotten Drain

  • The presentation of preliminary results of chemical analysis of bioactive components of Rijeka drain was held in the Regional Museum organized by the Dren Association and conducted by the Department of Biotechnology of the University of Rijeka. The presentation (and tasting) was attended by 25 citizens. This project is funded by the University of Rijeka in the amount of HRK 10,000 (to the project leader - UNIRI Department of Biotechnology), as part of the activities of the Campus Neighbourhoods in cooperation with the Drenova Neighbourhood

November 23

Chakavian text translation workshop

  • Members of the Society Without Borders held the first workshop of translation of dialogue from standard Croatian to Chakavian for the needs of the ČAI project.

30 November

Association visit 051 to the Drenova Heritage Museum

  • Association 051 visited the Drenova Heritage Museum. We introduced them to the exhibition of the museum and to the projects that we have worked on and are in progress. We have already collaborated with the Association 051 on the occasion of the Night of Museums 2016. We discussed the possibilities of future cooperation.

11 December

Networking event - Round 1TECH of the Year - Rijeka 2019

  • Members of the Society Without Borders participated at the invitation of CTC Rijeka, IT community Rijeka and StartIT, and presented ČAI project.


12 December

Geeksmakerscreativityday: Makerbuino, 3D printing, comics

  • Members of the Society Without Borders participated at the invitation of American Corner in the celebration of 5 years of 3D printing and education at GK Rijeka.

Activities National

Living room 2019. - Drenova Summer Cinema

Dear friends of film and summer cinema in the fresh air!
This season we have also provided screenings of documentary films in the courtyard of the Drenova Regional Museum (Drenovski put 138, Rijeka).
The program is run under the name Living room 2019. - Drenova Summer Cinema The films are from the holdings of KineDok, supported by ECOC 2020-27 Neighbourhoods.
You can find out more about each film by clicking on the title of the film.
Projection plan (in case of rain will be held in the hall on the floor of the Regional Museum):
Title of the film Earth Screening date on Drenova
1. Brothers Norway, 2015 07/06/2019
2. Exit Norway, 2018 21/06/2019
3. Infinite Football Romania, 2018 28/06/2019
4. Josipa I love te Croatia, 2018 05/07/2019
5. King skate Czech Republic, 2018 02/07/2019
6. Mečiar: The craving for power Slovakia, 2018 19/07/2019
7. Tarzan's testicles Romania, 2018 26/07/2019
8. Days of Madness Croatia, 2018 02/08/2019
9. In case of war Czech Republic, Slovakia, 2018 27/09/2019
10. Putin's Witnesses Latvia, Switzerland, Czech Republic 4.10.2019
Entrance is absolutely free, the bricks are guaranteed!



On this day Ivo Grohovac from Rijeka passed away

On this day Ivo Grohovac from Rijeka passed away. Find out more in a short film prepared by our Christian Grailach worth exploring through the archives of Rijeka.

27 Neighborhoods Activities Without Borders ECOC 2020

Successful visit to friends in Daruvar

What was it like in Daruvar, what did we do and who were our hosts?

Successful visit to friends in Daruvar - find out more on the site Radio Daruvara