Without Borders The history of Drenov

If you don't get stuck...

Recall the famous exhibition If you don't get stuck... 2004 by Albert Mihich and Christian Graiach

Activities Without Borders National

MUSEUM NIGHT 2022 at Drenova Social Centre - Drenove Heritage Museum

This year's Museum Night will be held in Friday 28 January 2022 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. the main theme is Between Real and Digital.

Association Without Borders, which runs the Regional Museum of Drenova, and which operates within the Drenova Social Center, will present a large exhibition on the theme “The famous people of Drenovci – why they are so important to us for the history of our region”.

The exhibition will be hybrid – physically in a fully digital space on the museum’s multimedia platform and online FB Video Stream.

At 7:00 p.m. you will be able to watch the conversation that Damir Medved led with Chistian Grailach i Albert Mihich about our Drenovci, and why we think that they have indebted us and that they are worth remembering.

In preparation for this exhibition, additional research was carried out, so now we are able to present and some previously unpublished documents derived from Archives of Arolsen (International Archive for the Prosecution of Nazi Crimes) and they concern the fate of our Drenovci.

In this exhibition we will remember:

Gabriel Bratine

Vila Štefana

Brothers Pants

Ružica Mihić

Orlando Kučić

Ivana Žorža

Bruno Francetić

Stanko Franković

Sergia Tuconia

Welcome back!

Note: sightseeing of the Drenova Regional Museum and the exhibition will take place respecting epidemiological measures and Covid-19 certificates are required, and all adults should wear masks indoors.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Sergio Turconi

Sergio Turconi, one of the most reliable and respectable names that the Italian community of Rijeka could boast in the field of literary criticism, was born in Caronno Petrusella near the town of Varese in 1928, and died on Drena in 2019. He arrived in Rijeka in the second half of 1946 to participate in the construction of socialism in society with Alessandro Damiani i Giacomo Scottie. All three came from Italy, at short intervals from each other and from different regions, and all three started working in EDIT publications, starting with “La Voce del Popolo“, where Turconi was the first editor, and later other publications. Turconi has always been involved in the cultural sector mainly as a literary and historical critic of literature.

La Battana Quarterly Promoter for Culture

He should also be remembered as a promoter, together with Luciano Giuricino, the two-week ‘Via Giovanili’ and the three-month period for culture ’La Battana“, of which he was editor-in-chief from 1964 to 1989, together with Eros Sequi and Lucifer Martini. He remained attached to the Italian Community even when he left Rijeka for Belgrade at the beginning of the 1960s, where he was a correspondent ’La Voce’ and where he graduated and obtained his doctorate with the dissertation “Italian Neorealist Poetry” (1970). Later, he was a lecturer at the Department of Italian Studies at the Faculty of Philology of the University in the capital of Yugoslavia, in that position until his retirement in 1997. For many years he travelled between Belgrade and Istria, making a valuable contribution to the creation of new pages of literature by Italians of these countries. In 2014, he returned from Belgrade to Rijeka on Drenovo, where he spent the last years of his life.

For decades he was engaged with “La Battana” in the organization of conferences of writers at the international level and during that time worked on the survival and growth of literature in the ranks of the Italian community of Istria and Kvarner. He was, along with Giacomo Scotti, the last survivor of the second generation of our writers. After Ramous, Sequi and Martini, three of Italian descent, Turconi was the first in the three that also included Damiani and Scotty.

Commitment to the affirmation of Italian literature (CNI)

There is no periodic publication of EDIT, from daily newspapers to journals that have entered its history, on whose pages Turconi's texts do not meet. We should not forget its important role at the international conferences of critics and historians of literature for the affirmation of literary creativity of the CNI.

Turconi has always preferred literary criticism and essayism over his artistic work. His main researches are the study of neorealist cinema (‘Neorealism’, Nolit, Belgrade, 1961) and literary criticism entitled ‘Italian neorealist poetry’ (Mursia, Milan, 1977). Only a few times he devoted literature to personal writings. Among his essays, it is worth noting the “Literature of Italians in Yugoslavia and its Emigrants”, in the “Literatures of Emigration” (prepared by Jean-Jacques Marchand, Issues of the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation, Turin, 1991). In this text, Sergio Turconi reaffirmed the fundamental historical role of the first generation of compatriot writers, passed on to those of the new generation.

The history of Drenov Drenovski list

Drenovski list No 31

April 2013, the eighth year of publication of the list


The MO Council is looking for a solution for the survival of the Dvd Drenova Singing Choir

Choir DVD Drenova

At its meeting of 25 March 2013, VMO Drenova considered the problems in the work of the Singing Choir DVD Drenova and concluded that we must urgently seek the help of the competent authorities in order to avoid the shutdown of this very important component of all cultural events on Drenova.

The singing choir DVD Drenova has been operating for many years (founded in 2005), and its members actively participate in all the activities carried out in the area of MO Drenova and it can be said that without them we can hardly imagine the realization of any major event on Drenova. These are literally dozens of local concerts, performances in the city (already traditional performance in Filodrammatica as part of "Drenova na Korzo") and performances in the region and beyond.

The choir DVD Drenova was until this year financed by DVD Drenova and members' contributions, but due to the change in the legal framework and the lack of funds for the needs of firefighting, DVD Drenova is no longer able to finance the further work of the choir.

Culture on the periphery – the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning?

Annual expenses are significant (tens of thousands of kuna) and relate to the choir leader's fee and transportation costs for performances. Since most members of the choir are pensioners, it is clear that they cannot finance the work themselves, so they are threatened by serious difficulties in work, and it is possible to shut down the choir. Also, it is quite clear that the City is in a difficult financial situation and that it is difficult to find funds for culture, but even in difficult times we need to find space for "spiritual food", and especially for the activities of such small societies. Of course, the priorities of the City are large projects and institutions, but smaller projects also bring a large number of collateral benefits for peripheral communities.

The Drenova MO does not have the possibility to directly financially help the Choir, but the VMO has repeatedly proposed to redistribute the funds at the disposal of the local committees – we are the first, and most other more active MOs will certainly give up a dozen meters of "asphalt" for programs that are more important to us, and culture and education are certainly among our priorities. Unfortunately, such redeployments have so far been impossible due to administrative obstacles (the obligation to spend funds for communal priorities), but we are sure that with the additional involvement of the head of the DG for Culture, Mr Šarar, the mayor and even the City Council, some systemic solution to this pressing problem can be defined.

Therefore, VMO Drenova believes that it is necessary to find a way to support the work of the Association, especially in the context of the efforts and numerous projects that we are carrying out with the support of the City in the area of Drenova (establishment of the Regional Museum, creation of the digital archive of Drenova's memories, the arrangement of the amphitheater in cooperation with GKR, numerous programs and performances of painters and musicians, etc.) - especially in the context of the Cultural Development Strategy of the City of Rijeka 2013-2020. It is an excellent material that addressed some very important issues of the position of culture in the City of Rijeka, and especially the often neglected aspects of financing. Current state in which MO programs receive 0.77%, associations in MO 0.26% funds for cultural activities (HRK 40,000 in total) – or 0,005 % The budget of the City of Rijeka is simply difficult to explain to citizens who are just the most interested in this type of local culture. I do not intend at all to compare the price/performance of a good part of the event, i.e. that a large part of the culture budget is spent on the salaries of employees and the cold operation of only one institution - HNK Rijeka, and in fact (too) a small part on concrete programmes, especially on the periphery of the local boards. The great advantage of "small" cultural facilities is that the funds are spent precisely on concrete programmes (because they are volunteers), so according to this criterion the use of budgetary funds is significantly more efficient, etc. In general, the funds for supporting individual projects are very small (often amounting to several thousand kuna), which cannot cover even the most basic activities.

Culture is not a cost, but an investment.

I believe that culture is not a cost, but an investment in the future (and someone will say in the present), especially when it is realized by volunteers who, by their own engagement, directly and indirectly repeatedly return the received funds back to the community.

For example, a new study on the economic impact on the wider social community created by non-profit and cultural organizations found that their contribution to the overall economy of Chicago is at least $2.2 billion a year.

The spending supports more than 60,000 equivalent full-time jobs, generates a total of $1.3 billion in income for local households, and generates $214 million in revenue for local and state government.

Of course, Chicago is far from Rijeka in all dimensions, but the study shows what we can hope for if culture stops being viewed solely as a cost and if goals and strategies are correctly defined.

VMO Drenova and the subcommittee for culture are working on the material that we will submit as a suggestion for the Strategy, and it concerns precisely the issue of "culture on the periphery" and the need to disperse cultural content from the center to the city's "bedrooms", i.e. activating the creative potential of local communities.

Nevertheless, the problem of financing the choir DVD Drenova requires, in addition to the necessary help of the City, wider engagement of all residents of Drenova, especially entrepreneurs who could help us not permanently extinguish this important point of positive energy and creativity on Drenova. Of course, the Choir itself must be more engaged in finding funds, possibly through EU projects for the preservation of audiovisual heritage in the context of the local Drenove Museum. Let us hope, therefore, that we are not at the beginning of the end of the activity of the singing choir DVD Drenova, but at the end of the beginning of work in unclear conditions and the transition to a substantially more stable and fruitful regime of activity to the joy of the locals of our MO.

Damir Medved


Robbery, violence and mindless devastation of drain plantations

Much negative has been ordained on Drenova in recent months. Intrusions into apartments are frequent, with thieves becoming more and more ruthless and arrogant, intruding into apartments while the household members are sleeping, breaking into shops and social facilities, and scenes of street violence. It falls into objects that are well lit and in the center of the village without any fear.

We come to the situation that students of elementary school. Fran Franković can't play on their own playground because teachers can't deal with bullies who have appropriated the terrain. Despite numerous reports to the police, the problem has not been solved, in fact it is constantly escalating.

Many people comment that for the first time in twenty years they feel frightened and insecure in their own homes, thinking about getting alarm systems or guard dogs.

Particularly insane is the last insane outburst when an unknown person plucked a drain tree planted in autumn, just at the moment when it blossomed announcing a brighter time. Only with the quick action of the communal services and the Dren Association (especially Mrs. Lukanović who organized the planting action) the situation has been remedied and hopefully the trees will survive this senseless act.

What are the causes of this crime explosion on Drenova? Poverty, unemployment or the sheer ruthlessness and arrogance of wanton young people, who (and probably their parents) should be brought into ‘order’.

File:Neighborhood watch sign.JPG
Frequent pictures abroad, soon to be on Drenova?

Henry G. Cisneros writes in The Human Face of the Urban Environment:

As the poor begin to predominate in specific parts of the city, their problems grow progressively. (...) The increasing concentration of poor, mostly neglected people, is accompanied by a drastic increase in unemployment, greater and more permanent dependence on social assistance, huge health problems and, most intimidatingly, an increase in crime.

Henry G. Cisneros

Derelict buildings dotted with graffiti, a derelict environment, throwing garbage in the middle of settlements, creating illegal dumps of building materials in the middle of green areas create an additional impression of general anarchy that is increasingly difficult to fight. I personally attended the helpless rage of the citizens who had just paid dearly for the renovation of the facade, only a few days later the investment of ten thousand euros would be destroyed by a spray of twenty kunas. He says that the worst thing is that no one does anything - for the police it is a minor offense, the municipal guard is powerless - the only thing left to him is to find a "pest" and seek compensation for damage by private lawsuit. And with the efficiency of our judiciary, the damages will be met by his grandchildren.

The decline in the quality of life in cities is one of the reasons why many of them stop attracting businesses offering jobs. The book says:

Companies move to suburbs or abroad, closing factories and leaving devastated land behind — abandoned buildings on poisoned land where toxic substances are buried and which are completely unsuitable for further use.

Henry G. Cisneros

Any resemblance to Mlaka is purely coincidental. As a result, in many cities, poor people inhabit areas.

where environmental problems are simply ignored — areas where sewage systems are in disintegration; where there is no adequate water purification; where the junkyards are full of pests that enter people's homes; where little children scrape lead paint off the walls of dilapidated apartment buildings and eat it... where it seems no one cares about anything.

Henry G. Cisneros

In such an environment, crime, violence and despair flourish.

In a South American city known for its modern architecture, crime is so widespread that wherever you turn, your view falls on the iron bars. All residents of the city, from the wealthiest to the poorest, erect iron fences to protect their property and privacy. People actually live in cages. Some bars put in before they finish the house.

We certainly do not want to live in such a city and such a local committee, and I have already written about it several times. Therefore, we must not be passive and allow bullies to destroy our efforts and property. Of course, no one expects citizens to directly confront bullies, but today really everyone has a cell phone with a camera and can at least help with photography to find offenders, punish them and compensate for the damage done multiple times. There is also our contact police officer who can certainly influence such incidents to be resolved, but he also needs help in identifying the perpetrators. Help can also be completely anonymous.

How to motivate our hard-working volunteers who spend their time and money to make it nicer for all of us, and then some fool destroys months of effort in a few minutes?

Just so that he makes up tenfold for every broken plant, every scratched car, every scattered façade, every destroyed waiting room or bench. Any ‘difficult material situation’ is no excuse – it will compensate for the damage through its own work.

Our problems will not be solved by anyone from the outside – we have to take care of our own safety – outside this concept is known as "Neighborhood watch" – where citizens look after their property and that of their neighbours in an organised manner and report any suspicious activity to the police.

Perhaps the time has come for us to organize ourselves on Drenova as well.

Damir Medved


Pursuant to Article 6 Decisions on the method of financing the activities of local committees in the territory of the City of Rijeka (Official Gazette of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County Nos 41/08 and 44/09) and Article 46 of the Statute of the City of Rijeka (Official Gazette of Primorje-Gorski Kotar County No: 24/09 and 11/10), the City Council of the City of Rijeka, at its 33rd session held on 20 December 2012, adopted the Plan for the allocation of funds for municipal priorities in the area of local boards in 2013, according to which a total of HRK 1,100.000,00 was foreseen for the area of the Dreno Local Board. For which priorities and how much funding is allocated, please refer to the attached table:

MO DRENOVA TOTAL: 1.100.000,00
Development of the main design of the parking lot next to the playground of the “Fran Franković” Elementary School25.000,00
Pavement design in Drenovski put street at house numbers 73A, 67A and 67 A/p60.000,00
Decorating the choline in Proslopski put street below house numbers 5 and 622.000,00
Pavement design in Kablarska cesta street at house number 3525.000,00
Arrangement of access concrete paths and curbs in S. Frankovića street at house numbers 25, 27, 29 and 3125.000,00
Landscaping of green areas in Stanko Franković Street at house numbers 25, 27, 29 and 3127.000,00
Landscaping of the green area at the junction of Cvjetna Street at house number 13 and Stanko Franković Street45.000,00
Horticultural landscaping in Severinska street at house number 45.000,00
Maintenance of fences in the area of the Drenova Local Committee30.000,00
Maintenance of fences in the area of the Drenova Local Committee25.000,00
Rehabilitation of pavements along St. George's Street150.000,00
Landscaping for household waste containers in Bok street at house number 2A3.000,00
Landscaping for household waste containers at the junction of Orešje Street with Drenovski put Street3.000,00
Landscaping at the beginning of Orešje Street at the junction with Drenovski put Street20.000,00
Expansion of a part of the roadway for the formation of a parking lot in Orešje street west of house number 625.000,00
Landscaping in Orešje street west of house number 620.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Mugarićka street at house number 927.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Cvetkov trg street at house number 2 (phase 2)18.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Šamburinski put street at house number 14 B7.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Proslopski put street by house number 610.000,00
Expansion of public lighting in Drenovski put street at house number 7519.000,00
Refurbishment of Tsvetkov Square - Phase I509.000,00

Dynamic plan of implementation of program activities of IC Drenova in 2013


Dynamic plan for installing public lighting in the area of MO Drenova in 2013


Dynamic plan of maintenance and works of Rijekapromet d.d. in the area of IC Drenov for 2013


MESOPUST 2013 – So that old uncles don't get wiped out

And this leto zasopal is an antonym horn
Lino Fiškal is hanged and awaiting verdict

The carnival customs on Drenova have a long and rich history of which you can read more about, with the attached photo gallery, on the website of our local board.

Queen and Meštar on Lokve

Unfortunately, in the late 1970s, there was some stagnation, although the custom never went out. In 1998, a group of enthusiasts decided to renew the old nuns of masquerading and restore Dreno's joy and joy that this beautiful, ancient custom offers. Thus, on January 17, at Antonje, about fifteen people hung themselves empty and set off on a tour around Gornja Drenova and its surroundings.

In the first years the desert was lifted and set on fire on Lokva pul Frlanoveh, and in recent years this old custom has been held in front of the community house on Lokva. Since 1998, the tour has been held again on Antonje. Masquerades gather at Lokva, and with the sounds of Antony's horn and smokey music, they raise their desolate, sing, dance and take their usual route: Tonići, Podbreg, Skvažići, Benčani, Saršoni, Biškupi, Lučići, Krasa, Marišćina and Marčelji and then to the Viškovo home on a masked pan. For several years, the organization of carnival events was carried out by the Regional Association Drenova. As their successor last year, in 2012 the Association for the Preservation of Cultural and Smoking Customs “Stare gedore” was officially founded. The association currently has around 70 members – adults and children.

Thanks to the Old Gedors, this year again at Antonje in front of his home on Lokva, the sound of the Antonian horn was heard and, of course, Pusta was raised, which was given its current name this year – Lino Fiškal. Many cheerful people from Drenovci, and even more so the organizers, were pleasantly surprised by the unannounced appearance of the royal couple - this year's Queen of Carnivals Vedrana and Meštr Toni. It was an exceptional recognition for the efforts that the association is making and the increasingly visible results.

Members of the Old Gedors, as a very notable group masked as clowns, participated in the carnival parade at this year's Rijeka, Halubaj and Lovran carnivals.

Bad weather on the Pusno sred did not allow too many people to attend the trial of Lino Fiškal, but he could not avoid his fate. The old sailors mercilessly condemned him, as has always been the case, to the penalty of burning, and before that his sins were revealed in a sermon:

Judi, this flying was the pulse of us Lino Fiškal and it's still there, just a cha hanging, and it started beautifully with his born. It's not even true nor a storil, but it's the beginning of the sakakova monade. And when we punished him and hung him, his first was that he was kidnapped. It's been a while since we caught him, and here he hangs and waits for the devil's justice. And tonight we're judging him, so let it be.

We have to decide it's Fiškal's fault that one man was losing keys to the car and that's your few meters as far as he walked to the sharps and shawl is a shawl to tell. They showered more than once, but the keys were not found, and then someone called him on his cell phone and joked that he had keys to his car. Well, he's caring for $500 if he gets the keys. Only if it wasn't a real finder, he had 500 kuna left in his pocket, and the keys were found on the wall in a few days. And since they got there, it's only this devil here who knows.

And my people know that winter is the right time for sausage and dried meat. So one man's storil a nice meat smoker sucks and it's a nice pobelil. When it was over, it looked so beautiful that he and his wife decided that it would be served by the summer kitchen on the flight. The meat had to be dried first. So that the walls wouldn't be sharpened, they covered their walls with cardboard and honed them. And then they put the meat in the dimetto. Ma judi moji, ‘da dimet’, it is such a beautiful fire so that half the villages have smoked, the sausages have burned down the defecation, and the walls have begun blazing leh va chimney. A caring man, now his best bet is to let go. If you don't do anything else, it's gonna be a real smokehouse. And the summer kitchen is not needed - the sea bit and cook vane are flown by.

Old Gedore
Old gedores at the Rečken Carnival
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

And hear the suspension of the jude, my dears. One man drove at nine o'clock in the morning already fanj nakraman, over three milliseconds. And the police fermalala j' him and the woman told him that she was walking out of the car. He's not even a dal, but in the end he gave in and the devil made a joke and morality is walking home. It's a good thing they didn't want him sober. He's the only one who can get his fill, and all he knows is him and this devil here. And we think this Fiskal here is to blame for that, too.

Listen to this: When it was time for mushrooms, some of your Gorski kotar went on porcini mushrooms and they picked a fanj. They went to the same place on the second day, without being overtaken by anyone, and they went to the same place on the six-and-a-half-morning morning. It was still a scoop when they made their way through the woods to the place where they would pick their tubs. There they were greeted by a bear, no matter what the bear - a real, straight bear. They were good dogs and at 8 and a half they were home, just hanging the road without porcini mushrooms. What does Lino Fiškal have to say about that?

And one man, a fan of gasoline, wanted to make it sharper, so he went home, not on the main road, but to come home faster, the scarf was shortened, on the road that is narrow. He was also amazed at how the hands of imel va zeppe spurred a fanj deep inside of you. Your cheek was scratched and nailed, and then on the second day he said that he was cepal and his tree flew away and his whole cheek and nose bruised. And my people, wood popul houses the theme of the man nigdere not even. And that's Lino Fiškal's fault, and that's why he's gonna burn your hell.?

And you know judi my dear cha is the greatest happiness today? It's a good thing we don't get paid and then we don't misappropriate bathtubs to hold this trial. We don't have to use the salo anymore. The chigova was spinning, and the municipality and the year-old Obi are not interested in her, nor is she profitable. So out of judi, this Drenova, with over ten hijad of judi, stayed on the roads, so nice that youth or old age and stature what a festivity - not the sea. Or he has to pass fanj veil procedure, just your private arrangements. Well, cheerful nan either. Here's Lino, and that's what you set up, that's why you're gonna pay.

Fiškal is badly burned, and let snow go on and worry about our Drenovci. Second flight to Antony, we'll find another culprit. We thank sen who support us, welcome and help your part of the association.

Alen Rožić

The Drenov Cowboys

The Drenov Cowboys

After the Second World War, the then government tried to present carnival customs as historical remains that were overcome by the then ideology. However, the people of Drenovci did not just forget the old customs and soon after the war, despite this ideology and even prohibitions, they mark the carnival in the same way as their old ones did. Already in the early fifties, they began to disguise themselves in a cowboy uniform, which was a traditional Drenov mask for the next ten years. Shortly afterwards, in 1954, a group of Drenov cowboys, after taking photographs in the cult Photo “Belvedere”, descended and walked down the Rijeka Korzo and thus were the forerunners and paved the way for the Rijeka Carnival, which became famous all over the world. The next day, ‘Novi list’ from Rijeka published an article about this unusual event, entitled ‘Where is their pride?’. Such were the times...

Christian Grailach

Association "Without Borders" Drenovčani enjoyed "Night at the Border"

The Foundations of the Future Local Museum

The building where the museum's rooms are located

The opening attracted a lot of interest from the people of Drenovci.

Drenova gave a well-noticed contribution to the Night of Museums in 2013! On Friday, 25 January, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., a very interesting program was held to open and present the newly renovated premises of the Drenova MO, intended for the future Drenova Heritage Museum – under the symbolic name Night at the Border.

The event attracted almost unexpectedly great interest from Drenovci of all generations, from the elderly who wanted to remember how it used to be lived on Drenova, to curious children and schoolchildren who looked with interest at Frano Franković's writing desk, almost centuries-old radio devices and sewing machines, the display of old photographs, each of which tells a perhaps forgotten story...

The lectures were interesting to young people and seniors alike.

Through the space at the address Drenovski put 138A, in the building where Drenovski vrtić and infirmary and auto parts store once operated, whose historical value is reflected in the fact that it once stood on the border of several states, hundreds of Drenovčani and their guests attracted by both curiosity and an interesting program that included an exhibition of old photographs, several attractive lectures and film projections with testimonies of older Drenovčani about life on Drenova once.

The opening of the premises of the future Drenova Regional Museum is a major step forward after the now two-year work of the “Without Borders” Society, the initiator of the Drenova Museum project, which was initially conceived with a virtual exhibition using the latest technologies and internet tools, and is now revived in “physical” form. All this was achieved in close cooperation with the Drenova Local Committee and with the support of the Department of City Self-Government and Administration, which, moreover, allocated the aforementioned space for the Regional Museum, recognizing the general social value of the project and serious intentions, great energy and love for the project of agile members of the society “Without Borders”. This desire and energy are best reflected in the fact that in just a few weeks in January, the members of the society “Without Borders” alone, with the logistical support of the Department of City Self-Government and Administration, renovated the neglected space of the former auto parts store in such a way that the space was cleaned, including large glass surfaces, complete painting works were carried out, plumbing and dressed carpentry were also trained for the first hand, in order to be able to access the basic task of the Society - collecting objects, scanning documents and digitizing the entire exhibition material so that the exhibits can be accessed both in the museum space and with the use of Internet 3D technology. The members of the Society themselves designed the presentation of the exemplary museum exhibition, imagining and realizing projections of film testimonies with the use of computer presentation programs. It can be said that the first phase of the activity of the society “Without Borders” had its grand and well-deserved finale on Friday, January 25, when the newly renovated space and the exhibition of the Museum was presented to the public, which is yet to be further upgraded and described, the seventh and eighth Drenovski students realized their program in the form of a very interesting interactive quiz, where questions and answers related to some of the most important people and events from Drenovska and Rijeka history. With an extremely interesting quiz presented, all other museum visitors could have fun and renew their knowledge.

You give me a little bit with teacher Filipovic...
Students near the desk and with a picture of Fran Franković
Aren't these Zorches?

The lecture was then given by the famous Rijeka historian and publisher Goran Moravček, the initiator of the online Rijeka Encyclopaedia project -, who reminded everyone in an accessible way of the historical turbulences in the Rijeka area, where many countries and cultures have touched upon each other over the centuries. The peculiarity of Drenova is that over the past decades, the border of several countries has been located here!

Kristian Benić, a professor of history and philosophy and an expert associate of the Rijeka City Library, spoke through a lecture titled Dream Society about new concepts of presenting museum contents that, with an innovative marketing approach (“talking a story” in a new way), can result in certain favorable economic effects.

In the lecture “Cultural tourism – where we are in this story”, the tourist employee Saša Torbica spoke about the experience of great tourist ways offering great added value to the tourists of the center with the presentation and use of their cultural heritage in attracting guests to their destinations, which to this similar innovative and modern approach to tourism is necessary in Croatian tourism, and this small but valuable role can be played by projects such as the Regional Museum of Drenova.

An interesting quiz was prepared by teachers and students of Elementary School

The president of the association “Dren” Vesna Lukanović, also a member of the society “Without Borders”, spoke about the synergy of associations on Drenova through a short speech with the Egyptian “Drenovčani u akcija”, and a short film “Drenovska sjećanja” was shown in which our fellow Inca citizens and Rino Štefan shared their memories, who lived their lives at one Drenovska address, but in even several countries! Even after the official end of the “Night on the Border” programme, many people from Drenovci stayed in the shining white space of the Museum for a long time, viewing the exhibits and the special exhibition of old photographs by Christian Graiach, vividly commenting on famous and unknown photographed persons with whom they grew up a long time ago, some of whom are still their friends, and some of whom could only be seen again on this occasion – at least in an old photograph. If only for this reason, every effort invested by the members of “Without Borders” society has already paid off very much!

Robert Zeneral


Society of Heritage Prayers "Without Borders" Drenova - Rijeka.

One of the main goals of society:

Through friendly gathering of members of the Society, improve and organize fundraising to help the establishment of the Drenova Heritage Museum as an institution of special cultural importance for the locals of Drenova, the City of Rijeka and the Republic of Croatia.

Find out more at the Internet address:

ACTIONS - Exhibition of participants of an art workshop

At the opening, the choir DVD Drenova performed
Authors with their leader Biserka Mihić

Although an article about them was published in the last issue of our list, the participants of the art workshop Biserka Mihić deserve to be heard again about their activity. Namely, this year they have also prepared an exhibition of their paintings on the occasion of celebrating Women's Day. Works with recognizable motifs of the city of Rijeka and Primorje are exhibited. More than 30 exhibited works are equipped with frames that were selflessly made this time by the famous Drenov painter Alberto Mihich, which is his gift to women for their day. A lot of good will, love for his hobby and volunteerism is hidden behind the exhibited works, and each exhibition also shows significant progress in artistic expression.

Valuable hands of our Drenovčica, not only know how to paint beautifully, but they are also skilled at making various cakes, which further delighted everyone present. The DVD Drenova Choir, led by maestro Zoran Badjuk, performed at the opening of the exhibition.

The works were presented by the participants: Jadranka Vidučić, Ester Niessner, Marijana Oršolić, Marija Dornik, Vesna Sokolić Dutina, Biserka Pintač, Sanja Kovačić, Neda Tončinić, Miranda Mikuličić and Ivana Koren. The participants of the art workshop have so far exhibited in the space of MO Drenova, as well as on Korzo in the space of Filodrammatica.

For her work in the art workshop, the manager Biserka Mihić received the recognition of the Association for Civil Society Development Smart for 2011. Workshops are held every Tuesday afternoon in the premises of MO Drenovo.

Dolores Linić


The above photo from the album of the longtime teacher of Drenovska škola Dragica Filipović was taken in 1954. This was taken at the end of last summer, not exactly from the same place, but it clearly shows how much our Drenova has changed.

THE ASSOCIATION DREN Spring has come, they have blossomed drenched

With lepen weather awaits us fanj noviga dela

Finally nan and spring approached, and on Drenova we moved yellow flowers from drenjul to stableh to we planted the Autumn Dog. We were balling to make sure it didn't happen, and it was fanj veil winter. Now we're pretty sure they've been groping each other for a while. Drenjula has honey blossoms, so the sea can see the wonders of the bee whirling around them. This is another value of our work, another benefit for nature around us. Z ten we must be delighted.


Oh, how and vavek, not even so good. Young firefighter Kruno, javil nan is one evening, that the two drains were smashed on the Brceh pul library. It was a storm, so we thought the wind was confusing. When we came to the place, it was terrible. Some showed their raw strength, so they drained the ziscobal together with thick stakes that they hold and guard from the bora. And since the parietal was snowy, it was used with a shrouded little earth so that the southern roots wouldn't freeze. And on the second morning came the camels from the city, and they were planted again. We saw first that some of these trees bothered, they abused some branches of your parking lot because of the churches. I don't know who might be doing it, but if you see the kega, take him to the point where she's worn the symbol of our place. If that's how schoolwork is, let's give the school a tub that was yellow and that was planted by the children and teachers from the Fran Franković school. And they will be proud of their work to the sea, and together we will wait for them to ripen. Only we sea bat dry, but if there is a calf of flax, we could dry out, the calf happened this summer and your Drenovske forest, so we did not mistletoe the autumn from which marmalade delat.

Whenever the Dren Association is mentioned and we are engaged in it, the judi somehow cheer up, and they spammed when they were children, when they picked their nap, when the grandmothers and moms shared sweets for their children. There's some nostalgia. It is said that once a person breaks into a marmalade from a slumber, that he never has to scoop it up, but that it is something of the best in the world.

There's more fancy work waiting for us. Drenjule have already been dug and fed z humuson kega nan has remained since the flax. We plan again for the action called “Green Cleanup” and gre on April 20th to clean up the grass and disturb the pul Lokvice (school children call it “barica”). We will organize a meeting with the association “Without Borders” and the Council of the local board of Drenova.

You will read more about this power on the MO website. Thanks semi who helped nan and lane and thank you very much who together will help us to preserve our Drenov natural wealth. So we decided to take care of the pond? Ash is an inexhaustible puddle where the ancients used to climb treasures to drink water, and water is a veil of wealth. We plan on placing wooden benches on the tenth place so that various cultural events can be held there, Kot ča is reading a picture book to small children, poetry evenings and who knows who else. We applied for a kega project in one city competition called “Miracle Forest” and it is the beginning of care for strengthening cultural activities in our region. Wow, your new POS will settle on Drenovo some new young families z decun, first university delavci moved in and you need such facilities to stop being a village bathe leh spi, and for the second you have to six va auto, but on the bus and unplug v Reku for the chagod you use.

C:\Documents and Settings\Kiko\My Documents\My Pictures\Today\DSC08879.JPG
Kterna Pulpa Kablari

As far as the RPLP project is concerned (Recekega program of local partnership) our project under the name “Revitalization of Komunjska šterni” was once again recognized by your City as very good (the best!), we signed an agreement and now we have to organize ourselves so that the wells are your city's al state property, clean them from the grass, fix the tubs used as scoops, tidy up the rustic covers on the cisterns and install wooden benches for rest and a little circle. The entire project is conceived much wider and we will operate it through a couple of flights. When there are severe droughts, we will use water from the well's power to water the drainage.

On last year’s “Drain Revitalisation” project, one more thing remained for nan. We have to set up three wooden boards with chemists and we will indicate when the planted ones were drained and who your complexion took part, so that the sake that grazes there will be a magic spell that grows there. Thank you Bertot Mihich ki nan painted the plates. He said he wasn't a cop, but he'd be happy to give one hand to our action. You'll see how beautiful the part of the storil is.

Greetings seh, be nan HEALTHY COOT(s)!

Vesna Lukanović


Programme of arrangement of containers for bulk waste in 2013


Invitation to participate in the action “Let's choose the most beautiful garden, balcony and window”

As part of the work programme, the Council of the local committee of Drenova is once again organizing the action “Let's choose the most beautiful garden, balcony and window” in 2013. Notifications and all necessary information can be obtained at the headquarters of the Drenova Local Committee.

Interested citizens can apply from April 15 to May 6, 2013, at the headquarters of MO Drenova, Cvetkov trg 1, by phone 255-275 or e-mail: Applications are accepted on weekdays from Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.

Note: In the absence of the secretary, proposals may be submitted to the Department of City Self-Government and Administration, the Directorate for Local Self-Government, Trpimirova 2/IV or by telephone 209-297.

Invitation to citizens, authorized representatives of co-owners of residential and commercial buildings and citizens' associations

The City of Rijeka – Department for City Self-Government and Administration – Department for Local Self-Government informs citizens, authorized representatives of co-owners of residential and commercial buildings and citizens' associations that proposals for the arrangement and maintenance of utility infrastructure facilities (small municipal actions) for 2014 are received at the headquarters of local committees from 2 to 20 April 2013.

Small communal interventions such as: construction of children's playgrounds, arrangement of green areas, parking lots, installation of bus waiting rooms, installation of public lighting bodies, asphalting of unclassified roads, pavement design, pavement design, stormwater drainage, arrangement of traffic signalization and technical road elements, rehabilitation of wild dumps, etc.


Filodrammatica Hall

Monday 20 May at 7 p.m.

Choir and klapa DVD Drenova, students of Fran Franković Elementary School,

Stipe Bilić – piano, opening of the exhibition of Drenov painters



Singing Chorus DVD DRENOVA





Singing Chorus DVD DRENOVA


Entrance free

Drenovski list, factsheet for the area of the Drenova-Rijeka Local Committee, published quarterly

SOURCER: MO Drenova Council - Subcommittee on Culture, Rijeka, Cvetkov trg 1

Tel: 255- 275, Fax: 504-570, e-mail:, Internet address:

RESPONSIBLE EDITOR: Damir Medved EDITOR: Christian Grailach

EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: Christian Grailach, Marina Frlan Jugo, Božana Maršanić, Marino Štefan, Robert Zeneral

PHOTOS IN THIS NUMBER: Christian Grailach, Dolores Linić, Vesna Lukanović, Draško Maršanić, Robert Zeneral

CONFIDENTIALITY: 1,000 copies PRESS: DES - Split

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Remembrance of the liberation of Rijeka and Drenova

The Society "Without Borders" marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Rijeka with a tribune Remembrance of the liberation of Rijeka and Drenova, held at the Drenova Heritage Museum, where the elderly Drenovci recounted memories of the days of war and the struggle for the liberation of Rijeka.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Remembrance of Drenov: Luigi Teragli

Testimony of World War II and post-war. Unfortunately, there was damage to the SD card, so some parts of the video were lost, and therefore image and tone synchronization. But you can only enjoy the soundtrack.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Remembrance of Drenov: Inka and Petar Štefan

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

The borders of Drenov through the centuries

The border between the Venetian Republic and the Austrian Empire around 1800

The border that until 1797 divided the Venetian and Austrian territories dates back to the Worms Contract from 1521 between Emperor Charles V of Habsburg and Doge Leonardo Loredano, and will last until the collapse of the Venetian state. 

The main feature of the border is the presence of some important enclaves along the western coast of the Adriatic, which broke through the territorial continuity of the two countries. 

Source: Franco Cecotti – Bruno Pizzamei, Eastern borders of Italy 1797-2007

The northern part of the border followed the Carniolan Alps including the valleys of the Degano, Collina, But and Pontebbana rivers, then twisted towards the city of Pontebba to the Julian Alps, and then after a ridge to the south with the peaks of Cergnala, Kanina, reached the Matajur mountain. The territory of the Venetian Republic after the break in the Trieste area expanded in the northeastern part of the Adriatic with the larger (coastal) part of the Istrian coast and the islands of Kvarner.

The Pazin County (inner central part of Istria) remained under the rule of the Counts of Gorizia until 1516, when, by inheritance, it passed into the possession of Austria.
In the mid-18th century, several attempts to regulate and simplify the border in the area of Gorica and Udine gave no result, except for solving the border markings. After the general Treaty between Austria and Venice signed in Gorica in 1756, a minimum exchange of territory was finally agreed, as well as an agreement on occasional border surveillance.

In the northeastern Adriatic, the Kingdom of Croatia, which was part of the Hungarian component of the Habsburg Monarchy, borders the south of the region with Venice Dalmatia, while the city of Rijeka has a special status, as a free port since 1719, and was recognized as a Corpus separatum adnexum under the rule of the Hungarian crown by Maria Theresa in 1779.

The Age of Napoleon

The Arrival of the French Army Napoleon Bonaparte On the territory of northern Italy, the defeat of Austria and the signing of the Treaty of Campoformid (17 October 1797), causes the disappearance of the Republic of Venice and stops the further expansion of the Habsburgs in Venice, Istria and Dalmatia.

Source: Wikipedia — Map of the Illyrian Provinces of 1809.

The boundaries change again in 1805. After the defeat of Austria; the peace signed in Bratslava (Pressburg), allows all conquered territories to be added to the Kingdom of Italy under Napoleon's administration. The border between Austria and the Kingdom of Italy follows the course of the Soča River and then continues along the old Venetian border. New changes were made in 1809 with the establishment of Napoleon's the Illyrian Provinces . After Napoleon's defeat in 1813 at the Battle of Leipzig, the Habsburgs took control of the Illyrian provinces, and in 1816 they founded in their territory the Kingdom of Illyria.

Austrian Littoral, 1815 1918-1918

the Austrian Littoral As an administrative Austrian province, it was founded after the Congress of Vienna (1815) marked the end of Napoleon's previous territorial organization called the Illyrian Provinces.

Source: Wikipedia by Rand McNally World Atlas


In addition to the complex and time-consuming process of integration between the Austrian hereditary territories (Gorica, Trieste, Istria with its internal territory and headquarters in Pazin, Rijeka) and the territories that once belonged to the Venetian Republic (the coasts of Istria, Monfalcone, Grado), between 1814 and 1860 the Austrian authorities finally defined the administrative borders of the Austrian Littoral (or simply the Coast).

In the years 1861-1918, three autonomous units were formed from a political-administrative point of view:
– City of Trieste (has had autonomy since 1825);
– Kneževskogrofovija Gorica and Gradiška , with their administrative seat in Gorica;
Markgrofovija Istria , based in Pula.

Since 1867. The Habsburg monarchy received a new constitutional order with a division into the Austrian Empire and the Hungarian Kingdom. The Austrian littoral belonged to the Austrian part of the Monarchy (as part of Carinthia and Carniola), while Croatia and the autonomous city of Rijeka became part of Hungary.

Treaty of London 1915.

Treaty of London is a secret alliance agreement between Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy, to which Italy accedes with the promise of entering into war with the Central Powers. The Treaty provides for territorial compensation in favour of Italy to the detriment of Austria-Hungary: Trentno and South Tyrol (Alto Adige), Trieste, Gorica, Istria and Dalmatia, but excludes Rijeka.

Source: Wikipedia – Sistemazione territoriale dell’Adriatico orientale in seguito alle promesse fatte a Italia, Montenegro e Serbia col Patto di Londra (1915)

The agreement also envisions Italian participation in the partition of Albania and the possible partition of Turkey as well as German colonies in Africa.

Borders after the First World War in 1918 November 1918, after the end of the First World War, the Habsburg Monarchy ceased to exist and new states were formed in its territories, including Hungary and Yugoslavia (then called: Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, or Kingdom of S.H.S. for short). The definition of the new borders between Austria and Italy was finally established at the Paris peace conference. Treaty of St. Germain (09.10.1919). The Treaty of Rapallo (12.11.1920) regulates the border between Italy and the Kingdom of S.H.S.

Italy renounced the annexation of Dalmatia (with the exception of the city of Zadar and its immediate surroundings), but conquered all other territories provided for by the Treaty of London. Negotiations lasted more than a year because of Italy's intransigence and ambition to appropriate the entire former territory inhabited by Italian minorities, although the prevailing population was of Slavic origin.

Source: Franco Cecotti – Bruno Pizzamei, Eastern borders of Italy 1797-2007

Even after the US president's proposal, the difficulties have not been overcome. Woodrow Wilson 's, about the border line based on the ethnic structure of the population (Wilson line) and because of the increasing tendency of British, French and American diplomacy to yield to Italian demands ended up unfavorably for the Kingdom of S.H.S.

Boundary between 1924 and 1941

Further border changes in the northern Adriatic include the annexation of Rijeka to the Kingdom of Italy, in accordance with the Treaty of Rome.Treaty of Rome) January 27, 1924.11, between the Kingdom of Italy and the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. Under the new agreement, part of the northern area of the Free State of Rijeka and the ports of Baross were ceded to Yugoslavia, while the area of the city and the small coastal strip were annexed to Italy.

The new acquisitions have led to changes in the administrative set-up of the Venezia-Giulia province; The province of Rijeka was founded in 1924, which consists of the territories annexed to Rijeka, as well as some municipalities that previously belonged to the province of Pula. More detailed maps from that period are part of the holdings of the Drenova Regional Museum and are exhibited in the museum's premises.

Maps (examination) of the 1924 demarcation proposal

From 1924 to 1941 the border was unchanged, but neighboring countries changed their name and even ideological sign: Between 1929 and 1929, the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes became the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, while the Republic of Austria was annexed by the Third Reich in 1938 with the name Ostmark.

Province of Ljubljana, 1941

The attack on the Kingdom of Yugoslavia began on 6 April 1941. (Italy with its allies Germany, Hungary and Bulgaria), marked the next stage of Italian expansion to the east.

Source: Franco Cecotti – Bruno Pizzamei, Eastern borders of Italy 1797-2007

The Italian military occupation of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was marked by a large territorial expansion, as on March 5, 1941, large parts of Slovenia and Dalmatia were annexed. The cities of Ljubljana, Novo Mesto and Kočevje, with most of Gorski Kotar, form “Italian” in addition to the previously occupied areas. the Province of Ljubljana.

German occupation in 1943. 1945

Since September 1943. Italy was no longer an occupying power in the northern Adriatic, German forces occupied northern Italy, thus excluding the provinces of Udine, Trieste, Gorica, Pula, Rijeka and Ljubljana from political and military control by the Italian authorities. the Italian Social Republic under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. The newly created German province ’Operational zone Adriatic coastIt is administered directly by the German authorities, headed by High Commissioner Friedrich Rainer.

Allied military operations and the liberation of Yugoslav territory (April-May 1945)

The final phase of the Second World War in the northern Adriatic lasted from April to May 1945, and was marked by a race of two groups of armies opposite the coast to larger urban centers: from the Balkans is IV. The Yugoslav Army advanced rapidly towards Trieste and Gorica, while the collapse of the Gothic Line on 19 April 945 enabled the strong advance of the Anglo-American forces, with strategic goals that were not limited only to northern Italy or Venezia-Giulia, but also to the territory of southern Austria and Germany.

Source: Franco Cecotti – Bruno Pizzamei, Eastern borders of Italy 1797-2007

Aided by the Partisan uprising against the forces of Nazi Germany, on 1 May the soldiers of the Fourth Army of Yugoslavia occupied Trieste, Gorica and the Soča Valley. British forces arrived in the same area on May 2. The control of the cities of Gorica and Trieste was left to the JNA, which arrived first, but some more precisely
No demarcations of allied armies have been made.

The Morgan Line

The division of territory between the victorious armies is defined as the Morgan Line. The first provisional agreement led to the division of the Venezia-Giulia area into two parts: the western part was assigned to the administration of the Anglo-American Army (zone A); and the eastern part was assigned to the administration of the Yugoslav Army (Zone B). Zone A is also the City of Pula with its surroundings.

Source: Franco Cecotti – Bruno Pizzamei, Eastern borders of Italy 1797-2007

This demarcation was confirmed at a meeting held in Belgrade on June 9, 1945 between representatives of Great Britain and the United States of America with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yugoslavia. The Belgrade agreement is a condition for Anglo-American control of the rail and road network from Trieste to Austria, and included the cities of Gorica, Caporeto and Tarvisio. The treaty became enforceable on 12 June 1945, when Yugoslav soldiers withdrew from Pula, Trieste, Gorica and further north along the left bank of Soca.
The demarcations agreed by the Morgan Line ended on 10 February 1947, with the conclusion of the Paris peace talks, and were definitively abandoned until 15 September 1947, when the new border was sealed.

Border lines proposed at the Paris Peace Conference (1946-1947)

On 10 February 1947 a treaty was signed in Paris establishing a new border between the Republic of Italy, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Austria.
Discussions during the negotiations focused on creating new frontier lines in favour of the winner of the war – Yugoslavia.

Source: Franco Cecotti – Bruno Pizzamei, Eastern borders of Italy 1797-2007

The most prone to punishing Italy were representatives of the Soviet Union who moved the border line far to the west (around the border from 1866), with the argument that these are areas with a significant share of the Slovenian population. The English and the Americans proposed border lines with similar arguments (the presence of the Italian population in the coastal area of Istria), but they predicted that the Italians would leave Rijeka and Zadar. The French proposal in the northern part followed the English proposal, while in the southern part it reduced the territory to the Mirna and Novigrad rivers. The Italian government proposed a border line that referred to the second proposal of US President Wilson in 1919, with the abandonment of Rijeka and Zadar. There was no change in the border between Italy and Austria.

Free Territory of Trieste (STT) 1947

At the proposal of France on the demarcation of 1946, it was formed on 15 September 1947. The Free Territory of Trieste, and it is envisaged that the Governor will be appointed by Italy and Yugoslavia, while the United Nations Security Council will guarantee territorial integrity and independence.

Maps - Free Territory of the Tree
Source: Franco Cecotti – Bruno Pizzamei, Eastern borders of Italy 1797-2007

The agreement on the appointment of a joint governor was never implemented, and the Free Territory of Trieste was divided into two parts during its term: Zone A under the temporary administration of the Allied Military Government (AMC) and Zone B under the temporary administration of the Yugoslav Military Government (VUJA).

The London Memorandum (1954) and subsequent treaties

Among the conditions that led to the abolition of the Free Territory of Trieste, a key role should be attributed to the change of relations in the communist states of Eastern Europe; Especially in 1948, when relations between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia broke down.

Source: Wikipedia

The new international scenario was a visibly different attitude of world powers interested in a lasting solution to border issues in the northern Adriatic. If in March 1948 Britain, the US and France were inclined to return the entire territory of the STT to Italy, after June (that is, the break in relations between Stalin and Tito) they no longer advocated such an opinion.
In Zone B, customs barriers with Yugoslavia were abolished and Yugoslav laws were introduced, stressing the intention of annexing the area. At the end of 1951 in Paris, a series of direct meetings was held between Italy and Yugoslavia, but no solution was reached.
A new escalation of the border conflict began in 1953. As a result of military pressure along the border, the authorities of the United States and Great Britain issued a statement of intent to withdraw their military units from Zone A of the Free Territory of Trieste (Two-Day Declaration of October 8, 1953), by which they urged the Italian side to reach a compromise solution, despite the large protests of the local population in Trieste in November 1953.

It was finally signed in London on 5 October 1954. Memorandum between Italy and Yugoslavia, according to which, with minor modifications in the municipality of Muggia, the Italian administration was assigned Zone A and the entire Zone B to the Yugoslav administration, which was operationally implemented in October 1954. The final outcome of the border issue between Yugoslavia and Italy has been resolved the Treaty of Osimo (11.10.1975), which marked the end of 20 years of uncertainty.

New Borders in the Northern Adriatic (1991-2013)

The formation of new states on the territory of Yugoslavia after 1991 did not result in changes of borders with the Republic of Italy or the Austrian Republic, but with the emergence of new states the interrepublican borders become state borders. Unfortunately, the border line between Croatia and Slovenia has not been fully established, and parts of Istria are the subject of a dispute before an international court, although it is actually a border line established back in 1954.
New significant changes in relations between the Northern Adriatic countries are related to the European Union, to which Italy (member since 1958 - European Economic Community), Austria (since 1 January 1995) and Slovenia (since 1 May 2004) belong.

Since 20 December 2007, the border between Italy and Slovenia has lost the character of a bureaucratic filter (the abolition of customs supervision and the removal of most of today's obstacles at border crossings (barriers, caraules, etc.).

Since 1 July 2013, the Republic of Croatia has also joined the European Union, making all the borders of the northern Adriatic countries the internal borders of the EU.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Ivan Cvetko

Ivan Cvetko was born in Delnice, from where he was transferred to Rijeka as a young chaplain to the church of the Assumption of Mary.

At the end of 1836, the City Council of Rijeka decided to establish a parish court on Drenova, which was approved by the Diocese, so on May 1, 1837. Ivan Cvetko, until then parish assistant, elected pastor on Drenova . The following year, he built a parish apartment that still serves the same purpose today. In the parish apartment Ivan Cvetko gathered the more advanced children of Drenova and taught them the first literacy.

Worship was then, for the last 10 years, performed in the chapel of All Saints in today's new cemetery, because the chapel of Our Lady of Carmel, built back in 1628 on the area of the old parish apartment, was in ruins.

By the efforts of Ivan Cvetko in civil and ecclesiastical authorities, the construction of a new church was approved in 1847. In the outer dimensions it was built in only 3 months and Holy Masses began to be held there. It was not consecrated until September 24, 1863 to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel.

At the time of Ivan Cvetko's arrival on Drenovo, the children attended elementary school that was in the building of today's Faculty of Pedagogy. Ivan Cvetko advocated and managed to get permission to build an elementary school building on Drenova. Thus, in 1852, the construction of the first, western part was completed the People's School It consisted of a classroom and a teacher's apartment. The school was attended by 40 to 50 students.

When the third cholera epidemic appeared in Rijeka in 1855, Ivan Cvetko had the task of teaching people hygiene habits in the fight against this vicious disease of those times.

As a pastor, Ivan Cvetko remained on the Drena until 1870, when he gave a farewell speech on July 16, in the today's church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, which was built on his merits. "Goodbye, folks!" were the last words he said and left.

He lived another 14 years in the river. He was buried in the oldest Drenova cemetery, and by the construction of a university settlement his mortal remains were moved to today's Old Cemetery in Donja Drenova. For all the merits with which Ivan Cvetko indebted them, the people of Drenovci repaid by giving his name to the central town square.

Without Borders The history of Drenov National

Ivo Grohovac

Ivo Grohovac was born in 1875 in Grohovo. In his native place, he taught school; He served in Pest, then as a trade assistant in Trieste, and finally in Rijeka.

He has published three collections of poems: Rijeka women (Zagreb 1906), Voices from Kvarner (River 1909) and the River and the Rešćina (River 1912). He has worked extensively, among other things, in the Rijeka Messenger (which he did), the Rijeka Newspaper and in the Rijeka New List. The latter is in the section Once and Now under a pseudonym Tik – tak, From July 1913 to March 1914, he published the Chakavian sublist, in many ways an interesting reading that still offers a kind of insight into the social and cultural reality of Rijeka from the beginning of the 20th century.

An ardent fighter for the Croatian national identity of Rijeka and for the need to preserve the local Chakavian speech, his juicy written articles, apart from testifying to the liveliness of Rijeka's social and cultural scene, They are extremely readable even today..

Lecture by Irvin Lukežić, professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka


Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Birth